Chapter 20

Han Zheng stood in the crowd, secretly looking at the fat villager in the corner from time to time.

At this time, the slightly fat villagers looked very different from those in the daytime.

When working during the day, the villager seemed to be at a loss for the surrounding situation and a little bit at a loss.

But now, he looked much more normal, and there was nothing wrong with him; he was sitting in a corner, echoing the angry crowd from time to time, and he looked no different from other ordinary villagers.

After a day, have you adapted to the situation and integrated into the "role"?

Or is he just an ordinary villager?His flustered behavior before was just because he was afraid of the Red Ribbon Legion and became a little abnormal?

Han Zheng thought about it, still thinking of him as the number one suspect.

At this time, the elderly villagers were very satisfied to see that everyone responded to their call one after another.

He proposed to gather the strong and courageous men in the village, and at noon tomorrow, surprise the red ribbon army guards while they were eating, seize their weapons, and then attack Masruta to rescue the village chief.

Although there are still some doubts, most of the villagers have already been instigated and expressed their willingness to participate.

Han Zheng also got involved, and he didn't want to make himself look too conspicuous, so he followed the crowd and expressed his participation.

The villagers negotiated and set a time and password, and made an appointment that the short-haired villagers would be in charge of contacting everyone tomorrow.

But at this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and a man ran in.

With a solemn face, he came to the elderly villager and whispered a few words to him.

Some people around heard the content of the conversation, and suddenly their faces were weird, and they started talking.

Han Zheng followed behind, and after listening to a few words, he also understood the whole story.

It turned out that a male villager suddenly disappeared from his home, and he disappeared out of thin air.

Some people began to wonder if this was the work of the Red Ribbon Legion, and some even speculated whether this meant that the Red Ribbon Legion had learned of their resistance plan and was ready to attack them!

"Everyone, don't panic!" Seeing this, the elderly villagers hurriedly reassured everyone: "Don't worry, the missing villagers don't know our plan, so don't worry about it leaking out; as for whether this matter has anything to do with the Red Ribbon Corps, now It’s not clear yet, but if it was really the Red Ribbon Army who did it, then we should have resisted earlier, if it’s too late, I’m afraid everyone will be poisoned!”

Everyone gradually calmed down, and the elderly villagers reiterated the importance of resistance and told the time several times; then, everyone dispersed, went home to rest, and prepared for tomorrow's "struggle".

Everyone walked towards the house one after another, and Han Zheng walked behind the crowd, observing the fat villagers all the time.

There was no incident along the way. After bidding farewell to the surrounding villagers one by one, the fat young man walked back to his house alone.

Han Zheng decided to seize this opportunity!

Since the home of the chubby villager is not far from Han Zheng's home, Han Zheng also pretended to go home; but then, he took a chance when no one was around, and immediately transformed into a little white mouse. Under the cover of the chubby villager, he quietly went to the house of the chubby villager.

However, just when Han Zheng rushed to the wall of the chubby villager's house and was about to sneak in, a sudden change occurred.


A scream came from the room, followed by a "plop" as if someone fell to the ground, and then there was no movement.

Han Zheng was startled. Someone took the lead?

He hurried up and lay down outside the window to check the situation inside the house.

In the room, the chubby villager fell to the ground, his head tilted to one side, apparently his neck was broken.

What puzzled Han Zheng was that there was no one else in the room except the corpse.

Not to mention people, I didn't even see a bug!
When the screams happened, Han Zheng was outside the house. He jumped out of the window immediately, but even so, he still didn't find the murderer.

There was no movement on the door or window, so where did the murderer go?

How could it suddenly disappear in such a short period of time?

Could it be that the transformation technique was used?After the murder, immediately turned into furniture or something to hide?
Han Zheng believed that after practicing, his eyesight had been greatly improved. If the murderer turned into a small animal or bug and slipped out of the house after the murder, he would not be unaware.

Moreover, it doesn't make sense to use the transfiguration technique to turn into an object and hide it. There was no one outside the house before. Isn't it a good time to escape from the scene after the murder? There is no reason to stay in the house!

The more Han Zheng thought about it, the more he felt incredible.

At this time, other villagers who heard the cry came one after another.

The first ones to enter the house were the parents of the fat villagers. When they saw their son's body, they immediately fell to the ground crying.

Han Zheng also took the opportunity to find an opportunity to change back into a human form and blend in with the crowd of onlookers.

The chubby villager's house is big, but there are not many furniture in the house. Han Zheng glanced around, but didn't see anything.

The parents of the deceased cried very sadly, and the people around hurriedly comforted him.

Basically, everyone believed that this must have been done by the Red Ribbon Corps, but because of fear, everyone could only comfort them and dare not mention anything else.

After a while of consolation, everyone couldn't come up with anything to do, and they all dispersed...

at night.

Han Zheng was lying on the bed, thinking so much that it was difficult to fall asleep.

What happened to these people who incited the rebellion?

Logically speaking, combatants shouldn't act so ostentatiously, but... there are no absolutes.

Is it possible that some combatants are secretly playing tricks, affecting other villagers, and intending to cause chaos?
and also--

How did the murderer who killed the fat villager suddenly disappear?
After the incident, the parents of the deceased stayed at home and nothing happened.

Han Zheng instinctively felt that it should not be as simple as using the transformation technique.

Could it be a very fast fighter, killing and evacuating in an instant, so fast that people can't detect it?
Or the killer simply knows how to use [Teleportation]?

This thought made Han Zheng shudder, but it was indeed too far-fetched to think about it.

It's just a dungeon with an average combat power of 17.6, how could there be such a perverted master.

Han Zheng couldn't help but frowned...

Early the next morning, the door of Han Zheng's house was smashed with a "bang bang".

Han Zheng thought it was the short-haired villager who was in charge of contact, but when he opened the door, he found that it was the organizer of the resistance incident, and the elderly villagers were standing outside the door.

The older villagers looked nervous, as if something bad had happened.

"Have you heard?" The elderly villager asked Han Zheng in a low voice, pulling Han Zheng aside.

"Not only did I hear about it, but I went to their house to see it last night. It was so miserable that my neck was broken."

"...Neck? Hmm?...Hi! That's not what I'm talking about..."

The older villagers hurriedly explained.

It was only then that Han Zheng realized that it turned out that the short-haired villager who was in charge of contacting the resistance was suddenly found missing this morning.

Many people couldn't find him, not even in his home, and disappeared suddenly, as if the world had evaporated.

It's another one who can't see the living person but can't see the dead body!
Han Zheng couldn't help but licked his tight lips.

In less than 24 hours after entering the dungeon, it is known that two villagers have disappeared and one was killed, and the situation is all confusing.

"Then will you still act today?" Han Zheng asked tentatively.

"Action!" The older villager replied decisively: "Still according to the plan last night, wait until lunch time, once I send out the signal, I will act immediately, don't hesitate!"

(End of this chapter)

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