dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 143 The Brother from the Future 【2 in 1】

Chapter 143 The Brother from the Future【Two in One】

October 762, Ai Ji 10, the sixth day of the dungeon.

The Saiyan invaders—Vegeta and Nappa—were four days before they landed on Earth.

In a residential building in Dongdu, Han Zheng, Zhou Xing, and another strange middle-aged man stood together in the room.

The middle-aged man looked a bit burly, but at this moment he looked at Han Zheng and Zhou Xing with fear in his eyes, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"Let's use him. He's quite powerful, so he should be easy to handle." Zhou Xing pointed at Han Zheng, pointing at the burly man.

Han Zheng glanced at the man, then asked, "Have all the letters to contact Piccolo and the others been dispatched?"

"Zhang Fanda and the others have already settled the matter, don't worry, the content of the letter is all about how to fight against the Saiyans. Now that Piccolo and the others are facing a big enemy, they must be very interested in these, and will definitely be invited to come. of."

Han Zheng nodded. In the past few days, Team B seemed to have completely turned into a coward, and there was no trace of them anymore. The time for Vegeta and the others to invade the earth was approaching, so Han Zheng and the others moved ahead of time. After making some plans, I started to prepare for the Saiyan invasion in a few days.

Due to the limitation of the activity area, Han Zheng and others were unable to leave the northeastern part of the earth, so they had no choice but to repeat the old trick and use the method used in the resource dungeon before.

They sent ordinary dungeon characters to Piccolo and Son Gohan's practice site and Turtle House to deliver the letter.

In the letter, they claimed that they knew when and where the Saiyans would descend on the earth, and they were willing to fight side by side with them to defend the earth.

The Saiyan invasion is not known to ordinary earthlings except Bikkling and others, so the content of this letter will definitely attract their attention.

At the same time, because the situation was different this time, Han Zheng and the others did not use coercion to force people to deliver the letter.

Instead, they spent a lot of money and hired a group of small mercenaries to deliver the letters; of course, as for the source of the big money...

The letters were sent out last night.

Han Zheng reckoned that by now, Piccolo and the others should have received his letter.

In the letter, Han Zheng made an appointment with Piccolo and others on the outskirts of Dongdu.

Before Piccolo and others arrive, he and Zhou Xing need to find a way to greatly increase their combat effectiveness!
"Now my combat power is 602, yours is 961, and 4 times of near-death resurrection is almost enough. After all, Sun Gui is not here, we can only eat fairy beans by ourselves, let's save some..." Zhou Xingyi Pulling the hand over the burly man, he quickly pulled out his [Yajiro Bingbei Blade], stuffed it into the man's hand, and continued:
"...And the combat power doesn't need to be that high, the main thing is to rely on the dungeon characters to fight themselves."

"My combat power is now close to 1400. In the previous battle with Team B, I was seriously injured once by two people on the teleportation magic carpet, and my combat power has improved."

Han Zheng knew very well that his fighting power had increased due to devouring the rare number. Although he could usually suppress his aura so that no one would see it, once he entered the battle, he would inevitably not reveal his secrets. He simply told a lie in advance to make it easier.

Anyway, the battle at that time was very chaotic, and Zhou Xing never cared about his own side. He didn't know whether he was injured or not.

Zhou Xing nodded when he heard the words, and the two moved quickly, forcing the burly man in turn, stabbing each of them four times.

Han Zheng and Zhou Xing ate four fairy beans in a row, and after being revived four times in a row, Zhou Xing's combat power had reached 2312.

As for Han Zheng, it was 5708; however, he still concealed this number, only saying that he currently has a combat strength of more than 5100.

Knocking off 4 fairy beans in a row, Han Zheng couldn't help but feel a heartache. This is 2200 points.

If you can't get some resources back this time, you will lose money if you don't manage well.

So far, the plan has progressed very smoothly. After increasing the combat power, it didn't take long for Han Zheng to sense that three auras suddenly emerged from the south, and they were rushing towards Dongdu.

Judging from the sense of breath, it should be Piccolo, Krillin and Son Gohan who came!
Han Zheng and Zhou Xing quickly flew out of Dongdu City to the outskirts they had agreed upon, waiting for the arrival of the three of them.

Sensing the three auras that were getting closer, Han Zheng couldn't help asking Zhou Xing: "Will your nonsense talk really work? Why do I always feel unreliable?"

Zhou Xing made up a set of lies that he thought he was a genius about how to cheat the trust of Bikkerin and others, infiltrate their team, and fight Vegeta with them.

However, as soon as Zhou Xing said this plan, Han Zheng felt that it was extremely nonsense. No matter how Zhou Xing persuaded him, he felt a little uneasy.

"You don't have to worry so much..." Zhou Xing laughed: "Your current combat power can be tough. Piccolo and the others are not your opponents at all. Before such a strong force, they will not doubt you at all. , You said you are here to help defend the earth, then you must be here to help!"

Han Zheng curled his lips, still feeling that Zhou Xing's rhetoric was nonsense.

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Xing raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "Later, take out your somersault cloud, this will increase their favorability towards you, haha."

Han Zheng nodded, and quickly took out the somersault cloud.

"By the way, if you really can't cooperate later, you can talk less and watch how I perform!" Zhou Xing is still very confident in his plan: "Actually, there is nothing to worry about. Since Trunks said they can Believe me, why can’t they believe my words?”

Soon, three breaths came to the front, and in the sky, two figures, one big and one small, flashed quickly.

These three figures standing side by side in the air are Piccolo, Krillin and Son Gohan!
Han Zheng and Zhou Xing looked at each other, and quickly took off to arrive in front of Piccolo and the others.

"Hey! This person actually has the same somersaulting cloud as my family!" Sun Wuhan spoke first, pointing to the cloud under Han Zheng's feet, with a look of surprise on his face.

Kelin, who was on the side, also muttered to himself when he saw this: "To be able to sit on the somersault cloud, he shouldn't be a villain..."

Piccolo glanced at Han Zheng and Zhou Xing, and asked loudly, "You two, are you the one who sent us a letter? How did you know about the imminent invasion of the Saiyans?"

Han Zheng looked at Zhou Xing. Since he was very confident, he would have full authority over this kind of "diplomatic rhetoric".

Zhou Xing coughed lightly and acted very generously: "Not only do we know that the Saiyans are about to invade, but we also know that their landing place in four days' time is in the Eastern Capital City, which is why I invited you here , If you have any doubts about our words, you can verify them when the Saiyans come."

Piccolo looked at Han Zheng and Zhou Xing, he thought for a moment, his tone softened slightly:

"I can feel the anger of the two of you, both of you have great strength, especially him..." Having said this, Piccolo pointed at Han Zheng:
"...His power is even far stronger than mine. I'm curious, when did there appear on Earth such a powerful master as the two of you?"

At this time, Han Zheng and Zhou Xing did not hide their combat power at all, exuding arrogance wantonly, intending to show their strength to each other.

"Well..." Zhou Xing immediately lowered his head and fell silent.

"Why, since you said in your letter that you want to assist us and defend the earth together, aren't you even willing to reveal your real identity?"

Hearing Piccolo's question, Zhou Xing sighed, as if he had made some kind of decision. He raised his head, looked at Piccolo and the other three, and said in a very solemn voice:

"To be honest, our two brothers are actually from the future 22 years later!"

Hearing this, Han Zheng resisted the unbearable embarrassment and did not bow his head. At the same time, he felt goosebumps all over his body.

This—is Zhou Xing's plan!

What nonsense!Fortunately, he can figure it out!
At this time, Piccolo and the other three people on the opposite side were all shocked when they heard the words, and they were speechless for a moment.

Zhou Xing put on an extremely heavy expression, and continued:
"That's right, our two brothers traveled from the future to the present in a time machine! Because, four days later, two extremely terrifying Saiyans descended, and all the warriors on Earth, except for Yamcha, were defeated. After being killed, a large number of humans on the earth were slaughtered by Saiyans, and the remaining humans became slaves of aliens! At that time, the earth was like hell!"

The more Zhou Xing said, the more heartbroken he became, as if Trunks had possessed him, and he seemed to have entered the drama!

And look at the three of Piccolo on the opposite side... Judging from their expressions, it seems that they still have some faith!

"Ju... actually came from the future..." Kelin grinned, looking shocked.

Zhou Xing is getting more and more aggressive now, he clenches his fists, and his voice is full of resentment:

"Our two brothers, as the remaining earthlings, have been hiding in Tibet with our mother, and at the same time, we are working hard to practice, hoping that one day we can defeat the aliens and take back our homeland. The strength is too strong, we are not opponents at all!"

"You... Both of you are already so powerful, why are you still not a match for the Saiyans?" Piccolo was startled.

"That's right, so the mother of our two brothers, after years of research, finally created a time machine..." Zhou Xing continued:

"My mother said that in the battle to defend the earth, the Saiyans also narrowly won. At that time, as long as there were more helpers, they would definitely be able to defeat them. Therefore, my mother gave us the somersault cloud left by Mr. Sun Wukong after his death. , let us take a time machine to this era and help you defeat the Saiyans and defend the Earth!"

These words made Piccolo and the other three people stunned for a while. After a long time, Kelin suddenly realized that he stared and asked:

"You said, your mother handed Wukong's somersault cloud to you, does she recognize us? And she can also invent a time machine, could it be that she is..."

"That's right, our brother's mother is Bulma!" Zhou Xing puffed up his chest instantly: "...We are the children of Bulma and Yamcha!"

Han Zheng's heart was about to collapse at this moment, but he still had to put on a strong face to match Zhou Xing's performance.

On the other hand, Kelin was already in a daze.

Zhou Xing hastily added: "This matter... please keep it a secret, and don't tell it, so as not to have any impact, if it doesn't happen, we won't be born."

Krillin nodded again and again, Sun Gohan looked confused, and Piccolo remained silent.



Although Zhou Xing's series of lies made Han Zheng embarrassed from the beginning to the end, the effect was surprisingly good.

Piccolo and the others readily accepted Zhou Xing's words, took the two of them as companions, and prepared to deal with the Saiyans who came to invade four days later.

Perhaps, as Zhou Xing said—they can believe what Trunks said, why can't they believe what I say?

Moreover, the strength that Han Zheng can display at this time can completely beat everyone including Piccolo. Strong strength is the guarantee of credibility.

After all, the earth at this moment is facing a huge crisis and urgently needs his strong assistance.

Everything went smoothly according to plan.

According to the original plot, due to the negligence of King Kai, he temporarily forgot the time when Monkey King passed through the Snake Road when he returned, which caused a delay of one day when Monkey King returned to Earth after his resurrection.

But this time, under the reminder of Han Zheng and Zhou Xing as "experienced people", Kelin and Guixianren chose to revive Monkey King in advance.

Sun Wukong, who was resurrected in advance, was reminded, and hurriedly set off through the snake road ahead of time, and finally rushed back to the earth before Vegeta came.

After this incident, everyone's trust in Han Zheng and Zhou Xing suddenly increased a lot.

Since the place where the Saiyans landed has been known, soon Yamu tea, Tianjin rice, dumplings, etc. also rushed to Dongdu to meet.

According to the plan, Han Zheng and Zhou Xing stayed together with a group of earth warriors.

However, due to their low combat effectiveness, Zhang Fanda and Sun Kele were unable to participate in the battle, so they could only suppress their breath and hide in the vicinity.

At the same time, the two of them have to be responsible, always looking around secretly, whether there is any trace of Team B.

Once there is any suspicious situation, it must be reported through the group frequency in time.

After all, Team B has been unable to hide for a long time, so it is hard not to make people wonder whether they are also planning to come out suddenly to do something on the day of the Saiyan invasion.

Four days passed quickly, and the dungeon time came to November 762rd, Ai Ji 11!
In the Eastern capital——

Han Zheng, Zhou Xing, Piccolo, Sun Wufan, Tianjin Fan, Kelin, Yamucha, Dumpling and the resurrected Monkey King.

The people who have been preparing for many days are gathered here at this moment, everyone has a serious expression and is ready to fight.

11:43 am!
Two huge "fireballs" fell from the sky, like falling meteorites, and slammed into the city of Dongdu!
Two big holes were blasted out in the street in an instant, and a large number of passers-by were tragically affected.

Inside the crater, two men wearing alien battle armor quickly walked out of two small spherical spaceships.

One was tall and burly, with a bald head and a beard.

One was slightly short in stature, with straight hair and a proud face.

"The earth is like this, not bad..." Vegeta, who came to the earth for the first time, looked at the panicked earthlings around him, showing a strange smile.

The ba standing beside him raised his mouth slightly, he quickly raised his arm, stretched out two fingers, and waved towards the sky!
"Look, let me say hello to these guys!"

(End of this chapter)

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