dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 148 Dr. Gallo's Research Institute

Chapter 148 Dr. Gallo's Research Institute
The wind was bitter and cold.

Looking at the mountains under his feet, Zhou Xing folded his arms and shivered: "It's really cold in the extreme north. When you come, bring two down jackets."

Han Zheng also sneezed, rubbed his nose and continued: "Let's search separately. Dr. Gaylor's research institute should be on a certain mountain. If you find it, just name it in the group frequency. It's a signal."

Zhou Xing nodded, and the two quickly dispersed. They kept flying fast and searching back and forth among the mountains.

Finding Dr. Gero's research institute was the purpose of Han Zheng and Zhou Xing, who flew all the way to the north with the last ten hours left in the dungeon.

Before Vegeta came, the two had already discussed their plans with each other during the few days when they were still in the team of Bick Klin and others.

Considering the timeline and activity area of ​​this round of dungeons, not long after entering the dungeon, Han Zheng immediately realized that besides Sun Wukong Piccolo and others, there is another valuable and important dungeon character in this dungeon.

That's Dr. Gallo!

Dr. Gaylor came from the Red Ribbon Legion. After the Red Ribbon was wiped out by Monkey King, he has always had the heart of revenge. He has been tracking and investigating Monkey King for many years, and wants to research and create an artificial human that can kill him.

According to the original plot, Dr. Gallo's research is in the north of the northern capital, among the mountains.

At the same time, according to the timeline, it can be inferred that Dr. Gero is still in the stage of investigation and research, and the powerful artificial man has not yet been officially released.

Today's Dr. Gairo poses very little threat, but the resources he can unleash are quite possible. He can be described as a very high-quality small boss.

Han Zheng and Zhou Xing had already discussed the plan, and after solving the Vegeta invasion incident, they came to the north to look for Dr. Gero.

Han Zheng was flying slowly among the mountains. At the same time, he also used [breath sensing], hoping to sense the breath of the human body.

At this moment, Zhou Xing's news suddenly came from the team channel——

[Zheng Han! ]
Although it was just a name, Han Zheng immediately understood that Zhou Xing had found it!
He quickly turned around, followed the direction of Zhou Xing's own Qi, and quickly flew over.

With a combat power of nearly 8000, it was extremely fast. It crossed dozens of mountain peaks in the blink of an eye, and saw Zhou Xing floating in the air ahead.

"Zheng Han, look, it should be here!"

Seeing Han Zheng arriving, Zhou Xing hurriedly pointed to a mountain wall not far ahead.

On the mountain wall, a relatively hidden cave has been dug out. Looking from this direction, one can clearly see that inside the cave, there are two man-made iron doors, which are tightly closed.

Han Zheng's heart skipped a beat. It really is Dr. Gaylor's research institute!

The two quickly flew into the cave and came to the big iron gate.

The iron door felt extremely cold to the touch, Zhou Xing lay on the door and listened for a while, but didn't hear anything.

"Get out of the way, and watch me blast him away!"

Han Zheng pushed Zhou Xing away, and then launched a Kamepai qigong, which directly hit the gate.

The iron gate was shattered in an instant, and amidst the dust, Han Zheng and Zhou Xing rushed in immediately.

The space in this research institute is not small. There are a large number of pipes laid on the ground, walls and ceiling.

Several human cabins with a height of more than two meters are placed side by side on both sides of the room.

Through the observation window on the hatch cover, you can see a human being lying in each human body compartment. This group of people have their eyes closed and their bodies are covered with tubes. Various incomprehensible indicators are displayed on the instruments next to them. Data changes.

Han Zheng thought to himself—these should be experimental subjects still in the research stage, right?

However, in these cabins, No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18 were not seen. It seems that Dr. Gerow's research has not progressed to this point.

"Who are you guys? How did you find this place?"

An old voice suddenly came, and inside the research institute, a skinny old man with a weapon rushed out with several robots.

Han Zheng immediately recognized that this skinny old man was——Dr. Gairo who almost destroyed the world a few years later.

However, right now, his research is still in the experimental stage, and he himself is still just an ordinary old man, and he hasn't transformed himself into a powerful No. 20 yet.

Dr. Gailo looked at Han Zheng and Zhou Xing who broke into the door, their skinny bodies trembling slightly, and fear flickered in their eyes.


Dr. Gary roared loudly, and quickly attacked Han Zheng and the others with the weapon in his hand. At the same time, the robots behind him also rushed forward.

Han Zheng smiled disdainfully. He waved his hands together, and struck out several times, and the robot was smashed to pieces in an instant.

At the same time, Zhou Xing, who was on the other side, also flew forward and appeared next to Dr. Gairo.

He raised his hand to smash the weapon in Dr. Gary's hand, grabbed the old man by the neck, and knocked him to the ground.

Dr. Gary wailed and stumbled to his feet. He turned and looked at the two of them, with even more fear in his eyes.

"I'll leave it to you!" Han Zheng tilted his head at Zhou Xing, turned around and stepped aside.

Zhou Xing grinned, stepped forward, and stepped on Dr. Gaylor's head.

The speed of a mortal can't dodge this kick at all. Dr. Gaylor's head was crushed by Zhou Xing just like the scene when he was trampled to death by No. 17 in the original plot.

"How? What happened?" Han Zheng asked curiously.

Zhou Xing pursed his lips and shrugged his shoulders: "Hey, I was so happy, I didn't give anything good, I gave a group of small detection robot bugs."

"That's right, you still expect him to blow you out on the 18th and let you take him home!" Han Zheng joked with a smile.

Immediately, the two of them fired again and bombarded all the experimental human chambers in the research institute one by one, until there was not even a piece of meat left.

It's a pity that nothing was revealed in this indiscriminate bombardment, as if in the setting of the dungeon, this group of unknown experimental subjects could not even be regarded as dungeon characters, but ordinary items.

After blowing up all the human capsules to pieces, the two did not leave, but searched again in the research institute.

Soon, they were inside the research institute and found a passage leading to the lower laboratory.

Han Zheng and Zhou Xing quickly drilled down, and the scene of the lower laboratory immediately came into view.

A huge computer machine is installed in the center of the laboratory, and at the same time, more pipes are connected to each other, and a large number of automated instruments are constantly working.

Right next to the central computer, a cultivation tank taller than a person stands there. The pipes are connected to the computer and other instruments, and the display instruments are constantly flickering and changing.

Through the glass of the culture tank, Han Zheng could clearly see that a small, maggot-like creature was floating gently in the bubbling culture solution, slowly growing at a slow speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye.

There is no doubt that this - is the cell embryo that is in the early stage of cultivation!

Han Zheng remembered that according to the original plot, Dr. Gaylor planned to collect blood cells from various martial artists to create a powerful monster——Shalu!
But later, he chose to give up because the training period was too long, and began to study artificial human engineering instead.

However, Dr. Gaylor's computer is always working automatically, constantly collecting cells, calculating data, and slowly cultivating Cell embryos.

After many years, this embryo will mature, walk out of the laboratory, and come to the ground, relying on its powerful strength, it will cause disaster for a while.

Right now, however, it's just a tiny maggot, incapable of doing anything at all.

Looking at the tiny embryos in the culture tank, Han Zheng took a long breath. Apart from Dr. Gero, this visit was also a goal that he had always held high expectations for.

Zhou Xing took a few steps back knowingly, and raised his hand as a gesture of please.

Han Zheng raised his hands, pointed at the training tank, and directly hit the training tank with a qigong!

[Number N2199 combatant, kill an important character in the dungeon, Embryo Cell, and drop [Cell Blood Synthesis Fragment] 1 piece, whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

(End of this chapter)

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