dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 188 [Resource Copy] Meet Again

Chapter 188 [Resource Copy] Meet Again
News channel...?
Han Zheng looked at these four words, thinking about the meaning contained in them, the more he thought about it, the more surprised he became.

How could she know about the [Ginyu's Blood] that she sold in the alliance store?
This "news channel" is too magical!
Although the alliance trading platform does not display the information of the item seller at all like the public trading platform in the living area.

However, on the alliance trading platform, it will only show which team in the alliance the product comes from, and will not specifically indicate which person it is from.

In this way, the source of her news should not be people from other teams in the alliance, but probably among the few people in [Lucky Team].

Li Lin and Yutou were the first to bear the brunt. After going through the dungeon together, they knew very well that they got a drop of [Ginyu's Blood].

Of course, other people on the team are also possible.

After all, after the dungeon ended, he spoke on the team channel to let his teammates know that he had just returned from the dungeon, and immediately after he put a bunch of blood in the alliance store for sale.

Based on the time before and after, as well as the team source of the goods, if other people in the team noticed at this time, they might also guess that it was me who had just released the dungeon and was selling this batch of blood.

Moreover, she originally thought that she didn't know that she had joined the team.

But looking at it now, the other party not only knows about his joining the team, but also can snoop on the news and information of this team.

This so-called "information channel" is really surprising.

[Your news channel is too scary, how on earth did you know that I have [Ginyu's blood] to sell?I don’t understand this point, I’m really hesitant to sell it to you]
Han Zheng felt that it was necessary for him to figure out this issue.

However, Chen Chen's reply made him startled again——

[Don't talk too much, just look at my quotation first—how about 4 [Super Saiyan Blood Synthetic Fragments]? ]
4 super race fragments!
This is equivalent to half a drop of [Super First Blood]!

Although [Ginyu's Blood] is very popular in the second and third level areas, it is nothing compared to [Super First Blood].

After all, [Ginyu Bloodline]'s upper limit of combat power and speed of practice are far from being comparable to Super Saiyan.

At the same time, although Ginyu has special functions, the battlefield will also impose various restrictions on this special function to avoid making it too buggy.

Therefore, exchanging 4 super race fragments for 1 drop of [Ginyu's Blood] is really a lot of premium!

[How?You can't refuse this price, can you?As for the source of the news, hehe, you will know in the future, but not now] —— soon, Chen Chen sent another message.

Seeing this news, Han Zheng couldn't help laughing at himself.

Indeed, as Chen Chen said, such a price, as a person who is trying hard to open the Super Tournament, he simply cannot refuse.

He thought for a moment, then replied——

[You really want to buy my [Ginyu's Blood] at this price?Are you kidding me? ]
[How can I have time to tease you?I am also in a hurry to use it recently, and there are not enough [Ginyu Blood] on the market, and we are familiar with each other, so it is a bargain for you. If you don’t agree, I can find someone else]
Han Zheng's heart moved. Hearing this tone, Chen Chen probably needs a lot of [Ginyu's Blood]?

Thinking about the "Sword Club" that Zhou Xing took him to before, I heard that in addition to reselling information, they also participated in reselling blood. Could it be that Chen Chen is also doing this business now?

[Okay, when and where to trade? ]
[Two days later, I'm busy with some things at the moment, and the Super Tournament fragments won't be available until tomorrow; by the way, do you still have invitation tickets for normal resource dungeons? ]
[There is another one that doesn't work, what's wrong?You won't even accept this, will you? ]
[That's not true, I just happen to have one that I haven't used yet, let's go to [Resource Dungeon] together in two days?How about trading blood face to face at the same time? ]
Download [Resource Copy] together?
It's okay, anyway, this dungeon invitation coupon will be used up sooner or later.

Han Zheng quickly agreed, and made an appointment with Chen Chen to meet at the service station in the second-level area two days later, enter [Resource Dungeon], and trade blood at the same time.

After closing the dialogue, he quickly removed [Ginyu's Blood] from the alliance platform to avoid being bought by others during this period.

After dealing with these matters, you can finally start practicing.

However, before entering [Training Dungeon], Han Zheng has one more thing to do.

He stood in the private area, thinking about it.

Moments later, he came to [Awakening Space] again.

After each round of dungeons, he can come here for a special lottery draw.

Thinking about the [Sightseeing Card] he had drawn before and the benefits he would get from using the card, Han Zheng stood on the street again with anticipation. Under his feet, the lottery grid instantly floated up.

The light grid rotated rapidly, and finally entered the final circle under Han Zheng's expectant eyes.

However, in this last lap, he stubbornly passed all the text options, and finally landed firmly on [2000 points].

Han Zheng felt a sense of loss in his heart. His luck was not as good as he imagined.

With the drawn 2000 points, Han Zheng ended his journey of [Awakening Space] somewhat helplessly.

After returning to the private area, he turned from disappointment to hard work and immediately started buying [Cultivation Dungeons].

There was still no new [Practice Dungeon] unlocked, so he continued to purchase 10 days of [King Wang Xing Cultivation].

With a flash of light, the king of the realm, the monkey, and the tiny planet reappeared in front of his eyes, and the practice under ten times the gravity began again.

The king of the realm still had that smiling look: "If you want to cultivate with me, tell a joke, if you can make me laugh..."



After the ten-day practice was over, Han Zheng returned to the private area.

He opened the status bar - [combat power value: 4257+525]
During these ten days of practice, I have increased by 260, and in terms of efficiency, it seems to have declined slightly.

Han Zheng shook his head helplessly. He looked at the time. It was still a few hours before meeting Chen Chen.

Taking advantage of this spare time, he made a trip to the trading hall, then entered the alliance trading platform, and recovered some of the points he had sold in the past two days.

Then, just when he was about to have a good night's sleep, another message came from the network——

[Zheng Han, are you in the living area? ]——It was Zhou Xing who sent the message.

[Here, what's the matter, Captain Zhou? ]
[If you are free, come to the team territory now, there are some things that need to be discussed with you]
Looking at the news, Han Zheng was slightly puzzled.

It can't be that there is some trouble in the team or the alliance, and you want to find yourself as a thug?
(End of this chapter)

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