copy of my dungeon

Chapter 25 Chance?Injured wolf king! ?

Chapter 25 Chance?Injured wolf king! ?
In this way, in the end Shu Sheng apologized to Han Yueyue, and finally got forgiven after coaxing for a long time.

It was time for Shu Sheng's long-awaited entry into the spirit realm. He had just reached the second level of the Black Iron, and as the first among his classmates to reach the second level of the Black Iron, he would inevitably accept all kinds of congratulations from his classmates.

Although Gong Sitian and Ye Wu said that they have also reached a bottleneck, and if they perform very well in the spiritual realm these days, they can also break through to the second level of the black iron, but objectively, only Shu Sheng has reached it first.

The dungeon doesn't provide much experience for Shu Sheng. The main way for Shu Sheng to gain experience is in the spiritual realm, but Shu Sheng's advantage is that there is no bottleneck, and he can break through with the meager experience in the dungeon.

The familiar feeling of dizziness came as expected, Shu Sheng opened his eyes again and had already come to the snow-covered snow field, and he could still see the flock of sheep walking leisurely from a long distance away, without realizing the seriousness of the problem at all.Shu Sheng took out all the equipment from the backpack and quickly changed into it. This time, he didn't have to worry about getting his pants wet, so Shu Sheng's pants were still in good condition.

By the way, he had already found a place where no one was around at noon to dry all these equipment with fireballs. The backpack does not have a self-drying function. If it is wet when it is put in, it will always be wet.

Even though he is now at the second level of the Black Iron, he doesn't think he can easily fight against the wolves. There are so many people at the second level of the Black Iron in this city, how many people dare to challenge the wolves?

Shu Sheng still found a place to lurk.

20 minutes had passed since this party, but this time was different from the previous two times. The cry of the direwolf suddenly sounded in the distance, and it got closer and closer. Shu Sheng took a closer look and saw that it turned out to be a larger direwolf. The wolf was chasing a slightly smaller wolf.

The hunted direwolf had multiple wounds on his body, bleeding was still coming out, and one of his eyes was blind. The larger direwolf also had a deep tooth mark on the back of its neck.

Shu Sheng searched for the knowledge he had learned in his brain, and after comparing it with the creatures in the flock of spirit realm taught by the teacher in the academy, he deduced that these two snowfield wolves might be the wolf king and the lone wolf.

In the wolf pack, only the most powerful individuals have the right to breed, that is, the wolf king of the third level of black iron and the wolf queen of the third level of black iron.According to the standard of the DNF dungeon, they are all boss templates, very powerful, and the other snow wolves of the black iron level 3 elite panel are not their opponents at all, and naturally no wolf dares to provoke them.

But one day, a male snowfield wolf also successfully advanced to the third level of black iron, and unfortunately fell in love with another female wolf.Originally, the male snowfield wolf didn't want to challenge the majesty of the wolf king, because he knew that he was no match for the wolf king, but the female wolf was pregnant.

The female wolf broke the rules, and naturally it would be attacked by a pack of wolves. Under the leadership of the queen wolf, the female wolf was killed while the male snowfield wolf was out hunting.

The moment it came back, looking at the body of the female wolf, the whole wolf lost its mind, waited for the opportunity to attack the wolf frantically, and was attacked after seeing the wolf, the wolf king naturally would not sit idly by.

This happened the scene that Shu Sheng saw just now.

In fact, from the perspective of the wolf pack, the female wolf indeed deserves it. In the snowfield where resources are not very rich, the wolf pack should ensure that more powerful wolves are bred to ensure the genes of the offspring. Weak wolves cannot survive. , and there is not so much food to supply them for nothing.

There are only so many sheep, and the only consequence of overhunting is the extinction of both sides.

Shu Sheng was in a great mood, the timeline of the flock in the spirit realm would be random within a certain range, and this male snowfield wolf challenged the wolf king and was finally expelled from the wolf pack. The time when he became a lone wolf was probably the easiest to kill the wolf king Opportunity.

The flock of sheep is the source of food for the entire city, and it has been figured out for a long time. In all timelines, there are two times when it is easiest to kill the wolf king. One is the time when the lone wolf finally returned to the wolf pack to challenge the wolf king and kill it.

Now that Shu Sheng meets one of them, it is impossible not to be moved, and the sheep in the distance also feel that something is wrong and have already fled. If Shu Sheng does not challenge the Wolf King, then he is doomed to die empty-handed today. back.

Both the wolf king and the lone wolf ran fast, they were getting closer to Shu Sheng, and the lone wolf seemed to be a little weak, and was about to be caught up by the wolf king.

However, Shu Sheng knew what would happen next, if Shu Sheng hadn't intervened today, the lone wolf could have escaped.

So Shu Sheng must do something, it is best to let them fight.

Shu Sheng carefully recalled the story told by the teacher. Now the wolf queen should still be recuperating in the wolf den on the hillside. Except for a few female wolves staying behind to take care of the wolf queen, the other snowfield wolves have come out to help the wolf king. , but because the Wolf King and Lone Wolf are Tier 3 black iron, even if they are injured, their speed is much faster than them, so Shu Sheng can see them chasing after each other, and then did not see other wolves shadow.

If there are no accidents, the lone wolf will be caught up by the wolf king in a short while and fight, and in the pack of wolves that come after that, there is a female wolf who also likes lone wolves to hold back the wolf king, so the lone wolf takes the opportunity escaped.

Shu Sheng began to think about gains and losses again. If he rushed to attack the wolf king now, the advantage would be that there would be no interference from the wolves, and the lone wolf might help Shu Sheng.

But the shortcomings are also very obvious. The wolf king is very powerful. There is no doubt that Shu Sheng is not 100% sure even if he is injured. If he loses, it will be too difficult to delay for 10 minutes. Lost to the wolf's mouth.

This is too risky for him, who obviously can reach the third level of Black Iron in a short time, and then stably kill the wolf king, and the benefits are not proportional to the risks.

If he killed the wolf king, then he would only be eligible for graduation in advance. Although this was very important to him, he had already promised his companions to form a team for the start of the school exam, so he couldn't just dove like this.

Then there is no need to rush to get a diploma now.

After weighing the pros and cons, Shu Sheng decided to continue lurking in the snow. After 30 minutes, he could leave the spirit realm at any time, and then try again.

The lone wolf made a turn and stopped. It realized that if it continued like this, it would sooner or later be overtaken by the wolf king. Instead, it had better take advantage of the fact that it still had strength and the other wolves hadn't rushed over, so it could fight the wolf king.

It was able to severely injure the wolf queen when it was in the lair before, and it could also injure the wolf king. Now it is not impossible to fight the wolf king one-on-one.

Seeing the lone wolf stop suddenly, the wolf king became vigilant, and finally the battle was about to break out.

(End of this chapter)

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