dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 115 Battlefield Level 2 Living Area

Chapter 115 Battlefield Level 2 Living Area
[Number N2199 combatant, you have successfully executed five rounds of dungeons and officially entered the second-level living area]
Han Zheng was standing in front of the door of a villa, and the voice of the battlefield sounded in his ears.

Just like what I saw when I went to the "Sword Club" with Zhou Xing last time, after upgrading to the second-level living area, the fighter's private area was also upgraded from an ordinary residence to a garden villa.

Han Zheng turned around and looked at the surrounding gardens and courtyards. The environment was very rural, which was quite in line with his inner preference.

However, outside the courtyard, there is nothingness, as if in this entire space, only this property exists, and there is nothing else besides it. This kind of scene looks very strange.

Looking at the vision around him, Han Zheng felt uncomfortable. Turning his head to look at the surrounding gardens, he suddenly felt that he didn't like it as much as before.

Han Zheng opened the door and walked into the villa. With strong curiosity, he began to wander around from room to room.

And just as he entered the house and walked back and forth, a reminder sounded in his ear again:
[Combatant number N2199, please note that you have become a level 2 living area qualified combatant and have the right to know the following points:]
[You now have the qualifications to establish a team, and you can apply for it at the service station in the public living area at level 2. You can learn more about the requirements and standards for establishing a team, and various permissions after team building, etc., at the team affairs division of the service station ]
[In the second-level living area, compared with the first-level area, in addition to the trading hall, stall area, and service station, there are two functional areas: the territorial office and the living hall. The specific functions are as follows...]
[After the combatants perform five rounds of dungeons and enter the level 2 area, the rest time between each round of dungeons will be extended]
[At the same time, starting from the sixth round of dungeons, the reward points of each round of dungeons will increase from 150 to 300 compared with the previous round]


Reminders one after another sounded in Han Zheng's ears one after another. At the same time, layers of light blue subtitles appeared in front of his eyes, giving auxiliary reminders.

Hearing these reminders, Han Zheng couldn't help feeling that the "tricks" in this level 2 area are really much more than those in the level 1 area.

After a detailed introduction, he knew a lot about the basic settings of the level 2 area.

However, among the several consecutive reminders, there was one that made his mood a little complicated.

[Because the combatants who have been promoted to the second-level area have high combat effectiveness, the battlefield issued a reminder, please do not use the battlefield power to cause devastating damage to the real world in this world. Once the devastating damage is caused, the battlefield will not be able to fight personnel for life protection]
There are many strange things about this tip.

First of all, what is destructive damage?
Han Zheng frowned.I have used strength to beat others in this world, and I have killed the curly-haired man who was wanted by [Storm Corps], and once destroyed a non-load-bearing wall of the curly-haired man's house.

But I didn't suffer any adverse effects after doing these actions, so that is to say, the above actions did not constitute the so-called "destructive damage".

Moreover, he has also seen some members of the [Storm Corps], and threatened other combatants with the safety of their family members in this world. From this point of view, using force to kill people in this world should not be considered "destructive damage" .

So how is this devastating damage measured?
Send out a qigong wave to level a large field?

Get rid of rows of buildings in the city?
Or just blow the moon away with one move like Guixianren?

Han Zheng hurriedly asked the battlefield prompt in his consciousness, but he didn't get any explanation. The prompt just stiffly repeated the prompt.

Moreover, there is another point in this reminder that Han Zheng is also very puzzled.

If the battlefield intends to restrict combatants from wreaking havoc in this world, then it can be banned explicitly, and rules can be set. If combatants violate it, they will be punished on the battlefield, or directly wiped out.

However, the content of this reminder is clearly - once the devastating damage is caused, the battlefield will not be able to protect the combatant's life...

The tone, the wording.

It seems that it is not the battlefield that restricts the combatants to use their power to destroy in this world, but something else restricts the combatants.

On the battlefield, out of the protection of the lives of the combatants, a reminder was issued to the combatants above the level 2 area, asking the combatants not to create destructive damage in this world, so as not to suffer life-threatening...

This is simply too strange!

Han Zheng thought over this reminder several times, but he couldn't figure out why.

Sitting on the chair in the study, Han Zheng, who was puzzled, shook his head slightly.

A little bit mentally exhausted, he stopped thinking about these doubts. Since the battlefield had given a reminder, out of the consideration of his own life safety, he just obeyed the request.

He sighed softly, stood up from his chair, opened the warehouse in the private area, put the [Time Machine Fragment] obtained in the dungeon into the warehouse, and at the same time put the [Incomplete Transformation] obtained in the [Resource Dungeon] before. Take it out.

Immediately, with a thought in his mind, he teleported himself into the first-level public living area in an instant.

Just when he returned to the private area from the dungeon, Han Zheng immediately received another reminder that the last fairy bean he sold in the trading hall of the level 1 area had also been sold during this period.

He came to the trading floor and recovered the points obtained from the sale. After deducting taxes, the total was 495 points.

After receiving the points back, Han Zheng currently holds a total of 6110 points.

Then, he quickly left the level 1 area, teleported himself into the level 2 public living area, and went straight to the trading hall again.

The trading hall in the level 2 area is much more spacious and bright than that in the level 1 area. Rows of chairs are neatly arranged on the trading desk, so that combatants no longer need to stand and look at the trading page.

Han Zheng sat on the trading desk and quickly flipped through the trading page.

The trading market in the second-level district is much more regulated than that in the first-level district.

After Han Zheng searched for a while, he didn't find anything that interested him too much.

Immediately, he took out the [Yajirobei's Blade] and [Incomplete Transformation] that he brought, put them on the trading board, and began to sell them at a price.

[Yajiro Bingbei's Blade] The price is 1200 points; [Incomplete Transformation] The price is 2000 points.

Then, after thinking about it, he took out 5 more [Fairy Beans] and put them on at the same price of 550 points.

Except for these 5, I still have [Sen Bean*20], which is enough.

After finishing all this, Han Zheng left the trading room and prepared to return to the private living area again.

But at this moment, he received a reminder, and a text message came over suddenly.

Han Zheng opened it and saw that, as he thought, it was Sun Yuqian:

[Han Zheng, you should have come out of the dungeon by now, right? ]
[Yes, it is now in the level 2 area] - Han Zheng replied.

[Alright, Han Zheng, is it convenient for you to return to the present world now, I will wait for you in the rented room]
[What's wrong? ]
Sun Yuqian seemed to hesitate for a while, and then sent another text message after a while:

[I remember, you still have a black card that hasn't been distributed, right?Can you give it to me, I want to give it to another person. ]
Black card?

Han Zheng was a little puzzled, why did he mention this all of a sudden?
(End of this chapter)

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