dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 177 The Besieged Taro

Chapter 177 The Besieged Taro
Under the jungle tree, he removed the detector from his ear and put it away, frowning slightly.

"What's wrong?" Li Lin, who was tearing up the animals again and was about to eat, asked in a low voice.

He also raised his hand and grabbed a piece of raw meat and stuffed it into his mouth: "Just now I heard the news from Frieza's army that Frieza will leave in two days. However, he just issued an order to recall the Ginuit team urgently. Deal with the events of this planet."

"Special Forces?" Li Lin raised her head with her mouth full of blood, "...except for Captain Ginyu, the other four are not difficult to deal with."

Nodding slightly, he didn't say any more.

The Ginuit team is a very interesting team in the original book. On the one hand, they have strong power and various special abilities in the plot at that time. On the other hand, their "very individual" appearance is really It is very impressive.

In the original plot, as soon as these five people appeared on the stage, they showed their extremely strong strength and beat Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan in a fancy way. I'm afraid he will die at the hands of this special force.

However, it is true as Li Lin said, at this time her strength is already above 24000, and if she adds the Kaiwang Fist, her strength can be raised to over [-] in a short period of time.

With such strength, it is no problem to deal with the other four members of the Ginuit team.

However, Ginyu, the captain of the Special Forces, is far superior to other team members in strength, with a combat power of 12. When Sun Wukong first arrived on Namek, his combat power was not as good as him without using the Kaiwang Fist .

This kind of strength is really difficult to deal with.

But if he chooses to avoid Ginyu and hide his combat power to avoid him, he still feels a little unwilling.

Ginyu is different from Frieza. Frieza is too powerful, too many dimensions beyond himself, and there are no other dungeon characters in the dungeon that can compete with him. Naturally, I dare not make more ideas about him.

But Ginyu's strength is not much higher than his own, not to the level that he dare not think, if he wants to kill him, there is still a certain room for manipulation.

And because of Ginyu's special ability, his blood is worth a lot of points in the second-level and third-level areas of the battlefield.

The current [Cultivation Dungeon] is getting more and more expensive, such a piece of fat, I really don't want to give it up.

However, it is estimated that it will take a few days for the special forces to return to this planet, so it can be ignored for the time being.

Frieza will leave two days later, and after that, a seriously injured Vegeta will also return from Earth.

At that time, there must be many fighters coveting him, so I need to make more preparations.

While biting the raw meat of an unknown beast, he thought quickly...


Somewhere in the planetary jungle.


Swinging [Sword of the Brave], a fat combatant was cut into two pieces from the waist and abdomen with one sword.

The fat combatant didn't even let out a scream, and the two parts of his body fell heavily to the ground, hitting the corpse of another combatant.

[Number N2199 fighter, kill the number K9905 fighter, drop [Yajiro Bingbei's blade], whether to pick it up]
pick up.

This is already the No.3 combatant that he killed in this round of dungeons. Looking at the rankings, he is still ranked second.

Since Frieza ordered a large-scale search, combatants hidden on the planet have been discovered from time to time, triggering battles.

Li Lin and Li Lin followed the breath to find the place where the battle broke out that was closer, and harvested together.

Of course, there were also some battles in the distance, but because the distance was too far, even if I rushed there, the people would have disappeared, so I didn't bother to move.

The expansion of the activity area will indeed bring some inconvenience.

Originally, I wanted to harvest [Blood of Frieza's Common Subordinates] on a large scale, and planned to sell it back in the living area.

It’s just that Frieza hasn’t left this planet yet, so he doesn’t dare to carry out this plan. If he kills too many of his subordinates, he won’t even have a spaceship to accompany him to Namek, then even if he can teleport + Hidden, but the consequences may still be unimaginable.

Withdrawing the sword, he and Li Lin went into the jungle again, exploring in another direction.

However, before the two of them had gone far, a certain location in the southwest suddenly burst out with a few breaths.

As soon as these auras appeared, they kept colliding, obviously a battle had taken place.

"Four people, one with a combat power of around 2000, and the other two are around 1500. The last one's combat power fluctuates. At the moment, he only senses about 1000, but I feel that he may be hiding his combat power, not Make a move." Li Lin said quickly.

"Go, go over and have a look!" He pulled out the [Teleportation Magic Carpet] from the equipment bar and jumped on it.

Although the place where the four breaths erupted was a little far away, I remembered that I and Li Lin had been there before, so I could use the magic carpet to instantly teleport there.

Li Lin didn't say anything, and jumped onto the magic carpet.

The magic carpet was quickly driven and disappeared in place in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, he and Li Lin had already appeared in another jungle.

And not far away, the sound of fighting and explosions sounded one after another, and the four breaths were right there.

Withdrawing the magic carpet, holding breath with Li Lin, they transformed into flying insects and approached quietly.

The sound of fighting was getting closer and closer. The two flew over a few bushes, crouched behind a big tree, and looked forward.

A large area of ​​woods in front of them was blown up at this moment, and in the sky above the scorched earth, two tall and burly men were attacking a slightly thinner man together.

And on the side of the three-person battle, there is a woman with a good figure, floating high in the air.

"You two, you just don't practice hard at ordinary times. Look at it now, the two of you can't take down a guy with a combat power of 2000. I'll give you another half a minute. If you still can't take down, I won't give you the head. !"

The female combatant watched the battle with great interest, and made some jokes from time to time.

From this appearance, those two burly men should be teammates with this female combatant.

Hearing this, the two burly men with combat strength of around 1500 hurriedly stepped up their attacks, and they fired out several waves of qigong one after another.

However, the person who was besieged by them was not easy to deal with, and several attacks were blocked.

Although it is possible to fight two against one for the time being, the thin man obviously knows that if the female combatant standing by the side makes a move, he will definitely fall into a dangerous situation, so he is extremely nervous at the moment.

Li Lin and Li Lin looked over quietly, and after their eyes swept over the faces of these people, they were suddenly taken aback.

The skinny man who was besieged was none other than his [Lucky Team] teammate who entered this dungeon with him—Taro!
Unexpectedly, I would meet this teammate here under such circumstances.

Scanning the surrounding terrain, he and Li Lin exchanged glances (tentacles), and then the two of them quietly flew over from both sides.

Just when the two of them flew out and were about to rush up to rescue Taro, the female combatant floating in the sky and watching the battle suddenly teased again:

"I'm going to tell you two ugly words first, don't think you two were recruited into the team by Vice Captain Liao, but if you don't work hard in the future and your progress fails to meet the team's requirements, you will still be kicked out, we [Crouching Tiger] The team] don’t raise waste!”

Vice Captain Liao?

Crouching Tiger!

(End of this chapter)

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