dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 199 The Grand Elder's [Potential Development]

Chapter 199 The Grand Elder's [Potential Development]

Expose breath, expose location?
Lu Bin and the others glanced at each other for a few moments, but there was no change in expression. The question Shi Long raised was obviously not worth worrying about.

"Captain Shilong is too cautious..." He said softly: "Strengthen your strength, even if you expose your breath, it will only be short-lived, and the impact should not be great. Even if there may be other teams nearby who can come immediately, according to the current combat power value Look, we don't have to worry."

"It would be really nice if we could attract some enemies." Lu Bin said, and glanced at the people beside him: "I'm afraid that not only will they not attract them, but they will scare away a group of them..."

Shi Long's expression still didn't change much, he nodded: "I'm just reminding you, since everyone thinks there's nothing wrong with it, let's start as soon as possible now."

As he said that, Shi Long directly raised his right hand: "Who will come first?"

"I'll come first..." Lu Bin walked quickly to Shi Long, and at the same time half-seriously half-jokingly said: "Captain Shi Long, you won't take this opportunity to use mind reading skills to probe into my privacy?"

"Don't worry, mind reading is judged as a negative effect skill and cannot be used on teammates." Shi Long said coldly, and then quickly lowered his raised right hand, pressing it on the top of Lu Bin's head.

I saw Lu Bin, who was standing quietly, suddenly shook his body, and at the same time, his whole body was full of arrogance.

Lu Bin suddenly showed surprise, and then he quickly reacted and suppressed his breath again.

At the same time, Shi Long also raised his hand: "Next."

Wen Rong of [Team Rock] walked up quickly, and was the second to accept the promotion.

Lu Bin quickly retreated to his side and whispered: "It has doubled."

Hearing this, he nodded. He had heard Zhou Xing mention the great elder's ability before, [Potential Development] This kind of buffed skill can directly double the combat power of combatants.

The increased combat effectiveness will last until the end of the instance, and the basic data will be restored after the instance is over.

At the same time, combatants of [Great Elder Bloodline] can only bless each combatant once in a round of dungeons, and cannot bless repeatedly.

Shi Long's actions were capable, and he quickly raised the combat effectiveness of Wen Rong and Zhang Yan.

Stepping up and walking over, Shi Long quickly pressed his palm on the top of his head.

In the next moment, I just felt a thrill all over my body, and the aura in my body began to involuntarily release and skyrocket, and the arrogance was released all over my body.

He quickly controlled the berserk breath, and at the same time turned to the status bar to see that his combat power had doubled, and his actual combat power had already exceeded 29000!

In just a few seconds, the combat effectiveness of the four members of the team has doubled!
Having a [Great Elder] in the team is really very useful.

However, as Shi Long said before, with this strength, the breath of several people has been exposed, and it is very likely that there are already hidden teams around, and they have discovered their position.

Considering that other teams may come to this location to investigate or attack, as the team with the highest combat power, make a decision immediately.

Lu Bin, Shi Long and the other four immediately suppressed their breath and retreated to a distance to hide.

As for himself, he used [Four Body Fist] and [Transformation] to stay where he was, as bait, to see if he could attract some teams from the opposing camp.

However, after sitting on the sidelines for 10 minutes, nothing unusual happened nearby. It seemed that no other team noticed this place at all, or even if they noticed, they were unwilling to come.

Feeling a little helpless, he had no choice but to take back his avatar and quickly join up with the other four teammates.

"It seems that sitting on the sidelines is not going to work, we have to take the initiative." Checked the rankings again: "At present, we are still number one. It seems that during this period of time, other teams have not encountered any encounters."

"Then let's head towards the various Namek villages first. I believe that we will definitely find traces of other teams near the villages."

While talking, Lu Bin took out a [Dragon Ball Radar] from the equipment bar:
"The place where the Nami people's breath gathers may not necessarily be a village. It may also be a collective outing to work. We can identify it according to the location of the dragon ball and use the breath sensor."

Everyone agreed, and Shi Long also quickly took out a large somersault cloud: "Let's ride this, not only can save energy, but also continue to suppress breath, so as to avoid being noticed."

This kind of large somersault cloud has been seen in [Tourist Dungeon] before, but Shilong also has one.

Although, at this time, the combat power of the four members of the team has doubled, and their own combat power is close to [-].

Even if there is no means of transportation like somersaulting clouds, it seems that there is nothing wrong with everyone flying with open breath.

But even so, I feel that we still need to be careful and try to avoid too much exposure.

Since entering the level 2 area, I have seen too many "hole card abilities" in the dungeon.

Such as summoning, transformation, Kaiwang Fist, body transformation... and Shilong's [potential development]...

Due to the existence of this "hole card ability", the basic combat power can no longer fully represent the true strength of a combatant.

Therefore, even if your own strength is high, you must be as careful as possible. No one can guarantee that there will not be other fighters with stronger cards in the dungeon.

Now, with this large somersault cloud that can carry several people, it has really provided a lot of help to the team.

Everyone hurriedly followed Shilong onto the somersault cloud, driven by Shi Long, the large somersault cloud quickly flew up at low altitude and galloped towards the north.

The diameter of Namek is more than ten times that of the earth, and its surface is extremely large. At present, it takes a long time to fly to the nearest village.

On the way, while carefully observing the surroundings, he casually asked Shi Long and Zhang Yan some questions about bloodlines and special cases.

Zhang Yan didn't seem to trust his temporary teammates very much, and he was not very willing to tell how he opened the upper limit exception, and kept changing the topic hesitatingly.

However, Shi Long, whose attitude was always cold, was a little surprised. He calmly described how he obtained the [Great Elder Bloodline].

According to what Shi Long said, he came to Nami Star in the fifth round of dungeons. At that time, with the help of a temporary teammate, he led Nei Lu away, killed the elder who was already dying, and got the first drop of blood .

Afterwards, he collected the great elder's blood in lottery draws and other transactions, and successfully opened the bloodline after the last round of dungeons ended.

While listening carefully, he sighed a few times with emotion, and at this moment, Lu Bin on the side suddenly pointed to the Dragon Ball Radar in his hand and shouted:
"Look! There is a dragon ball, and it suddenly starts moving fast!"

Turning around hurriedly, I saw a Dragon Ball signal point on the radar moving rapidly towards the south.

Someone stole the dragon ball from a certain village?
Anyone who would do such a thing during this time period must be a combatant!

"Come closer to the moving dragon ball, and you will definitely find other teams!" Pointing to the constantly moving signal point in the thunder, he made a decision immediately.

Shi Long quickly changed the flying direction of somersault cloud slightly, and galloped towards the direction of the dragon ball.

Since the dragon ball is currently flying towards the south, and the others are flying from south to north, the distance between the two has been shortened rapidly, and it is estimated that they will be able to make contact with it soon.

As the distance to the Dragon Ball signal on the radar got closer, the others raised their spirits one after another, ready to enter the battle state at all times.

However, just as the big somersaulting cloud flew over a group of mountains, two thick qigong waves suddenly rushed out from the mountain on the side.

These two qigong waves, one in front and one in the back, roared towards the big somersault cloud that the others were riding on, with fierce momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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