copy of my dungeon

Chapter 85 Mentor Cheng Renzhi

Chapter 85 Mentor Cheng Renzhi

After Shu Sheng and his father arrived in the imperial capital, they went to have a meal without saying anything, but they really didn't eat anything good on the way.

It is worth mentioning that because large-scale spiritual pets are not allowed to be released inside the imperial capital, even the strong, as long as they don't want to run on their own legs, they still need to take the bus.

So a very funny scene happened to Shu Sheng. Shu Sheng's father had a level 6 diamond, which is a high-end combat power that is suitable for the entire alliance, but he had to take the bus like everyone else.

"It's delicious." Shu Sheng wiped his mouth.

The variety of food in the imperial capital is rich, and there are even noodles for this meal.

You must know that wheat is only produced in the southwest region.The place where Shu Sheng lived before was in the northeast of the League.

"In the future, you will be able to eat such things frequently in the imperial capital." Shu Sheng's father also wiped his mouth and said.

"Then, take a look at my living expenses?" In fact, Shu Sheng had already figured out how to earn money before arriving here, but the living expenses still have to be paid, and Shu Sheng's father and mother have no credit points in their hands. use.

I didn't give it before because it really didn't cost much to practice in the flock, and I was afraid that Shu Sheng would fail to learn after getting the money and not study hard.

It’s different in the imperial capital. The cost of living in the imperial capital is high, and those who learn how to cast soldiers spend money like water. Which of the various materials does not cost money?
"Let's take a look at that time. You spend it first. If it's not enough, tell me and I'll transfer it to you directly. However, Foundry University is different from other universities. The most important thing is practical operation, and the courses in this area are Credit points are not accepted. What is collected is the internal currency of the school, and it still requires your own efforts! I encourage you to rely on yourself in everything, and you will only cherish what you get by yourself." Shu Sheng's father stood up: "Boss, check out!"

"Okay, two guests, a total of 10 credit points."

"Hiss!!" Shu Sheng felt a toothache when he heard the price. It was only two bowls of noodles, and it cost 10 credits. This is enough for 10 meals in the sheep, and it is not enough to eat two meals in Bingcheng with wine and vegetables. question.

The prices in the imperial capital are really expensive.

"Well, I'll pass it on to you." Shu Sheng's father said.

As a member of the Pioneering Group, Shu Sheng's father didn't spend much time in the imperial capital, but he had been there before, and he knew the prices of the imperial capital, so it seemed normal.

After leaving the door, Shu Sheng's father whispered to Shu Sheng: "You should know that now your father and I have no credit in hand, so don't be too extravagant."

Shu Sheng nodded, he understood very well.

In fact, if Shu Sheng’s father wants credit points at this level, it can be said that there are ways, but for them, there are too few things that can be bought with credit points, just like the Gale Griffin he bought before, that is Exchange the things in your own hands with others.So when things go to extremes, things go against each other. Shu Sheng's father doesn't have many credit points. These are all subsidies from the alliance, mainly for them to raise their children.

Then focus more on the tasks assigned to them by the league.

At the busiest time, Shu Sheng's father even had to visit three spirit realms a day.Excluding the sleeping time, the rest is either in the raiding of the spiritual realm or on the way to conquering the spiritual realm.

Recently, Shu Sheng's father had time to accompany him because the land reclamation had just ended, and they had to preside over the land reclamation of the moving glacier.

Sometimes it is not a good thing if the parents are too powerful. Just like Gong Sitian’s parents, who are in the golden level. There are many spiritual realm products that can be sold to people at the bottom, but they have a lot of credit points. I believe everyone can see that Gong Sitian is rich. .

"Buzz~" Shu Sheng's father's spiritual weapon vibrated.

"That kid Cheng Renzhi has messaged. I'll take you to meet him. Then I still have a task here, so I just walked back. You have to listen to Teacher Cheng." Shu Sheng's father said.

"Okay." Shu Sheng was used to it. His parents had always been so busy since he was a child.

This noodle shop is right at the gate of the Imperial Capital Foundry University. If they want to go in, they need someone to recommend them. Otherwise, wouldn't they be able to go in by themselves?

When the two reached the school gate, a handsome man was already waiting at the gate.

He has an amiable face, he is obviously a soldier, but he is wearing white clothes that are not resistant to dirt.

"Welcome from afar, Master Shu." said the man in front of him.

"You kid, why do you feel like you've become handsome again after not seeing him for so long?" Shu Sheng's father joked.

"Hey, Master Shu, don't make fun of me. Is this Mr. Ling?"

"Well, yes, why don't Shu Sheng say hello to your future mentor Cheng Renzhi?" Shu Sheng's father said to Shu Sheng.

Tsk, why is the sense of déjà vu of seeing parents and friends so strong?I dare say that everyone in the world has experienced it.

"Hello, Teacher Cheng." Shu Sheng said hastily.

"Young master Ling is really a great talent. How long has it been since he reached the fifth level of black iron? I couldn't match it back then. I only hope that my little girl can have Shu Sheng's ability in the future." Cheng Renzhi continued to praise .

"This boy of mine has also brought down your family's fortune. Without that dagger, my Shu Sheng would not have advanced so easily." Shu Sheng's father also began to talk to each other in business.

"Hahaha, let's talk as we walk," Cheng Renzhi said.

The two of them can be said to have been bragging about each other's business along the way, and they never stopped.

In the end, the two finalized a deal. Shu Sheng's father was in charge of preparing several rare materials for him, while he made a very novel dress for Shu Sheng's mother.

That's right, this Cheng Renzhi is not only good at forging weapons, but is also an industry expert in the fields of leather and cloth armor manufacturing and clothing design.

Has led many fashion trends.

Shu Sheng's father can go to such great lengths for just one piece of clothing for his mother.

"Tsk, as expected, women's money is easier to earn." Shu Sheng complained silently in her heart.

The three finally arrived at the registration location and completed the registration.

Generally speaking, there are three ways to come to the pre-school training courses of major universities. One is to be admitted to a university after graduation, and then the school sends an invitation letter; the other is a genius who graduated early, and the school sends an invitation letter.There is also the third type, which is recommended by the instructor.

This third kind is regarded as a kind of benefit for mentors, which can ensure that the high-end education of their offspring will not be a problem. This is also the reason why many people are willing to be mentors in universities. At least the class of their offspring is predictable and will not decline.

However, the student's grades will also be linked to the tutor's assessment. If the student's grades are too poor, the tutor will also be punished. If such things happen continuously, the tutor will even be disqualified.

"You have to behave well, mentor, I can be said to be tied to you now." Cheng Renzhi smiled at Shu Sheng.

"Mr. Cheng, don't worry, I will work hard." Shu Sheng is very confident. With a copy of DNF in hand, if he still can't overwhelm others, he might as well just hit him to death.

 I will put it on the shelves on the [-]st of next month, so let me tell you in advance.This is my first time writing a novel, and there are many things I didn’t do very well. I’m very grateful to everyone who supported me.Let’s leave the rest in the testimonials.

(End of this chapter)

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