copy of my dungeon

Chapter 91 Black-skinned is actually white-skinned, a magical world.

Chapter 91 Black-skinned is actually white-skinned, a magical world.

Same as when brushing the dungeon dungeon before, Shu Sheng did not bring Kai Nuo out when he left the spiritual realm.

After waiting for a short while, Shu Sheng got the items he got this time. By the way, he paid 20% tax this time.

[Abandoned Factory] is a very busy spiritual environment, but there is no tax reduction policy.

"Do you need to rent a car?" A man who came up immediately asked with a smile.

"Thank you, no need." Shu Sheng looked at the pile of steel and a wrench behind him.With a wave of his hand, he put some of the materials into his backpack.

The attributes of this wrench are all fixed, and they are all black iron level 5 white equipment, which is not comparable to the autumn leaf knife in Shu Sheng's hand.

In fact, relatively speaking, Shu Sheng's luck can be said to be very good. Those high-level people have nothing to do to come to this low-level spiritual realm to play, and slaughter the entire spiritual realm, and they can't guarantee how many weapons they can produce. .

Shu Sheng killed these robots and produced a wrench, which is already lucky.

In the eyes of other people, there is nothing strange, the Miao Miao House can already be used at the 5th level of Black Iron, and there is no need to summon the Miao Miao House to collect a small amount of items.

Unless you need to store a lot of items into the Miaomiao House, you must summon the Miaomiao House to use skills.

But in other words, with only the fifth level of black iron, Miaomiaowu doesn't have the ability to use skills.

Shu Sheng put two wrenches in his hands. On the one hand, the space in the equipment column is really tight, and on the other hand, taking too many items into the Miaomiao House will cause other people to be surprised.

Only materials are accepted, so it’s just right.

These irons may be of average quality, but they are also better than the rusty iron pieces produced in the copy of Shusheng Dungeon. If you want to make equipment in the game, you need to buy it from Roger Levine or Melvin Rick. After processing it there, you can get more advanced iron, such as soft iron sheets or steel sheets.

Now Shu Sheng couldn't find a place to handle the materials at all.

In addition, every student in Foundry University is made from piles of materials. These materials will be used sooner or later, so it is better to stock up on more now.

Shu Sheng went to the dormitory again, and those students should be out of class in a while, so he can get to know his classmates.

Enter the dormitory without further ado, first summon Kai Nuo.

"Look at it, I will give myself a healing technique."

After Shu Sheng finished speaking, he gave himself a fluorescent cure. Not to mention that the posture of the fluorescent cure is very shameful, the others are still very good. It doesn't matter what the feeling is.

After waiting for ten seconds, Shu Sheng regained his freedom.

"Master, do you still know the skills of the fluorescent cat demon? I used to let them heal me often." Kai Nuo said.

"Don't call me master from now on, call me boss." Shu Sheng said to Kai Nuo.

Naturally, there are considerations in this regard, because the spiritual realm actually produces human-shaped spiritual pets, but for ethical and moral issues, the same spiritual pets, human-shaped spiritual pets, are called followers.

According to the law, people cannot do anything unethical to human-shaped pets.

Of course, there is also another school of hypothesis, saying that everyone in this world came out of the spiritual realm.Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the races that exist in the spiritual world exist in reality.But in reality, there are no races that do not exist in the spiritual world.

Shu Sheng also has to consider the issue of public opinion.

If someone catches you, you might be severely criticized.

This is how the world is.

This issue in the Northland is not bad. After all, multiple ethnic groups are one family, and everyone has their own ethnic habits and division of labor regardless of each other.

But Central Continent is different. The largest country in the world is currently being explored. Central Continent is a multi-ethnic immigrant country with serious ethnic conflicts. The night elves, who are the most powerful state machines, have the highest status in Central Continent. They discriminate against those who were regarded as An elf from the slave trade.

Fifty years ago, the unemployment rate of the elves in Central Continent once exceeded 50%, and the death rate under the age of 50 reached a staggering 30%.They are not allowed to enter higher-level spiritual realms, and some shops even openly do not allow white-skinned elves to enter.

This led to the riot that disturbed the entire Central Continent.

After that, the whole country of Central Continent carried out a kind of political correctness.

No one is allowed to say the word white ghost in public, and all white elf crimes are reported as suburban youth.

This situation continues to this day.

When Shu Sheng knew about this when she was a child, she couldn't help but lament the magic of this world. She didn't expect that it would be the turn of black people to discriminate against white people here. What a reincarnation.

Shu Sheng, who had recovered to his best condition, heard chattering voices coming from outside the door. If nothing else happened, it should be that this group of students had finished school.

Shu Sheng walked out and asked someone where the canteen was.

At this time, the people outside had already exploded.

"I remember that this room has always been empty. Now it seems that there are people in it, and even the door has been cleaned."

"Maybe there's a new guy here? You're kidding, hahahaha, it's too early now. Why don't you go to Teito University if you have this talent?"

"Don't tell me, I'm not sure there are really people who have dreams like that."

"Do you have a dream?"

"Of course I didn't, I just heard that this business makes money."

"Then it's all right. Maybe it came through the back door."

"Don't say it, this possibility is very high."

"Well, I think so too."

A group of them discussed here, but everything stopped the moment Shu Sheng came out.

"Well, how can I get to the cafeteria?" Shu Sheng asked.

"Over there." One of the boys who spoke the most aggressively just now pointed in one direction: "Well, buddy, let me ask you, what level of black iron are you now?"

"Ah? I am black iron level 5." Shu Sheng said.

"It's true." A voice emerged from the crowd.

"Then who is your mentor?" This group of people already regarded Shu Sheng as someone who came in through the back door, and asked directly who Shu Sheng's mentor was.

As for this group of people you mentioned, of course they all have no mentors, and they will only get the opportunity to be selected by their mentors after they officially enter the university campus.However, for the group of people in front of them, unless they are particularly talented in weapon making, they will not have a dedicated mentor.

Because the real geniuses have already entered the university, and the people who stay here are all those who have not entered the bronze rank from last year to now.

If they haven't advanced to bronze at the age of 18, they will leave here. The threshold of foundry university is already low. If they can't reach it, it can only prove that they are not suitable for this place.

Shu Sheng naturally doesn't care what they think, these things are not important, just answer truthfully: "Cheng Renzhi."

"Ah? Cheng Renzhi? Didn't he accept students?" The people around exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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