dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 124 Two Great Ideas [2 in 2]

Chapter 124 Two Great Ideas 【Two in One】

"The battle between the two great ideas?" Han Zheng's mouth was slightly raised, with a hint of ridicule: "Why, there is still academia in this battlefield?"

"Haha, maybe I'm exaggerating when I say this, but at present, in the battlefield, especially in the high-level area, there are indeed debates between two dungeon execution concepts, that is..."

Before Zhou Xing could finish speaking, Li Lin who was at the side suddenly interrupted: "Why are you still chatting?"

Zhou Xing spread his hands: "Anyway, there is nothing to do, let's chat to pass the time..."

"Then you two can chat here..." Li Lin quickly stood up and said, "...Since we have to wait for one to two days, then I'll go prepare the accommodation first."

After speaking, without waiting for the reaction of the other two, Li Lin quickly walked out of the restaurant and blended into the crowd.

"See, Zheng Han..." Zhou Xing smiled and complained to himself: "...It's not good to be low in combat power. Even being a captain is not domineering."

Han Zheng laughed twice, then asked, "Let's talk about your so-called 'controversy of ideas'!"

"OK... Zheng Han, you see, in the battlefield, if you want to become stronger and protect yourself, you must constantly improve your combat power, and the upper limit of combat power and the speed of cultivation are strictly limited by blood, so in the final analysis, we combatants How strong it can be depends entirely on the bloodline we can get!"

Han Zheng nodded.

Zhou Xing continued: "Then where does the blood come from? Copy characters! Then the problem comes, for example, you and I are Saiyans now, if we want to further upgrade to Super Saiyans, what should we do?"

"Naturally, I want to find a way to kill the characters in the Super Race dungeon, and explode the blood of the Super Race."

"That's right, but, with your and my Saiyan bloodlines, even if you train your combat power to the highest limit, and then find a way to open some 'special cases', the level you can reach is impossible for those whose combat power has already increased. There are hundreds of millions of Super Saiyan opponents, in addition to Super Saiyan, there are Frieza, Cyborg, Cell, Dabra, Buu, etc. We need their bloodlines if we want to become stronger, but we don’t fight at all. But them!"

Zhou Xing paused, and his tone was slightly aggravated and slowed down: "A combatant must kill a copy character who is stronger than himself to make himself stronger... Maybe it's a bit confusing... The question is, how can we do it?" How about killing a dungeon character who is much stronger than you?"

Han Zheng felt that this question was not a problem. He had walked this way and killed Monkey King twice and Future Trunks once. He knew the answer very well:
"We are familiar with the plot, we know the weaknesses of each character, and we are also familiar with many key moments, which can be used to overcome the strong with the weak."

"You are right, then, next, I will tell you about the so-called 'two major concepts', these two concepts are aimed at how to kill dungeon characters more efficiently in various dungeons, and obtain Two different routes of blood..." Zhou Xing smiled and continued:

"One is called the 'Shun Plot School', also known as the Obedience School, and the other is called the 'Cutting Plot School', also known as the Traction School."

Obedience and traction!
Just hearing these two names, Han Zheng immediately guessed what these two concepts refer to.

"Haha, I guess you should have already guessed a bit. The so-called obedience and traction refer to how combatants should use the plots they are familiar with to maximize their profits——

——The obedience faction means that since combatants are familiar with all the development lines of the plot, they don’t need to make much influence. As long as they follow the plot, there will naturally be opportunities to attack, such as—someone is seriously injured, someone is unconscious, Grasp someone's weakness, blah blah blah. "

Han Zheng nodded again. In fact, he killed Trunks in the dungeon before.

In fact, such exploitable time points and character weaknesses abound in the plot. As long as the time is just right, in every scene of a battle between the characters, someone will be seriously injured, and the combatants can take advantage of it. .

At the same time, the tail of Monkey King, the controller of the artificial man, etc., are the Achilles' heels of powerful characters, and they can be exploited whenever there is an opportunity.

"But..." Zhou Xing tapped on the table lightly:

"...Following the plot route, after all, has many disadvantages. For example, the time in the dungeon is limited, and I am afraid that it may not be possible to wait for a favorable time point. In many dungeons, after all, there are other combatants who will participate in the competition. Some The actions of combatants may lead to the collapse of the plot, making the plot go in an uncontrollable direction, and in the end, not only may there be nothing, but they may also be killed by powerful copy characters."

Zhou Xing picked up the drink on the table, took a sip to moisten his throat, and continued:
"...Therefore, besides the obedience school, there is also the traction school, and the viewpoint of this school is——

——Since there are so many combatants competing with me in the dungeon, it is inevitable that the plot will be changed. In this case, simply let the plot change according to your own needs, and lead the plot direction through careful design After all, combatants not only understand the plot, but also understand the character of the dungeon characters. The reactions that dungeon characters can make in the face of various emergencies can also be predicted, so as long as they operate well, they can You can lead the plot and dungeon characters step by step towards the direction that is most beneficial to you. "

Han Zheng frowned. Zhou Xing's rhetoric was easy to say, but it was not so difficult to operate.

It is easier said than done to let the plot direction be led by me. There are so many variables in it that it is almost difficult to predict. Uncontrollable situations may appear at any time, which will put me in a situation where there is no redemption.

From this point of view, the difficulties faced by the traction faction are much greater than those of the obedience faction.

But if you think about it carefully, if you can perfectly control and guide the plot and all the dungeon characters as Zhou Xing said, then the benefits you can get in a dungeon are destined to be huge.

"Of course, it's not that easy to successfully control the plot..." Zhou Xing seemed to have seen Han Zheng's thoughts, and he said:

"...So, at present, the two factions have their own advantages and disadvantages. Each combatant will choose a different route according to his own situation to strive for benefits in the dungeon. Currently, low-level players like us At the stage, they are basically the obedience faction, and only after they reach the high-level zone will people who follow the lead faction gradually appear."

Han Zheng thought about it, and felt that it was true. No matter what, if he wanted to control the direction of the plot, he still needed to have a certain strength as a foundation.

At the same time, at the current stage I am in, even the activity area has not been fully opened, so it is naturally difficult to pull the plot and characters.

"Zheng Han, let me tell you a story about a master in the advanced area..." Zhou Xing waved his finger and continued:

"...This master is already the commander of a large army. His behavior in a certain instance can be called a textbook-like operation of the traction faction. The instance timeline he entered is the one of Beji The day Ta and Trunks first entered the spiritual time room——

——You are also familiar with the plot. You should know that in the copy at that time, there were four big Asians, two cyborgs, Cell, God Piccolo, etc. This master carefully planned to combine all the copy characters in the copy with the competition Combatants are all in the palm of his hand, and almost everyone has become his pawn... At the end of the dungeon, he killed all the important dungeon characters, got the blood of all the characters, and some characters were even killed He killed more than once!Do you know why? "

"Because Trunks has a time machine?" Han Zheng replied.

"It's not just that!" Zhou Xingyue said more and more happily, as if bragging about his glorious deeds:
"Not only did he use Trunks' time machine, he also used Dragon Balls to summon Shenlong to resurrect some dungeon characters, and then provoke them to fight again, looking for opportunities to kill them again!"

The more Han Zheng heard it, the more surprised he was, that he could still do this!

Seeing the change of expression on Han Zheng's face, Zhou Xing felt a little smug: "Zheng Han, one day in the future, when you and I enter the high-level area and start to perform dungeons of higher ranks, we may encounter many such shrewd combatants , you have to be prepared, if you can't figure it out, they will eat the meat over and over again, and the rest will not even be able to drink the soup."

Han Zheng nodded. Originally, during this period of time, when he occasionally recalled that in the last round of the dungeon, he used the time machine to repeatedly kill Trunks to obtain the super race blood operation, and he was still a little complacent.

Looking at it now, there is no lack of higher and more profound abilities in this battlefield, so you should not be too complacent, and you should study hard.

Afterwards, Han Zheng and Zhou Xing casually chatted about some trivial matters in the dungeon.

About an hour later, in the team channel, Li Lin sent a message, claiming that she had already arranged the accommodation and the detailed location.

The two of them had already had enough of staying here, so they immediately went to the residence arranged by Li Lin.

On the way, Han Zheng was a little curious. What is the origin of Li Lin, the only woman in the team?
After entering this dungeon, the three of William and the others quickly went to the carnival, while Zhou Xing and himself chatted here. From the beginning to the end, Li Lin was the only one who was busy with "work".

Out of curiosity, Han Zheng cryptically asked Zhou Xing questions on the road, but Zhou Xing just smiled and didn't answer.

Li Lin's "arranged" residence is a large single-family villa with a large area. There is no doubt that she must have obtained this house from ordinary residents by some means.

Next, the entire team will rest and wait for one to two days. During this time, William and the three of them have been "carnival" outside.

As for Han Zheng, Zhou Xing and Li Lin, they stayed in the villa very honestly and rarely went out for a walk.

Since Li Lin only wanted to be bored in the room and watch the TV show of Dragon Ball World, the plan of three people fighting the landlord fell through, and Han Zheng and Zhou Xing could only play backgammon to relieve their boredom.

During this day, according to current news reports on TV, there have been many incidents of young women being raped or missing in the city of Zhongdu, and the police in Zhongdu have started to investigate.

Zhou Xing's face became a little ugly when he saw the vicious news. He quickly sent a message on the team channel:

[Pay attention to the three of you, this is the capital where the king is after all, don't make too much noise and affect the plot! ]
After getting the three people's perfunctory answers, Zhou Xing could only laugh dryly. After all, indulging himself in the resource dungeon is already the norm in the battlefield. Even if he is the captain, he can't interfere too much.

In this way, the dungeon time was wasted little by little, and finally came to the middle of the night of the next day...


William and the other three, who had been "carnival" outside for more than a day, finally returned to the residence at this moment. From the expressions of several people, Han Zheng could tell that they must have been busy during this period of time.

In a room in the villa, the six members of [Lucky Team] gathered together again.

"Okay, I've had enough fun, it's time to talk about business!" Zhou Xing stood in the middle of several people, and said in a serious tone:

"According to the timeline, Kelin Yamucha and the others should have started practicing in the temple at this moment. Now, except for Gui Xianren, all valuable dungeon characters on the earth should already be in the Western Hemisphere."

Zhou Xing glanced back and forth at several team members, and continued: "Before taking action, let's get acquainted with each other first. Combat strength and bloodlines have been made public, so there is no need to talk about it. Now everyone will report on their skills one by one."

"I'll come first..." Li Lin spoke first, "[Perfect Transformation] [Kamehae Qigong] [Volleyball Fist] [Dancing Kongshu] [Sun Fist] [Breath Mastery] [Breath Sensation]."

"[Life Skills · Driving Mastery] [Lion Tooth Fist] [Eight Hands Fist] [Dongdongbo] [Air Bomb] [Dancing Kongshu] [Breath Mastery]." Lu Bin was the second to speak.

"[Spike Fang Fengfeng Fist] [Sky Cross Fist] [Good Baby Sleeping Fist] [Dancing Kongshu] [Qi Bomb] [Breath Proficiency]." Sun Gui continued.

William yawned, squinted his eyes and said lazily: "[Incomplete Transformation] [Spike Wind Fist] [Wan Guo Shocking Palm] [Four Demon Fist] [Sun Fist] [Dancing Kong Shu] [Kame Pie Qigong] 】【Breath Proficiency】【Air Sensing】, alas, I forgot what the skill you guys mentioned just now is, my mind is a little confused now, that girl in the afternoon..."

Although William looked foolish, Han Zheng still took a few extra glances at him. Not only was his combat prowess second only to his in the team, but he was also clearly superior to other players in terms of the quantity and quality of his skills.

If you only count the number, even yourself can't compare with him.

Looking at his teammates, Han Zheng also opened his mouth to report his skills: "[Incomplete Transformation] [Sky Cross Fist] [Dongdongbo] [Dancing Kongshu] [Breath Proficiency] [Wan Guo Shocking Palm] [Four Body Fist] [ Breath sensing]."

When he said [Four Body Fist], Han Zheng obviously noticed that there was a sudden change in the eyes of several team members looking at him.

"Okay, it's my turn..." Zhou Xing, the captain, was the last to speak: "【Dancing Kongshu】【Dongdongbo】【Spike Fangfengfengquan】【Sunquan】【Aura Mastery】【Magic Sealing Wave】 [Breath sensing]."

After the 6 people reported their skills one after another, Zhou Xing made a fool of Li Lin next to him, and then continued:
"Because some characters in the dungeon are stronger than our current ones, so for the four Saiyans in the team, including me, we have to use the special abilities of our own bloodlines."

At the same time, Li Lin quickly grabbed an obese man who was tied up heavily from the bathroom, and threw it on the ground.

This fat man is the real owner of this villa. At this moment, he is looking at the six people around him in panic, trembling all over.

In Zhou Xing's hand, a long knife appeared in an instant, it was his [Yajiro Bingwei's Blade].

He swung his knife several times in a row, cutting off the rope on the fat man, and then he said to the other teammates, "Who will come first?"

"I'll come first."

Li Lin moved a chair and placed it in front of the fat man, and then she sat down on the chair.

At the same time, she also coldly said to Sun Gui next to her: "Later, you have to seize the opportunity and don't hesitate. If you move slowly, be careful and I will come back to settle accounts with you!"

Sun Gui was beside her, rubbing his palms vigorously: "Don't worry, there will be no mistakes."

Seeing that Li Lin and Sun Gui were ready, Zhou Xing threw the [Yajiro Bingbei Blade] on the ground, and then kicked it to the fat man's hand.

"Pick up the knife and stab the woman on the chair!"

"Ah—?" The obese man was terrified and puzzled, and he didn't understand Zhou Xing's meaning at all.

Zhou Xing just kicked up!
"I'll let you pick up the knife and stab the woman on the chair!"

================================================== =======
ps: I really can't find a good break point, so I can only continue to combine two in one...

(End of this chapter)

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