dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 1 Cousin's Diary

Chapter 1 Cousin's Diary

Han Zheng sat on the sofa, looked at the messy living room, reached out and touched the floating ash on the tea table, and couldn't help sighing:
"Alas—it's a waste of time again..."

Looking around at the two-bedroom, one-living room, it was the same as when I came a month ago—except for a little more dust. Obviously, no one had been there during this time.

This 77-square-meter house in Z city was originally his cousin Han Lei's wedding room.

The cousin's parents—that is, Han Zheng's second uncle and aunt, the old couple almost emptied their savings and paid the down payment for their son.

Originally, it was a happy thing for the cousin to get married as soon as possible, but who would have thought that shortly after the renovation of the house, the cousin suddenly forcibly broke up with his fiancée, and his attitude was very firm, which caught people off guard.

This incident happened less than two years ago. At that time, Han Zheng had just graduated. The cousin's move shocked the whole family, and the elderly in the family also ran from their hometown in the northeast to City Z to stop him.

But for some reason, my cousin, who had always been docile and obedient since childhood, was extremely stubborn this time. He didn't listen to anyone's advice, and he couldn't give a reason. He just insisted on it, and the marriage fell through like this.

Because of this, Han Zheng's second uncle became seriously ill after returning to the Northeast, and stayed in the hospital for a long time.

Since then, my cousin Han Lei has become more and more weird. He also quit his job, and his whereabouts are erratic.

This situation continued for a long time, until three months ago, the cousin disappeared completely, and no one saw him again, and no one could contact him again.

There is only one son in the second uncle's family, and the old man's physical condition is getting worse and worse, so he has to report the crime and mobilize relatives and friends to help find him.

Han Zheng resigned from his original company half a year ago. During this time, he has not been able to find a suitable job. Entrusted by his family, he often came to Z City to inquire about his cousin's whereabouts.

Han Zheng also knew quite a few of his cousin's colleagues and friends in City Z, but in the past two months, he had searched almost all of them, and went to every possible place where his cousin could go, but he couldn't find out anything. The whereabouts, it seems that from very early on, the cousin severed ties with these old acquaintances.

So far, he really has nothing to do.

"It's a good person, how can you say that if you don't have it, you'll be gone?"

While thinking about what to do next, he walked into the secondary bedroom and fell on the bed. He was really tired these days.


After rolling lazily on the bed a few times, he happened to notice something strange. It seemed that something hard hit him under the mattress under him.

When I lifted the mattress, I saw that it was a hard-covered diary—red leather, relatively thick, and tied with a small combination lock.

The cousin has the habit of keeping a diary, which Han Zheng knew very well since he was a child, but he didn't expect that the diary was hidden under the mattress in the secondary bedroom, and he didn't realize it before.

The small combination lock was not a problem for him, so based on his knowledge of his cousin, he guessed it a few times and opened the diary.

Perhaps the reason for the disappearance of cousin Han Lei can be found here.

As the diary was flipped page by page, the contents inside surprised Han Zheng greatly:

—— Today I proposed to Xiaohui to break up. I can see the shock and anger in her eyes, but I can't explain it to her.At night, my parents called me to question me, and I couldn't give the reason, but I couldn't do anything about it, I don't know when I will die in the dungeon, I can't drag her down, I'm very scared, I don't know who to talk to...

——I almost couldn’t come back alive today. This is only my second round of dungeons. I don’t know how long I can last, but if I want to survive, I must improve my combat power. I’m still just a human on Earth. When can I open the Saiyan blood...

——Looking back now, my training was not very efficient at the beginning, maybe it would be better this way...

——It's great to be on the team with someone like Brother Zhao. If it weren't for him, I would have died in this round of dungeons. Brother Zhao actually started the Namek bloodline. I really envy him...

——Hehe, Xiao Huang and the others don't know that all newcomers have the opportunity to get a hidden newcomer gift package in the first round of dungeons, as long as they can successfully open the bloodline on the first day of the dungeon time limit, they will get a novice reward.Alas——now I'm considered a senior...

——Brother Zhao established the blue team and invited me to join. Of course I agreed. Without him, I would not be able to open up the Saiyan bloodline. With so much equipment, I would not be able to survive until today...


What is this all about?

The more Han Zheng looked, the bigger his head became. He couldn't understand most of the content in this diary. It seemed that his cousin was able to enter some kind of mysterious world, or to be precise, he was bound by this mysterious world, and he couldn't even save his life. Assure.

And there are many noun settings in it, which actually come from a Japanese manga "Dragon Ball" that both of their brothers like very much, but they don't understand what it means.

"Is it transcending?"

Han Zheng came to a conclusion subconsciously, which surprised him.

He simply stopped reading page by page, and turned directly to the last article with content. The date on it happened to be the time when his cousin disappeared completely, and the content was:

——Brother Zhao and I and the other 6 members of the team will enter the gladiatorial dungeon tomorrow. If we can win and get Frieza's complete blood as planned, our team's strength will be greatly improved...

Han Zheng closed the diary with a puzzled face. The contents in it really needed him to digest it carefully. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he was only interested in flipping through the contents of the diary, but he didn't notice that there was actually a piece of paper hidden in the inner interlayer of the bottom cover of the book. black card.

The whole body of this card is pitch black, and it looks extremely thin, but the craftsmanship seems to be very unusual, engraved with exquisite and complicated patterns.

Driven by curiosity, Han Zheng pulled out the black card and wanted to take a closer look.

But as soon as this card was obtained, it suddenly changed!

The temperature of the black card suddenly rose sharply, and it quickly became scorching hot.

Han Zheng hurriedly wanted to throw it away, but the card seemed to be stuck to his finger, and he couldn't get it off no matter how hard he shook it.


The card became hotter and hotter, and the piercing pain spread from his fingers all over his body, and Han Zheng fell to his knees all at once.

A red dot emerged from the center of the black card, and then the red dot quickly spread to the entire card body, turning the entire card red.

Then, from the top of the card, it gradually began to crumble and scatter like burnt paper ash.

At the same time, as the fly ash scattered, Han Zheng's sanity became more and more blurred.

When the last corner of the card was also reduced to ashes, Han Zheng completely lost consciousness and fell to the ground.Then, he disappeared into the room in an instant...

I do not know how long it has been……

[No. N2199 is scanned, and the body is back to its best condition]
Amidst a burst of indifferent and piercing electronic sounds, Han Zheng woke up. He found himself in a strange space, surrounded by pitch black, but he could look down and see his limbs and body clearly.

[N2199 fighters, please get ready, Dragon Ball Battlefield - a copy of the single-player melee will open soon]
With the ups and downs of the electronic sound, light blue subtitles also appeared in the black screen.

"Dragon Ball Battlefield? Combatant? Instance? What the hell?"

Han Zheng stood up with a look of surprise, but suddenly remembered the contents of the diary, and a bad premonition surged in his heart.

"That card... the contents of the diary are all true, and I, like Han Lei... have timetraveled...?"

No one answered him, the electronic sound and the light blue subtitles were still working indifferently and synchronously——

[Number N2199 Combatant Status:]
[Combat power: 5 (newcomer status)]
[Combat bloodline: none (newcomer status)]
[The upper limit of combat power: 5 (newcomer status)]
[Practice speed: none (newcomer status)]
[Equipment props: none]
[Movement skills: None]
[Special Ability: None]
[Copy rounds executed: 0]
[The nature of this dungeon: single-player melee type, the timeline starts on May 750th, 5 Aiji—the day before the 6st Tianxia No. Limited]
[The number of combatants participating in this dungeon is 157, with an average combat power of 9.8]
[Dungeon Survival Mission: Find and kill at least one combatant; mission failure will be erased]
[Single-player melee dungeon is about to start, 30 seconds countdown... 29... 28... 27...]
30 seconds The time is fleeting, when the [1] on the timing subtitle changes to the last [0], the surrounding darkness disappears suddenly, as if it was just a piece of black cloth on a transparent box, and now the black cloth is replaced by As soon as it was removed, colors and scenes flooded in instantly.

"This...this is..."

The sudden light forced Han Zheng to squint his eyes. He found himself in a bustling and noisy city street, surrounded by strange buildings, completely different from reality.

What really surprised him were the passing pedestrians and vehicles.

Apart from most of the pedestrians on the street having the appearance of normal people, some of them actually have the heads of animals!

These well-dressed, upright walking "rabbit people", "leopard people" and "lizard people" all walked through the crowd majestically, and the normal humans who came and went had indifferent expressions and didn't care, as if this was the norm in society.

The vehicles are also strange and strange, the most important thing is that there are a large number of "suspended cars" that have no wheels but can be suspended for tens of centimeters. A product of black technology that does not exist.

Some people even took out a small particle on the side of the road, threw it casually, and turned it into a motorcycle.

Han Zheng swallowed his saliva. As a fan of comics, he looked at this scene, which looked like a comic that he had loved since he was a child, and it was also a comic that influenced a generation——

"Animal people...cars...buildings...and universal capsules, it's really the world of Dragon Ball..."

Just as Han Zheng was expressing emotion, a man's shout came from not far behind him.

"What's going on here? Where the hell is this? A reality show?"

He looked around, and saw a man standing on the corner of the street across the road behind him, yelling to the surroundings in horror:
"Who the hell brought me here? Do you understand that this is kidnapping? Can you answer me personally?"

Pedestrians around all looked sideways, but Han Zheng's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and countless thoughts rushed quickly.

"This person is like me? Is it from the real world... Or, like me, a so-called 'combatant'?"

His mind was spinning fast, the contents of the diary were infinitely intertwined with the previous light blue subtitles, and the indifferent electronic voice seemed to be constantly echoing in his ears:

[Dungeon Survival Mission: Find and kill at least one combatant; mission failure will be erased]

[Dungeon Survival Mission: Find and kill at least one combatant; mission failure will be erased]

Almost subconsciously, Han Zheng took a small step in the direction of the man on the street corner. His mind was racing wildly, and a thought that came into his mind yelled at him crazily:

"Go over, kill him, and you can complete the survival mission!"

(End of this chapter)

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