dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 158 Each has a hole card

Chapter 158 Each has a hole card
[Red Dragon Corps] and [Storm Corps], there are a total of 10 people in the two teams, and all of them have shown up at this moment.

Several figures shuttled back and forth rapidly, the sound of air bursting was endless, and Qigong bombarded back and forth. This area of ​​the Western Capital City instantly killed and injured countless passers-by, turning it into a scorched earth ruin.

Han Zheng turned into a gopher again, quickly drilled to a place a little further away, and watched from afar.

Although the current strength of these combatants is not as good as that of themselves after opening the Kaiwangquan, but it is only the first day of entering the dungeon, and it is a little radical to kill them rashly now, resulting in the ban on life protection.

Moreover, among these 10 combatants, it is hard to say that there will be no one who has the same cards as himself, so let's observe more.

At this time, after the burly man with a combat power of 3000+ appeared, the wind of the battle suddenly turned, and the [Storm Corps] side immediately took the initiative.

Seeing the burly man getting stronger and stronger, the bearded leader of [Red Dragon Corps] suddenly yelled: "The five opponents have shown up, Rambo, now! Do it!"

I saw a white male among the five members of the Red Dragon team fly up in an instant. Judging from his appearance and hairstyle, he really has a bit of the meaning of Stallone in the first blood.

This person named "Lambo" rushed to the front, and then his whole body's breath suddenly rose!
Han Zheng, who was hiding in the cave a little far away, was stunned for a moment. The strength that Rambo originally showed was only about 2000, but now, his aura instantly soared.

After the skyrocketing combat power, it has reached more than 5000!

Sure enough, there is a hole card!
Han Zheng did a quick calculation. With five members of the Red Dragon Team, Rambo's combat power is already above 5000. The bearded leader and the other male combatant should both have a combat power between 2500 and 3000. The female nurse is in the early 1000s, and there is a short man at the end, whose combat effectiveness is only slightly higher than that of the female nurse.

In this way, the average combat effectiveness of this team seems to exceed the standard.

Judging from the appearance, it seems that Rambo should not have used the Kaiwang Fist. He is very likely to be a Saiyan. Before he was seriously injured and was dying to eat fairy beans, he added BUFF to himself!

At the same time, he did a quick calculation on the other side of the five Stormtroopers. The burly man's combat power was above 3000, there were two short-haired men around 2000, and a pockmarked face below 2000. Finally, the combat power Not as good as 1000 Wang Song.

The combat power of this group is also above the standard, but not as much as that of the Red Dragon. It seems that both teams currently have Saiyans who have added BUFF. Calculate the total value, and the current storm is obviously weaker than the Red Dragon. dragon.

Rambo, who was in full combat power, suddenly flashed like a ghost, and none of the Baofeng five could keep up with his speed.

I saw that Rambo was the first to attack Wang Song, the weakest of the five Stormtroopers. With a wave of his hand, he immediately threw a ball of qigong directly at Wang Song.

Wang Song was terrified immediately, and hurriedly flew to dodge.

However, how could his speed dodge the 5000+ Rambo attack? The attacking qigong group quickly cut down on Wang Song's waist, and Wang Song's entire lower body was instantly reduced to ashes, leaving only the waist Still turning over his fleshy upper body, he fell straight to the ground.

As soon as Lan Bo succeeded in the blow, he left Wang Song alone, turned around and rushed towards another short-haired man.

However, there was only half of Wang Song's body left. The moment he fell to the ground, his lower body suddenly grew out, and all injuries disappeared.

Wang Song, who had recovered, jumped up hastily, and there was still a look of horror in his eyes.

Han Zheng, who was hiding in the dark, was admiring in his heart. Judging from the growth of his lower body but without mucus, Wang Song should not be of Nami star blood. He just recovered, and it should be because of taking Xiandou.

It seems that Wang Song is quite experienced. He had hidden a celestial bean in his mouth beforehand. As soon as he was hit hard, he immediately ate the celestial bean. Little life.

At this moment, Rambo had already rushed to a stormy short-haired man and swung his fist fiercely. Due to the huge difference in strength, the short-haired man couldn't dodge at all.

At this moment, the burly man with the highest combat power in the Storm team quickly left the opponent who was suppressed by him, and flew to the rescue.

I saw him lying in front of Rambo for a moment, raising his hand to resist the heavy punch.

However, his strength was not as strong as Rambo's, and he was immediately sent flying by this punch.

However, the burly man who flew out immediately stabilized his figure in the air, and then he yelled loudly, and his aura also rose sharply for a while.

In the dark, Han Zheng continued to be taken aback!
Another one with cards!
I saw that the clothes on the burly man were instantly shattered, and his whole body quickly swelled a lot.

At the same time, his whole body's face also changed rapidly, the skin became as rough as a reptile, and the whole face instantly changed into a terrifying and ugly toad shape with long fangs and a protruding mouth.

And his aura rapidly expanded beyond 5000, but it was slightly weaker than that of Rambo.

Sabo's lineage!
This transformation was so eye-catching that Han Zheng recognized at a glance that this was the transformation form of Sabo, Frieza's subordinate.

In the original plot, Sabo was originally a handsome guy with a handsome face. In the battle with Vegeta, because he was defeated by the opponent, he had to perform transformation. After transforming into an ugly monster, his combat power increased instantly, quickly killing Vegeta. The tower countered and killed a wave.


After the transformation, the burly man quickly shot out a qigong, and then accelerated suddenly, heading straight for Rambo.

Rambo punched this qigong away with one punch, and the two strong men with combat power above 5000 fought together in an instant.

The remaining eight continued to fight.

After several battles, the Storm team gradually fell into a disadvantage. Wang Song, who was almost dead just now, became extremely timid at this moment.

At the same time, Rambo over there also had a slight advantage in the battle with the burly man, and from time to time he was able to take cold shots to support other teammates.

For a while, the Red Dragon team was in great shape.

During the scuffle, a short-haired man from the storm team was getting more and more injured, and his physical strength was gradually exhausted. He hurriedly took out a fairy bean and raised his hand to put it in his mouth.

However, at this moment, Rambo on the side resisted the burly man's attack with one hand, and at the same time raised his hand and shot a hole wave at the short-haired man.

The short-haired man wailed, and his entire arm was shot off instantly by the hole wave, and the palm holding the fairy bean suddenly flew away, falling far away.

The rest of the members of the Red Dragon team immediately took the opportunity to rush to make up the knife, and in the blink of an eye, the short-haired man was blasted to death!

At this point in the battle, the first death finally occurred, and now the Storm team is already one point behind!
And Han Zheng, who was hiding in the dark and turned into a gopher, quickly slipped to the place where Beng Fei's severed hand fell, taking advantage of the fact that the two teams were frantically fighting and couldn't care about the side.

He quickly took out the fairy bean from his hand, and put it in his equipment bar.

At the same time, the Storm team, which was already at a disadvantage, had another death in the team at this moment, and the situation was already extremely unfavorable.

Seeing the critical situation, the burly man who was in the transformation state suddenly dodges, distances himself from his opponent Rambo, and then quickly swings his arms at the rest of the Red Dragon team!
Super Kamepai Qigong Wave!
Thick vigor went straight to the remaining four members of the Red Dragon team!

Rambo snorted angrily, flew forward to intercept the super turtle qigong wave, raised his hands, and forcibly caught the qigong wave.

However, the burly man took this opportunity to quickly raise his arms and place them on both sides of his head——

Sun Punch!
A huge mass of light surged, and endless rays of light poured down!

Everyone in the Red Dragon team was instantly deprived of vision!

In the light, the bearded leader of the Red Dragon team ordered his teammates: "Don't panic, use breath sensing, follow their breath movement, and attack!"

However, after the burly man succeeded in using the Sun Fist, he immediately canceled the transformation, and at the same time quickly took out a large group of things from the equipment bar——

It turned out to be an oversized somersault cloud!

The volume of this somersault cloud is big enough for four or five people to stand on it.

The remaining four members of the storm team all jumped up and jumped onto the large somersault cloud.

At the same time, the four of them suppressed their breath one after another.

Somersaulting Cloud, carrying the four fighters who suppressed and concealed their aura, drove out quickly and headed straight to the south.

And the Red Dragon team, who lost their vision for a short time and couldn't sense the opponent's breath for a while, had to close their eyes and bombard the surroundings indiscriminately, but it was all useless.

After a while, they gradually regained their vision, but there was no enemy figure in front of them.

"MD, run away!" Rambo scolded angrily, kicking up a stone and crushing it.

"They are suppressing their breath, they may not be able to run far, let's do a good search in the western capital first!" The bearded leader quickly made a decision.

Afterwards, the five members of the Red Dragon team quickly took to the sky and flew in another direction.

(End of this chapter)

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