copy of my dungeon

Chapter 54 Is this thing really edible? (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Chapter 54 Is this thing really edible? (ask for a recommendation ticket)
Shu Sheng took a deep breath. Although he had just killed the Black Frost White Swan of Tier 5 Black Iron, he still didn't dare to be careless.

I don't know how many dungeon players lost their first resurrection coins in the Thunder Ruins.

The main reason is that the Lord Luo Lei Kai Nuo's attacks are intensive, and the thunder attribute attack is extremely high.

This made his little man a monster far more terrifying than the bull-headed monster.

Will chooses, enters.

The familiar dizziness came.

The moment Shu Sheng opened his eyes, Shu Sheng had already prepared the stone, and threw it after aiming for a while.

【Frost Goblin】(Level 3)
He used to be an ordinary young goblin, but he was so good.

[Enhanced Cone of Ice] The enhanced type of Cone of Ice has a greater chance of freezing the enemy.

Magic attack power: 350%
Chance to Freeze Enemies: 50%
Unexpectedly, what Shu Sheng hit was a Frost Goblin. Shu Sheng didn't have time to take a closer look just now, thinking it was an ordinary Green Goblin.

Speaking of which, the Frost Goblin and the Green Goblin look similar, except that there are two flags inserted in the back.

"It looks unlucky! It's like an old general with flags all over his body on the stage." Shu Sheng curled his lips. A black iron third-level legal character, he looked like a crispy skin.

Shu Sheng rushed forward and beheaded him with one blow.

After finishing him, Shu Sheng had time to observe the room carefully. There were six monsters in total, including two Frost Goblins and two Cowardly Goblins.There are two more. . . .

"Cat demon?" Shu Sheng was a little uncertain.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you hit it, you will know its name.

"Throwing rocks."

[Cat Demon] (Level 3)
The usually cute cat demon will go berserk after sucking blood.

[Scratch] Use claws to inflict lacerations on the enemy.

Physical attack power: 150%
[Blood Sucking] After charging for a period of time, jump on the head of the enemy and suck the blood of the enemy.After successfully absorbing the blood of the enemy, it will enter a state of berserk for a period of time.

Physical attack power: 210%
In the violent state, the attack power increases and the speed increases.

Sure enough, it was a cat demon, that's right, I encountered two brand new monsters that I had never seen before in the first room.

The cat demon is just an ordinary mob, so it's not worth being nervous at all. Its two front attacks are scary. As long as Shu Sheng doesn't have cerebral palsy, he can dodge it.

But you call this cute?Shu Sheng looked at the cat demon in front of him. It was slender and long, with brown hair covering its eyes. Occasionally, when the eyes were exposed, it would flash a red light.You call this thing cute?Shu Sheng shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

It is better to deal with the other Frost Goblin first. Shu Sheng dodged the Cowardly Goblin's stick and rushed straight to the other Frost Goblin.

"Sa~" Another slash, and the Frost Goblin's head was missing.

"Om~" The cowardly goblin flashed another red mist and was weakened again.

At this moment, Shu Sheng turned his head to deal with the cowardly goblin who was going to beat him just now, but he didn't expect that cowardly goblin had already dropped to the second level of black iron.

It seems that the other goblins are all dead, which is really a big blow to him.

There is nothing to say, the remaining cowardly goblins and cat demons are not Shu Sheng's opponents, and they all died after only one round of fighting.

Shu Sheng looked at what had fallen, and found that there were only some materials, nothing useful.

"Could it be that the first explosion rate increase was fake?" Shu Sheng shook his head, but he had no choice but to explode the equipment if he didn't explode the equipment. It's best to explode it when he arrives at the lord's room, and explode a big treasure for him .

"I think the Thunderfury in the hands of Lei Keno would be fine."

Thunder Fury is the fan of Luo Lei Kai Nuo's lord, and it is an artifact dagger.When Shu Sheng played games in his previous life, he hadn't seen many of them, and he felt that the explosion rate was really not high.But this does not delay his fantasy.

Next is the second room.

The second room consists of 5 captains and 5 goblins.

Shu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. If there were only ten close combats, Shu Sheng felt no pressure. After all, all close combats meant that there would not be too many units attacking him at the same time.

But before Shu Sheng could be proud, one of the ten captains pointed his weapon at Shu Sheng.The other five goblins rushed towards Shu Sheng quickly, and their skins were slightly glowing orange.

"Fuck, I forgot to say that." Shu Sheng couldn't help but swear.

He almost forgot that the Commander Commander commanded ordinary goblins to explode. The main reason was that the Commander Shu Sheng met in the Dark Forest did not have any ordinary Goblins around them, or even if there were, they were there. He was beheaded by Shu Sheng before he arrived.

"Roar~" Shu Sheng didn't dare to take it too seriously, and roared all the approaching goblins unconscious.

After entering the stunned state, the orange light on the goblin also disappeared.

Shu Sheng took advantage of this moment and quickly killed these goblins one by one.

"There is still such a ten-man leader. These goblins really met a good leader." After Shu Sheng cleared all the goblins around him, he turned his attention to the one not far from him and pointed at Shu Sheng. The Ten Commander.

A rock hit the captain in the knee, immobilizing him.Shu Sheng rushed up quickly.

"Death!" Killed the ten captain with a single blow.

Think about how kind the Captain was to his subordinates that he met in the Dark Jungle. He took the lead in everything, and the red goblins and green goblins under him really loved him.

Although none of them could escape Shu Sheng's clutches, that's all, Shu Sheng slaughtered them every day these days.

The other ten captains didn't put up much resistance, and they all turned into white light.

"Huh?" Shu Sheng expressed doubts when he looked at the thing that one of the ten captains exploded. This is something that has never been released before.

【Baked hard black bread】

Restore HP 155 points

It’s actually a staple food!But to be honest, Shu Sheng really didn't have any appetite when looking at this hard baked black bread. Judging from the feel, this thing was too hard.

Suddenly, with a thought, Shu Sheng tapped the heavy armor of his jacket with it.

"Bang bang bang."

"Tsk." Hearing this voice, Shu Sheng gave up trying to take a bite first. Who can eat this stuff? Did Europeans in the Middle Ages grow up eating shit?

Packing the hard-baked black bread into the backpack, Shu Sheng decided to make a bet with others in the future, whoever loses will have a bite of this, it depends on how his teeth are, if the teeth are not good, he might collapse Come down with one.

As for other useful things, nothing exploded.

Shu Sheng was a little disappointed. He hadn't had a staple food for a long time, although in his mind only rice, steamed buns, cakes and noodles were considered staple foods, and bread was considered a staple food for Westerners.

But looking at the hard toasted black bread, Shu Sheng couldn't eat it anymore!Is this thing really something people can eat?

(End of this chapter)

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