copy of my dungeon

Chapter 56 Is there any need for such a scumbag bull-headed pioneer? (ask for a recommendation ticke

Chapter 56 Is there any need for such a scumbag bull-headed pioneer? (ask for a recommendation ticket)
"Fuck!" This is four sounds for lying down, and two sounds for trough.

It was full of Shu Sheng's sense of surprise.

However, Xiaosheng is uneducated, so he can say hello to the world.

This skill did not disappoint Shu Sheng. It was [Fluorescent Healing], which meant that Shu Sheng also had a healing skill.Although the effect specification is incomparable with the therapist they hired during the exam, but for now, this is a very good skill.

After all, I have never heard of a newcomer of the third level of black iron who can heal skills, maybe Shu Sheng is really the first.

Without further ado, use it directly.Shu Sheng closed her eyes, the feeling of being filled with knowledge is really comforting.

After a while, Shu Sheng mastered this skill.

With the idea of ​​trying the skill, I used it on the spot, just now I was hit by the throwing commander, which cost a little blood.

According to the technique in memory, Shu Sheng put his hands around the top of his head and made a pose.

"Huh?" Shu Sheng suddenly felt something was wrong: "Why is this so similar to Huashou?"

But now that the skills had been released, Shu Sheng had no choice but to let go of the feeling of lying in his heart and continue with the next action.

Next came a strange movement similar to that of JOJO Li. Shu Sheng turned sideways slightly, keeping half squatting, with one hand in front of his body and the other behind his back.The action was frozen, and a green light appeared on Shu Sheng's body, and the effect of [Luminescent Healing] was activated.

The next feeling was amazing, Shu Sheng could clearly feel that his blood volume was recovering, and almost instantly, his blood volume was fully restored.But now Shu Sheng couldn't move and his eyes were closed. Although he could hear the voices from the outside clearly, he couldn't make any response.

To be honest, this feeling is not good.

"1, 2, 3... 9, 10!" Shu Sheng counted silently in his heart, and after 10 seconds passed, he had other perceptions again in an instant.

"This skill is kind of cheating." Shu Sheng pouted.

Whether it's the flowering hands at the beginning, or the weird postures that follow, Shu Sheng can bear all these.Are these mere face-offs a problem in order to heal an injury?But the confinement for the next 10 seconds was what really made Shu Sheng give up.

"It seems that it can only be used after the battle." Shu Sheng's little thought of using it in battle disappeared at this time.

"Okay." Shu Sheng collected his mood and entered the next room.

Shu Sheng opened his eyes and saw that it was the green swamp.

Looking at the green and bubbling swamp that covered the only way to this room, Shu Sheng spat.

"I'm really afraid of something." Before entering this dungeon, Shu Sheng had already expected that there would be such a thing, but he didn't expect that when he actually faced it, he would be so disgusting.

Shu Sheng already smelled a slight stench, just like the smell of a stinky ditch that hasn't flowed for a long time.

"Fortunately, I was witty before I came here, and deliberately chose the copy to enter in the bathroom."

Apart from anything else, Shu Sheng started to clean up the monsters in this room. This room was similar to the previous room, just a few Frost Goblins and Ten Commanders. Shu Sheng successfully killed these monsters in the muddy swamp.

"No!?" Shu Sheng solved all the monsters in this room, and just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but when he saw that the door to the next room was not opened, he felt something was wrong.

This is a symbol of the room and the monster.

"Dong dong dong dong~" Sure enough, a minotaur suddenly sprang out from the wall behind the swamp, but he was different from the minotaur and the minotaur. He had blue skin and was in the middle of the minotaur and the minotaur. between.He didn't have any weapons in his hands.

At this time, he was charging towards Shu Sheng with his head down, and the horns on his head were extremely sharp. If he hit it, Shu Sheng's armor would probably be pierced.

Fortunately, Shu Sheng had been alert and hit the monster with a stone. Although he failed to interrupt his charging steps, he still obtained his panel.

[Bullhead Pioneer] (Level 3)
It is their style to dare to be the first and take responsibility.

[Bull Head Charge] Dash forward for a certain distance, and use the horns on the head to cause piercing damage to the enemy, with a chance to cause bleeding effect.

Physical attack power: 300%
Chance of bleeding: 30%
[Hammer Down] Hammer down hard with both hands, causing huge damage.

Lower hammer physical attack power: 200%+100% (body size bonus)
I didn't expect it to be the Pioneer of the Bull Head, but you deserve to be called the Pioneer of the Bull Head?Vanguard waits for all his teammates to die, and then suddenly comes out to attack the enemy?
And this [Down Hammer] is the castrated version of the bull-headed monster [Earthquake].It's embarrassing enough.

Shu Sheng dodged the bull-headed pioneer's charge with a dodge, and then wiped his neck with a knife, and just like that, he fell into the green stinky ditch, turning into a white light.

"A bull-headed pioneer with such crumbs is not worthy of living in this world." Shu Sheng picked up the fallen hard-baked black bread, which was covered with some green stinky mud. It is thrown away.

All consumables of the same type are placed in the same grid. Shu Sheng doesn't want this black bread to pollute other breads. Although Shu Sheng would not eat those breads, this one is not edible at all.

Shu Sheng shook his head, and finally walked out of this writing swamp, which is actually a stinking ditch.Next, Shu Sheng chose to go through the whole map based on the principle of not wasting. After all, this is land reclamation.A skill book was actually published just now, and there is really something to say about the increase in the rate of land reclamation.

Needless to say, Shu Sheng was not disappointed, and a piece of equipment really exploded.

【Bronze Chain Armor】

Equipment Classification Heavy Armor
Equipment area tops
Required level 5
high rarity
Physical Defense+240
This is Shu Sheng's first piece of blue quality equipment.Unexpectedly, the top was a heavy armor at the first level of the black iron, and this is another heavy armor top of the fifth level of the black iron.It's really no coincidence.

Let’s talk about the rarity of equipment here, from bottom to top: white common, blue advanced, purple rare, pink artifact, and orange epic.In addition, there are brave equipment, legendary equipment and mythical equipment, but these are not accessible to Shu Sheng at this stage.

Stopping and stopping, Shu Sheng came to the red door representing the lord's room. In the previous room, he smashed all the barrels and found a green elf who recovered both HP and mana.

Now all the blood volume and blue volume have been returned to full.

He had to be in the best condition to meet Lord Norekino, and even Shu Sheng used a rag to wipe off the mud on his feet.

Just to be more sensitive when playing Norekino for a while.

"Huh, here we come."

 Something happened today, a little later, but another chapter will not be left assured.

(End of this chapter)

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