dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 14 Entering the Practice Dungeon

Chapter 14 Entering the Practice Dungeon
Level 1 public living area of ​​Dragon Ball Battlegrounds.

What came into view was a huge "square". There were some pavilions and promenades on the site. A few combatants gathered together in twos and threes, talking about something; most of them were alone. , come and go in a hurry without making any contact with each other.

Han Zheng stood at the edge of a long corridor. When he first arrived at the public living area, various reminders, or route maps, or various functions immediately appeared in front of his eyes in the form of graphic characters. Pass.

The first-level public living area is still relatively simple, except for the free activity square, there are only three areas: the stall area, the trading hall, and the service station.

Han Zheng arrived at the trading hall following the route prompts. At the moment, a few groups of people were gathering at the edge of the hall, discussing something noisily.

"It turns out that this is the so-called 'information dealer'..."

Han Zheng remembered that this phenomenon was mentioned in his cousin's diary: the first-level living quarters are all combatants who have not completed the fifth round of dungeons, and most of them don't know many details about [Dragon Ball Battlefield] At the same time, they cannot enter the more advanced living quarters.

However, combatants in the second-level or even higher-level living areas can come down to the first-level living area, so there are also many senior combatants who take advantage of the ignorance and eagerness of the newcomers to sell various so-called "information" in the trading hall. 2% of these "information" are fake, and they are despicable methods used by veterans to defraud novices of their points.

Seeing another combatant who looked like a rookie walk into the trading room, a sharp-eyed "information dealer" in the crowd immediately shouted loudly. Han Zheng ignored it and walked straight onto the trading desk with a blank expression.

The trading desk is located in the center of the hall. It is a large countertop with a height of more than [-] centimeters.

After the fighters stood on the stage, a blue light board would automatically appear in front of them, with various reminders and classifications on the board.

Combatants can follow the prompts and search for the equipment or skills they need by category on the page. At the same time, they can also place the equipment skills or blood they don't need on the board according to the settings, and sell them.

After the transaction is completed, the trading hall will draw 10% as tax.

Han Zheng stared at the page, flipped through a few pages, and found that the prices on the market were very confusing. For example, there was a [Sky Cross Fist] that sold for 180 points on the first few pages, and the same [Sky Cross Fist] appeared a few pages later, priced at 320 , the gap is nearly doubled.

The main reason is that there are many newcomers, so that there are endless messy price points.

After flipping through a few more pages quickly, he didn't need the really cheap things for the time being, and the prices of good things were too outrageous. Han Zheng laughed at himself, closed the page, and left the trading room.

According to the content experience recorded in the cousin's diary, it is still not advisable to easily spend points to buy equipment or skills when combatants are in the rookie stage.

First, the trading market in the first-level living area is chaotic, and the prices are messy. Newcomers have few points.

Furthermore, for combatants who are still in the first-level living area, equipment skills are only secondary. What is really important is to strive to improve their combat effectiveness. The right way is to accumulate more points to buy [practice dungeons].

Han Zheng, who walked out of the trading hall, looked at the stall area not far away. Many combatants set up stalls there to sell some of their own things because they had more time and were reluctant to part with the 10% tax.

In the living area, combatants are prohibited from attacking each other, so there is no need to worry about someone forcibly robbing them.

At the same time, the biggest difference between the stall area and the trading hall is that combatants in the stall area can only trade equipment and skills, while the trading hall can also list [blood] for sale.

Han Zheng sighed lightly, and decided not to go shopping in the stall area. After all, he has quite a lot of equipment at hand, so he should follow the experience in his cousin's diary, try not to spend points in the early stage, and use them for cultivation improve yourself.

In the next second, Han Zheng teleported himself back to the private living area.

"Enter [Cultivation Dungeon]!"

Standing in the room, Han Zheng issued instructions according to the previous prompt.

A blue ray that appeared out of nowhere scanned Han Zheng from top to bottom, followed by a light blue subtitle flashing in the air:

[Combat number: N2199]
[Combat power: 5]
[Bloodline: Earthlings]
[The upper limit of combat power: 1000]
[Practice speed: E]
[Copy rounds executed: 1]
[Scanning completed, screening...]
[After the scanning results, according to the combatants' current combat effectiveness, bloodline, and execution of the dungeon round, one of the following training dungeons is specially selected for selection:]
[Practice on Gupai Island]
[Purchase price: 1 day/10 points]
[The ratio between the time flow rate in the practice copy and the reality is 6:1]
[Please choose to buy]
Han Zheng spent all 700 points without hesitation, and bought 70 days of [Training on Guipai Island].

The biggest mistake that rookie combatants make when they first buy a training dungeon is to always want to save some points for emergencies, and this choice is harmful to newcomers.

For combatants in the level 1 living area, storing points is meaningless. For combatants at this time, using all methods to maximize themselves is the only way to increase their chances of survival in the next instance .

It is a great waste to keep some points but keep them for use. The next round of dungeons will come at some time. As a result, one's own strength was slightly inferior, and in the end he failed to seize the opportunity. This situation is not uncommon among newcomers.

Cousin Han Lei once made such a mistake, which almost caused a catastrophe. This experience had a profound impact on him, and he recorded it in his diary.

Han Zheng only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and the room and furniture disappeared instantly.

The warm wind in the morning blew on his face, and Han Zheng found that he had been teleported to an island.

"Now I will officially teach you Guixianpai martial arts! But first, I want to tell you what martial arts are!"

An old but powerful and majestic voice came. Han Zheng took a closer look and saw a bald bearded grandfather holding a cane and wearing sunglasses standing in front of him, lecturing loudly.

"Turtle... Turtle Immortal..." Han Zheng blurted out, the old man in front of him was the teacher of Monkey King, Kelin and others, Guixian known as the "God of Martial Arts"!
"Shut up!" Guixian came over with a cane: "Call me Teacher Wutian, and don't interrupt when I talk!"

Han Zheng hurriedly shut up, covered his swollen head, and looked around.

There were two other people standing beside him, they were Sun Wukong and Klin, who were in their youth learning arts. They both stood upright, but Klin took a moment to give him a slightly mocking look.

"Learning martial arts is not for fighting, to be competitive, nor for..." Gui Xianren began to lecture again.

It turned out that this was the [Cultivation Dungeon]. Han Zheng looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly understood a lot.

The scene I am in at the moment is exactly the plot in the comics where Sun Wukong and Klin follow the Guixianren to practice on the island for the first time. copy.

In the original plot, only Sun Wukong and Kelin followed Guixianren to practice.

At this time, the dungeon sets Han Zheng as the No. 3 apprentice other than Monkey King and Kelin, and also participates in the practice.

After Guixian finished his speech, he waved his hands and said to the "three apprentices":
"Now, let's get started!"

(End of this chapter)

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