dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 172 Step into the universe~~

Chapter 172 Step into the universe~~
Han Zheng couldn't help but startled.

He immediately gave a wry smile, he really didn't have the chance to win the championship a second time.

If the opening time of the dungeon can be delayed for a few more days, I still have a chance, but unfortunately, the dungeon will start in 48 hours, so the Martial Arts Association can only give up.

At the same time, news of Yutou and Li Lin also came from the team channel. They respectively stated that the dungeon will be opened soon and they will not be able to participate in the [Budaohui].

During the period of Han Zheng's cultivation, both Li Lin and Yutou's combat power also improved.

At this time, Li Lin's combat power is 2102, while Taro's is 2055.

Of the three, Han Zheng was the tallest, and even his teammates couldn't help but marvel——

[[Teammate] Li Lin: Zheng Han's combat strength is almost 4000, amazing]
[[Team member] Taro: It seems that Li Lin and I are going to hug your thighs this round, and it happens to be one for each of us, so it's easy to grab]
Looking at the text message, Han Zheng felt ashamed for a while.

Among the two teammates who entered the dungeon with him this time, Li Lin and himself had entered the [resource dungeon] once before, so they had a tacit understanding.

And this new player, Taro, had met before, but they hadn't fought together yet, and this was the first time they entered a dungeon together.

The three of them quickly had a discussion about the next round of dungeons, and also virtualized some possible situations, and carried out various deduction plans.

Han Zheng guessed that both he and the other two were already outstanding at the same stage, so this time they would jointly execute the dungeon, so it shouldn't be a big problem...



Two days later.

After resting and preparing, Han Zheng, who was sitting on the sofa waiting, was instantly enveloped by the surging blue light.

The next moment, a pitch-black space, blue subtitles, and a cold notification sound appeared together——

[Number N2199 Combatant Status:]
[Combat power: 3997+525]
[Battler Lineage: Saiyan]
[Possess blood: Super Saiyan 4st generation blood 8/5, Super Saiyan blood synthesis fragments 1 pieces, Cell blood synthesis fragments [-] pieces]
[The upper limit of combat power: 500000 (except for special cases)]
[Practice speed: B+ (except for special cases)]
[Equipment props: 6/11]
[Skills: Sky Cross Fist, Hole Wave, Dancing Kongshu, Mastery of Breath, Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm, Four Body Fist, Breath Sensation, New Spike Wind Fist, Sun Fist, Perfect Transformation, Qi Circle Slash, Turtle Pai Qigong, Quadruple Realm King Fist, Multiple Afterimage Fist]
[Special ability: great ape transformation, combat power increase after dying and resurrecting]
[Copy rounds executed: 6]
Equipment column: [Sen Bean *22] [Earth Dragon Ball *4] [Somersault Cloud] [Sword of the Brave] [Cultivator *2] [Teleportation Magic Carpet]

[Number of combatants participating in this dungeon: 220, average combat power: 1598]
[Dungeon Survival Mission: 220 combatants will fight freely, ranking by the number of other combatants killed. At the end of the dungeon time limit, the top 80 combatants will be judged to have completed the survival mission; the rest of the combatants will be judged to be Mission failed, erased]
[Another note: When there are multiple fighters with the same number of kills, the ranking will be based on the combat power value among the fighters]
[Single-player ranking copy is about to start: countdown 30...29...28...]
Looking at the mode information of this round of dungeons, Han Zheng was taken aback for a moment.

It's not a team type, but a single-player type, and it's a single-player ranking type that I haven't experienced before!

However, looking at the rules of this mission, it is similar to the [Team Ranking Type] that I have performed before, and it is still a killing competition mode.

Those who kill more can survive, but the action unit has been changed from a five-member team to an individual.

Because it is a single-player instance, there is no way to send messages, so Li Lin and Yutou can't communicate for a while.

In addition to the copy mode, the timeline and event location are also unexpected.

It's actually on planet Frieza 79!
Are you finally going to leave the earth and rush into the universe?

According to the original plot, Frieza originally stayed on this planet, but because he learned from Vegeta's conversation on Earth through the probe that the Dragon Ball of Namek can make a wish, he led his troops to Planet Namek.

This is the beginning of the mighty Namek chapter in the original book.

At the same time, the activity area of ​​this round of dungeons is also unprecedentedly large, reaching the level of the entire planet.

Of course, a larger range of activities also means that it is not so easy to find someone.

Moreover, in this dungeon, it can be said that there are quite a lot of powerful dungeon characters. When looking for and killing other combatants, even a little carelessness may attract the attacks of these dungeon characters.

This dungeon, I'm afraid it won't be so easy...

The countdown is over, the darkness is swept away, and the combatants enter the instance!

Han Zheng immediately suppressed his breath and sensed his surroundings at the same time.

There was no powerful aura around or even most of the other areas. Obviously, among the more than 200 combatants, there were no careless idiots.

It's just that, at a location far in the east, Han Zheng could clearly feel that there was a group of powerful auras there.

And among that group of powerful auras, there was an aura that far surpassed everyone else. Its strength was so great that it could only be described by the word "horror"!

Without a doubt, that's where Frieza's army is!
Although I have seen Super Setnanks in the dungeon before, but I hadn't learned breath sensing at that time, so I couldn't feel his strength from the breath.

But now, this is the first time he has tasted the terrifying aura of such a cosmic powerhouse since he learned breath sensing. The distance is so far, Han Zheng couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Han Zheng wiped his forehead, collected himself, and turned his head to look around.

I am currently in a mountain, surrounded by a large number of colorful and strange trees.

Occasionally, there are some strange creatures that have never been seen before, running by the feet and flying over the head.

The aliens in the Dragon Ball world are really interesting to watch.

Han Zheng quickly retreated into the hidden forest, and at the same time called up the real-time ranking table.

The number of kills is not displayed on the ranking table, only your own ranking is displayed.

At this moment, his ranking is second!

Up to now, no one should have completed a kill, and the current ranking is still based on combat power.

From this point of view, my 3997 explicit combat power is not the strongest in this dungeon, and some people's combat power is still higher than this.

Han Zheng hid on a tree in the forest, frowning and deep in thought.

At this time, Frieza was still on the planet. According to the original plot, he led his troops to board the spaceship and leave before Vegeta arrived here.

Before Frieza left the planet, he still had to be as careful as possible.

Not to mention the universe emperor Frieza, even his subordinates, such as Sabo, Dodoria, Qiu Yi, etc., are not opponents.

Moreover, there is no time point on the plot line that I can take advantage of, so I still don't wishful thinking, and go to play Frieza's idea.

Fortunately, Frieza's army can't sense breath, they can only use detectors, so as long as they use [breath sensing] and [perfect transformation], it is not difficult to avoid Frieza and others.

However, three days later, Vegeta, who was severely injured on the earth and returned all the way, can covet it.

When Vegeta returned, Frieza had left with his troops, and Vegeta was seriously injured and dying, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

As long as it is done properly, there is indeed a chance.

Moreover, after Frieza left, the strongest person on this planet should be 18000 Qiu Yi. If he handled it well, this person would not be impossible to deal with.

It seems that in the first three days, we should try our best to be patient and cautious. After Frieza leaves, the pressure is relieved, and we can act with confidence.

While thinking about it, Han Zheng suddenly heard footsteps not far away.

Although the voice was low, it was still caught by him extremely keenly.

Is it a combatant?

Han Zheng's heart moved, and the [Sword of the Brave] was instantly held in his hand.

He quietly hid on the dense tree, looking down cautiously.

I saw a figure quickly coming out from the other end of the forest.

Han Zheng, who was hiding in the tree, was about to make a move, but when he saw the man's appearance, he was startled.

Li Lin! ?
(End of this chapter)

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