dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 167 Team Alliance

Chapter 167 Team Alliance
This Captain Zhou, what big move is he going to do?

Out of curiosity, he replied and asked——

[Team Zhou is going to gather the six sects to besiege the Stormtroopers? ]
[Don’t be kidding, this is a serious matter. It’s something I’ve been busy with for a while. I’ve already reached an alliance relationship with six other teams. It's an item in the alliance]
alliance?Alliance between teams?

I have heard of alliances between corps before, such as [Storm Corps] and [Saiyan Corps] [Light Corps] alliance, but I don't know much about the alliance of teams.

So, he continued to ask questions, and Zhou Xing patiently explained to him——

The 6 teams that Zhou Xing has reached an alliance intention with are all teams from the second-tier district. In other words, among these teams, there are no relatively senior players who have entered the third-tier district.

After the team alliance, they can communicate with each other on the tax-free trading platform, which means that the combatants in the alliance can buy and sell things with each other on the tax-free platform, minus the "exploitation" of taxation.

There was this kind of "duty-free shop" in the team before, but because [Lucky Team] currently has not many people, and there is relatively little interaction with each other, the team's duty-free shop has not yet opened.

After the alliance is formed, the members of these teams will not encounter the members of the alliance team in a hostile mode in the next few rounds of dungeons, so as to avoid the occurrence of certain kill conflicts.

And, one of the most important elements of this kind of alliance between teams is - this kind of alliance between teams is often the embryonic form of forming a corps!
Basically, the formation process of most of the corps on the battlefield started with the team alliance. Several teams first formed an alliance. After a period of "revolutionary friendship", everyone also had sufficient tacit understanding and trust with each other, and More importantly - the recognition of each other's strength.

After that, the evolution from an "alliance" to a corps can be done naturally.

Of course, not all team alliances will eventually form corps.

There are also many team alliances, due to various reasons in the development, they only parted ways in the end, resulting in the abortion of the corps plan.

But no matter what the result is, the establishment of an alliance between teams is the first step towards "corpsization".

At the same time, Han Zheng also noticed that Zhou Xing contacted 6 teams to form an alliance, plus his own [lucky team], there are 7 teams, which just reached the minimum standard for the number of teams to form a corps.

Therefore, if it is said that Zhou Xing has no intention of building a corps, I really don't believe it.

However, I originally thought that Zhou Xing, a second-generation fighter, would eventually return to his parents' team.

Unexpectedly, he still has the ambition to build a corps himself, which is really unexpected.

[These 6 teams, what teams are they? ] ——Although Han Zheng himself knew very few teams, he was still a little curious at this moment.

[Team Hongchi, Team Slaughter, Team Wild Wolf, Team Sword, Team Tornado, and Team Dali]—Zhou Xing replied.


Wolf Team... the name seems familiar... wait!
Great team! ?this is not……

[Isn't Team Dali a team belonging to [Storm Corps]?Why did you come to form an alliance with us? ]——Han Zheng was greatly shocked. Isn’t Team Dali the team that Wang Song belongs to? As a team under [Storm Corps], how did Zhou Xing get them here?
[That's right, [Strong Team] is indeed affiliated to [Storm Corps], but the life of this team in the Corps is not easy, and they may be kicked out at any time]
[why is that? ]
[Because, Dong Dali, the captain of [Diligent Team], was killed more than a month ago.Since he was killed in this world, not a copy, Dragon Ball couldn't bring him back to life.Moreover, according to some information I have, Dong Dali seems to have accidentally violated the protection constraints of this world while fighting with people in this world, and was obliterated by the power of this world, so it is even more impossible to resurrect...]
Temporal protection constraints?Han Zheng immediately thought of the real battle scene he witnessed before the sixth round of dungeons.

Before Han Zheng had time to think about it, Zhou Xing continued to send messages to explain——

According to him, [Team Dali] is a "Journey to the West" team, and the whole team is led by the captain Dong Dali, the "Monkey King".

In this team, apart from Dong Dali, there is not even any fighter at the level of the third-level district. The reason why he was able to enter the [Storm Corps] was because Dong Dali had personal strength and was appreciated by the then regiment leader Lei Bao.

But now, Dong Dali is dead, and he is doomed not to be resurrected, [Team Dali] has suddenly become an unwelcome weak team in the Corps.

【Storm Corps】up and down are a pair of eyes of the weak and the strong. The current situation of 【Strong Team】is not only being squeezed out every day, but also may be kicked out of the Corps at any time.

Therefore, [Strong Forces] has to think of a way now, because its own strength is too weak, other large corps will definitely not welcome them, so they have to form alliances with some teams that have not yet joined the corps, which can be regarded as a way out.

Seeing Zhou Xing's explanation, Han Zheng nodded slightly.

No wonder, in the previous [Sightseeing Dungeon], Wang Song was bullied and ridiculed, not only because he was weak, but also because he had no backer.

Han Zheng paused, then suddenly remembered something, and sent a message asking——

[Isn't the alliance already negotiated, so is the meeting still so important?From the way you look, you seem to be in a hurry. ]
Zhou Xing replied immediately - [You don't understand this...]
After some explanations, Han Zheng began to understand gradually.

There is still a long way to go after the formation of an alliance between the teams. In order to form a corps, there must be a deeper understanding and tacit understanding between the teams.

As for how to cultivate a tacit understanding, and to observe and understand each other, it is natural to form a group to copy.

According to Zhou Xing, after the alliance was established, he planned to discuss with the other captains about forming a group to open the dungeon.

[Are you planning to create a large-scale team resource dungeon? ]——Han Zheng asked.

[That’s not true. If we can really build a corps in the future, it won’t be too late to start a large-scale resource book. This time I want to open a [Budokai] instance]
Budokai copy!
This Han Zheng knew very well that he and Zhou Xing had participated in the [Martial Arts Association] led by the [Red Dragon Corps] before, and won the championship.

According to what Zhou Xing said, after forming an alliance, he plans to hold a [Budokai] with the Team Alliance as the leader, and then bring in some other scattered teams.

Not only can the fighters of each team get some martial arts rewards, but they can also observe each other and learn about each other's strength. After all, when a corps is really formed in the future, no one wants to be held back by weak chickens.


[However, since we are still only a team alliance, even if we lead the Budokai dungeon, it must be in the name of each team, so which team will lead and which team's name ranks first is very important Already]—Zhou Xing continued to add.

[Is it that important? ]
[Of course, every collective action after the team forms an alliance is very important, because it determines the status of our team in the alliance. We are masters.Originally, I prepared a lot of extra resources for forming alliances and opening dungeons. Logically speaking, we should be the leader, but there are several captains. I'm a little underestimated, maybe there will be some problems in tomorrow's meeting, and I will compete with us, so you must come to tomorrow's meeting. ]
Han Zheng immediately understood, and he immediately agreed.

Anyway, the materials I currently sell have not been sold, and I have nothing to do without points to practice.

According to the agreement, in tomorrow's captain meeting, each captain will only bring two team members. Zhou Xing has already selected Han Zheng and Li Lin to go with him.

After Han Zheng discussed some trivial details with Zhou Xing, he turned off the message board, turned around and went back to the bedroom to recharge his batteries and rest.

According to what Zhou Xing said, there might be some unpleasant things happening at the meeting tomorrow.



Day two.

Han Zheng came to the living hall according to the appointed time, and Zhou Xing and Li Lin also arrived here on time.

Zhou Xing opened a large meeting room in the living hall, and immediately began to send out messages and invites.

Soon, bursts of light flashed in the meeting room, and a personal figure was quickly teleported in.

Among this group of people, Han Zheng actually spotted Wang Song. At this moment, Wang Song was following a short man with a short beard. It seemed that this man was his captain.

Among the crowd, Wang Song quickly recognized Han Zheng, even though he didn't know that Han Zheng had seen him in his dungeon not long ago.

However, he also immediately remembered that the person in front of him was his temporary teammate in a dungeon, and Wang Song's eyes suddenly became surprised.

Now that they recognized each other, Han Zheng was about to go up to say hello, but at this moment, he suddenly found a familiar figure in the crowd.

A burly man with a birthmark on his right cheek was following behind the only woman in the conference room.

Looking at the man with the birthmark, Han Zheng suddenly remembered why the name [Wild Wolf Team] sounded so familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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