dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 118 Three Cold Stones

Chapter 118 Three Cold Stones

Zhao Chun!

It shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?
Although it was just a name, Han Zheng's thoughts drifted involuntarily to the red USB flash drive.

Since [Blue Team] was related to the specific situation of his cousin Han Lei, and the U disk containing important information in the [Storm Corps] leak incident fell into his hands, these two things have been intertwined during this period of time. Han Zheng couldn't get rid of it in his mind.

And when he learned that the [Blue Team] had been incorporated into the [Storm Corps], the two teams and two things that he had always thought to be irrelevant suddenly became more or less related.

As a result, whenever he thinks about one of these two things, another thing will suddenly pop up in his mind involuntarily.

When he heard that the captain of [Blue Team] was named Zhao Chunzhi, the name "Brother Chun" in the suicide note on the red USB flash drive popped up in his mind.

Is it possible... to be alone?

Han Zheng's thoughts kept surging, but at the same time, he also felt that his sudden speculation was really groundless.

Zhao Chun is the captain of the [Blue Team], and now according to what Chen Chen said, he is the new commander of the [Storm Corps].

And that "Brother Chun" is the mastermind behind the "Storm Corps" spy incident.

Such inconsistencies are irrelevant, so you can't force yourself to associate them just because they happen to have the word "chun" on them, right?
Although he understood this truth in his heart, Han Zheng always felt that there seemed to be a faint voice deep in his heart, which kept reminding him that maybe things were not that simple.

"According to you, the blue team is just a team that has just joined the Corps..." Han Zheng looked at Chen Chen and asked again: "...Then why did the captain of such a team become the new Corps Commander? "

According to what he overheard from the two combatants in the previous dungeon, even if the regiment commander Lei Bao stepped down, the captain named Liu Changfeng was most likely to take over.

"Haha, this matter is indeed a bit unexpected. Before the [Storm Corps] held a high-level meeting, there were already some rumors that someone might jointly force the palace to force Lei Bao to step down, but at that time, the intelligence circles all agreed that the new The one who will take the stage will probably be Liu Changfeng from [Changfeng Team], after all, their team is the second largest team in the Corps..."

Chen Chen took a sip of his drink, cleared his throat, and continued:

"...But, I didn't expect [Blue Team] Zhao Chun to take the top position. This is indeed beyond people's expectations. Some people have speculated based on the news that has spread so far. It is very likely that this is a retreat by the Thunder Leopard Envoy. In order to advance, I first took the blame and resigned, and then used all my energy to push a captain who was not very senior or prestige in the Corps but was loyal to me, so as to resolve the temporary conflict and continue to manipulate behind the scenes."

"It's okay like this?" Han Zheng felt a little unbelievable.

"Of course, Lei Bao is the founder of [Storm Corps] after all, so he still has a lot of energy accumulated over the years."

"But I heard that this [blue team] had a problem with some other teams in the Corps before it was incorporated?"

Hearing Han Zheng's question, Chen Chen frowned immediately: "This... I really haven't paid much attention to it. It's normal for teams to have conflicts with each other. Sometimes, teams under the same regiment will occasionally Get some friction."

Han Zheng nodded, but he remembered what the [Storm Corps] member said to him in the dungeon, but he felt that it might not be that simple.

"By the way, why do you care about this issue? What's your relationship with [Blue Team]?" Chen Chen suddenly asked with great interest.

Han Zheng quickly made up a reason, and was about to speak, but saw Chen Chen on the opposite side suddenly stretch out his hand to stop him.

Chen Chen said: "Forget it, I guess what you said may not be the truth, you should just pretend I didn't ask."

Han Zheng was taken aback for a moment. Is it because he didn't cover up too well?Or is Chen Chen's vision too poisonous?

Chen Chen laughed, and said, "Forget it, that's the end of giving free information, let's change the subject, Master Zheng, what is the timeline for your fifth round of dungeons?"

Actually asked about this.

Chen Chen must have gone through some abnormal timelines during the fifth round of the dungeon. Han Zheng didn't intend to lie about this issue, so he truthfully selected some things he thought he could say, and chatted with them...



At the same time, in a high-level area, [Storm Corps] territory, a conference room.

The handsome Zhao Chun, in his thirties, is sitting at the head of the meeting room, while Lei Bao, the former regiment commander, is sitting on his right hand with a smile on his face.

On both sides of the long conference table, there were already two rows of people sitting at the moment, some with complex expressions, and some with calm expressions.

"Okay, Ah Chun, most of the captains have arrived, and the rest of them are because they have a task and can't get away, so they can start talking." Lei Bao, the former regiment commander, still called Zhao Chun as Ah Chun at this moment, with a tone of attitude On the surface, it seems that he did not pay enough respect to the new regiment commander.

And Zhao Chun, the new head of the corps, didn't seem to care. He smiled at Lei Bao beside him, and then turned to both sides of the conference table, and the captains of the [Storm Corps] said:

"Thanks to the recommendation of the former head of the corps and the support of the brothers in the corps, now I, someone Zhao, is the head of the corps..."

Hearing this, several captains around the conference table immediately showed disdain, and some even let out a cold snort.

"I know that within our Corps, some captains are very dissatisfied with my role as Corps Commander..." Zhao Chun looked at the few captains who disdained him, and continued calmly:

"...Some people think that I entered the Corps late, and my qualifications are low, and some teams have had conflicts with me [the blue team] before. I am here today, and I want to give you some explanations..."

Zhao Chun paused, his voice suddenly raised a bit:
"First, in fact, very early on, I reached an agreement with Captain Lei Bing to work for our [Storm Corps] secretly. At that time, although our [Blue Team] had not yet joined the Corps, strictly speaking However, we are already considered members of the Corps, but because of the request of Captain Lei Bing, we have not been able to officially join the Corps, and we were not formally incorporated until not long ago."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the conference room, and voices of discussion and suspicion suddenly arose.

Lei Bao, who was sitting by the side, stood up, waved his hand, and motioned for everyone to be quiet, then he smiled and said:
"That's right, Ah Chun has been following my orders for a long time, and has been secretly helping the Corps to do things. Since some tasks cannot be done in the name of the Corps, it can only make Ah Chun and the others feel wronged. Except for me, [ The captain of Team Unforgivable also knew about this situation very early on, and he can fully testify that he did not tell everyone until today, and it is indeed a bit difficult."

The rest of the captains had another round of discussions, and voices of doubts were still lingering in their ears. One of the captains stood up directly, pointed at Zhao Chun and asked loudly:

"Since you said that you have been secretly working for the Corps for a long time, then I would like to ask you, in the previous dungeon, why did you members of [Blue Team] treat us [Xiaolong Team] and [Team Xiaolong]?" [Changfeng Squad] killed all the people? Several generals of [Changfeng Squad] were killed by your people in that round of dungeons, resulting in heavy losses, how do you explain it?"

Hearing this, Zhao Chun had a solemn expression on his face. He also stood up all of a sudden, waved his hand for silence, and then said:

"For this matter, I am indeed responsible. This kind of thing happened entirely because of my improper employment, which led to the appearance of a traitor in the team. He betrayed my order and attacked the members of our corps in the dungeon, so that Serious damage was done to the regiment."

"Traitor? What traitor?"

"This traitor and some of his followers were all killed by me in a dungeon before the [Blue Team] was formally incorporated. It can be regarded as revenge for those dead Corps members. Bar."

"Who exactly is this person you're talking about? What's going on?" The captain continued to ask aggressively as if he was still not convinced by the words.

Zhao Chun let out a long sigh, with a slightly sad voice:
"That traitor was once brought up by me. I almost regarded him as my brother. I tried my best to protect him in the dungeon. I also helped him open the [Saiyan Bloodline] and helped him get the The upper limit exception raised his combat power upper limit, and promoted him to be the vice-captain of our [blue team], but unexpectedly, at the critical moment, he betrayed me with a group of followers!"

"Who exactly are you talking about?"

Zhao Chun sighed again, as if he remembered the name of the person mentioned not far away.

"This person is called Han Sanshi!"

(End of this chapter)

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