copy of my dungeon

Chapter 4 Lord Minotaur

Chapter 4 Lord Minotaur

Just now, Shu Sheng was able to defeat these goblins who were only level [-] without any weapon attribute bonuses, let alone this pair of practice swords now.

He feels full of strength now.

But things were different from what Shu Sheng thought. The three goblins were so scared that they lost their minds when they saw that Shu Sheng killed the two throwing goblins within a short time.

Two of them lost the wooden sticks in their hands and swished back, and the other one was even more naked, as if it was about to die with Shu Sheng, and it was about to blow itself up.

How could Shu Sheng tolerate them running away like this? Now that they have just changed their weapons, they are just looking for someone to try. Besides, they have mobile experience.

After making a slight detour and avoiding the explosion range of the self-explosive goblin, he exploded in vain.In a few seconds, he caught up with the two goblins who were trying to escape.

The two swords swung at the same time. Originally, they wanted to slit their throats like just now. I didn't expect that it would be different with the attribute bonus. They actually beheaded one of them, and disappeared into this world in a burst of white light.

The other saw that he couldn't run away, so he wanted to blew himself up too, but Shu Sheng, who realized that his attack power had been greatly improved now, could not let him get his wish, and with the greatest strength, the goblin blew himself up before it blew up. The decapitated body turned into a burst of white light and dissipated.

Feeling the increase in experience points, Shu Sheng felt much happier.

It is one step closer to the second level of black iron.

Unfortunately, the three goblins did not reveal anything.

Seeing this pair of practicing double swords in their hands, the more happy they are, if there is a better weapon than this practicing double swords, maybe Shu Sheng can really kill the wolves in the "flock" of the spiritual realm in advance, so that graduate.Shu Sheng thought of the lord's artifact in the hands of the minotaur [the minotaur's phantom battle axe], and couldn't help falling into fantasy.

Shu Sheng carefully took the wild strawberry out of the backpack. Just now, a piece of it was smashed into the back by the throwing goblin. He just took this opportunity to taste the taste of the wild strawberry.

This wild strawberry is not big, even smaller than the strawberries that Shu Sheng can buy in Seablue Star, but this does not delay Shu Sheng's interest in it.

He has not eaten fruit for too long.

The taste of a small strawberry was sour and sweet, which caused Shu Sheng's saliva to secrete rapidly. He insisted on sipping it in his mouth for a long time and was reluctant to swallow it. Once he swallowed it, he felt a warm feeling from his throat to his stomach.

The back injury didn't hurt anymore, Shu Sheng pressed hard on the place where he was hit just now, and the pain disappeared at all.

Sure enough, the specific manifestation of the wild strawberry's recovery of health is to heal the injury.As Shu Sheng expected, some spiritual realms in this world will also produce some medicines or food that can speed up the healing of injuries, and it is estimated that the effect of this wild strawberry should be similar.

While Shu Sheng exclaimed amazingly, he was still relishing the taste of the wild strawberry.All in all it was delicious.

Shu Sheng shook the two swords in his hands with his right hand, playing a trick.Full of confidence for the next room.

Still feeling the familiar dizziness, there are a total of 6 monsters in this room, 2 throwing goblins and 4 ordinary goblins.The difference is that there are two trees in the middle of this room, with red fruits hanging on them.

It's still the same old way of dealing with the throwing goblins first, and then the four ordinary goblins.This time, Shu Sheng had mastered practice, and these six monsters had no room for resistance.

But this time, there is no explosion of equipment, but a few Goblin hand bones, which can be exchanged for small crystal blocks in the early 60 version, but later on it is not very useful. Shu Sheng doesn't know that in this different world, these What can goblin hand bones do.

Shu Sheng picked up the goblin hand bone that had fallen on the ground, went to one of the trees, and hit the trunk with a weapon. The tree was shaken violently, and a wild strawberry fell down.

That's right, as expected, it is the same as the setting of the DNF copy.

As for why strawberries grow on trees, who knows, you have to ask the first group of game designers, maybe the goblins are hiding in the trees?Shu Sheng shook his head, who cares, the point is that he got a new wild strawberry.

As for the other tree, there was nothing. Even though it turned out to be covered with red fruits, and the red fruits disappeared when it was knocked, it did not drop anything.

At this time, both doors were lit up, one with a blue light and the other with a red light. There is no doubt that the one with the red light was the lord's room. If Shu Sheng remembered correctly, there was a bull's head inside. The pawn is also composed of several Throwing Goblins. As for how many Throwing Goblins, who remembers it.

But Shu Sheng is not in a hurry, because before entering the instance, Shu Sheng saw the conspicuous 1/1 behind [Lorand's Depths], that is to say, he can only play once a day, which is the same as the spirit realm.

In line with the principle of not wasting, of course Shu Sheng wants to make the best use of everything and squeeze out the last drop of this dungeon. I don’t know why Shu Sheng remembered the days when only the last bit of fatigue was left in the 60 version. Shu Sheng walked towards the blue door.

There are still two kinds of monsters behind the door, the goblin and the throwing goblin, and the number does not exceed 10. Naturally, it is not a problem for Shu Sheng now, and they are easily solved. Finally, all the ordinary rooms are cleaned.

Maybe it was because the two rooms in front of him had exhausted his luck. These ordinary rooms didn't produce any equipment, only a few wild strawberries and goblin hand bones.

Shu Sheng returned to the room with two trees and came to the door of the lord's room.

"Finally it's time to deal with you."

The familiar vertigo.

Sure enough, it was similar to Shu Sheng's impression. There were a total of 4 Throwing Goblins, an ordinary Goblin, and the Lord's Minotaur in the depths of Lorraine.

【Taurus】(Level 2)

Using the ax in your hand to swing down forcefully has a powerful lethality, be careful, don't be hit by him.

【Chop and Slash】(Level 1) Chop the weapon down hard.

Physical attack power: 250%
The Minotaur is about the same height as Shu Sheng, both around 1.8m, but his size is several times that of Shu Sheng. It is estimated that he can trap two Shu Sheng, but his agility will be far behind.

Therefore, it is still necessary to deal with the long-range throwing goblin first. Shu Sheng rushed to the nearest throwing goblin with one stride, killing him twice, while trying to avoid stones from other directions.

Although Shu Sheng tried his best to avoid it, there were too many stones coming from other directions, and he was hit on his left arm. To be honest, it hurt, but Shu Sheng had to hold back, and at the same time rushed to the next throwing goblin.

Just like that, Shu Sheng killed three of the throwing goblins, while the bullhead soldiers were still on their way.

During this time, Shu Sheng ate two wild strawberries, without even having time to taste the taste, he directly swallowed them into his stomach, which made Shu Sheng's heart ache.

(End of this chapter)

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