copy of my dungeon

Chapter 1 Sheep and Wolves (Please recommend tickets for collection!)

Chapter 1 Sheep and Wolves (Please recommend tickets for collection!)
Chapter 1 Sheep and Wolves

The warm winter sun could not resist the icy cold wind, and Shu Sheng was shivering from the cold, but even so, his body buried in the snow had no intention of coming out.

It's been 50 minutes, but he once did 60 minutes of snow lurking at school, and that wasn't his limit.

That opportunity is coming soon.

A flock of sheep passed by in front of him, and a lamb followed closely behind its mother, but its short legs were not strong enough, and it fell behind.

"It's now!"

Shu Sheng suddenly jumped out of the snow. The little lamb was only two meters away from him. At that moment, Shu Sheng pounced on it. The dagger he had already held in his right hand stretched out from his sleeve and stabbed it fiercely. on the lamb's neck.

He has simulated this set of movements countless times in his mind, but fortunately, he did not lose the chain in the actual combat at this time.

"Hey~" The little lamb wanted to make a cry for help, but there was a knife stuck in its throat, and the sound it made was weird.

Blood flowed out rapidly from the lamb's neck. The lamb was still kicking its legs to make a final resistance, but how could it possibly break free of the 1-meter Shu Sheng.

On the contrary, as it struggled, blood gushed out one after another, speeding up its death.

Shu Sheng used his greatest strength to lift the dagger upwards and cut the artery in the lamb's throat.Finally, the little lamb stopped struggling and was completely dead. Then a magical scene appeared. The dead little lamb turned into a burst of white light and disappeared.It's exactly the same as what was taught in class.

And what about the flock?At this time, Shu Sheng and the murdered lamb had been found, and they hurried away.

This kind of thing happens to the flock of sheep every few days. It is normal and not worthy of grief. Now I just hope that the hunters will not bully the sheep too much and catch up, otherwise they will also fight back.

Shu Sheng looked at the position of the little lamb on the ground, and a strong sense of satisfaction came to his heart.

I did it!

Dad, Mom.I didn't embarrass you!If I make steady progress like this, maybe I can really kill the wolf among the sheep before I graduate.


Speaking of which, Shu Sheng felt dizzy, the same as when he came in.

The dizziness ended in the next second. Shu Sheng hurriedly opened his eyes. The scene in front of him changed like this. It was no longer the flock of white sheep, nor the endless snowfield. What caught his eyes were the students of the class. Classmates and old classmates.

[Detected a clearance of the spirit realm, open the dungeons [Loran Depths], [Dark Forest]]

In the depths of Lorraine?Mirkwood?Isn't that a copy of the game Dungeon and Warriors he played in his previous life?Why are there such strange words in front of my eyes?Could it be that the golden finger that God owed him for 16 years is finally about to cash in?Also, isn't the first dungeon Lorraine?

Shu Sheng looked shocked, but he could only temporarily suppress his curiosity, and wait until he returned to the dormitory for a while before doing research.

"Congratulations, Shu Sheng. You are the eighth student to complete the spiritual realm." The head teacher, Shi Li, patted Shu Sheng's shoulder three times and said three good words while patting him.

"Join the team."

"Well. The old class taught well." While flattering the head teacher, Shu Sheng picked up the lamb under his feet and walked into the team. This was his reward for clearing the spiritual realm.To be honest, I was lucky this time, and I got a whole leg of lamb, so I can go back for extra meals at night.

"Awesome! Shu Sheng. There are still rewards, so you can't treat me to dinner at night." The speaker was Shu Sheng's roommate, Gong Sitian. Like Shu Sheng, his parents worked in the development team and he was also the monitor of Class 2.

"That's right." Shu Sheng's other two roommates, Zhang Chengyun and Ji Lin, also started to cheer, and then the people who slept next door and the bedroom next door also started to cheer: "Shu Sheng, you are so rich, you can't forget your father. They."

"Hahahaha." Everyone in the class laughed.

"Goofy, a bunch of stinky brothers, I only have this leg of lamb, which is not enough for your livestock."

"Hahahaha." There was another burst of laughter in the class, filling the atmosphere with joy.

"How about this, after school tonight, how about we eat the spoils of us for dinner?" The one who spoke was Gong Sitian, who also completed the spiritual realm, and the harvest was a sheep heart and a piece of sheep liver.

It turned out that this kid was pretending to be a kid just now, and he also had something to gain and asked Shu Sheng to treat him, probably to elicit this sentence.

"I have no objection." Shu Sheng nodded.

"I have no objection either." Several classmates who had also completed the spiritual realm said in unison.

"Okay, then it's settled. Let's see you tonight."

Gong Sitian is the monitor of the class, and he usually organizes such gatherings. This gathering was actually scheduled several days ago.After all, this is everyone’s first time entering the spiritual realm. Why shouldn’t we celebrate such a memorable event?However, this special form was probably a temporary idea. No one expected that there would be so many people in our class who had completed the spiritual realm.There were so many trophies in the class that they could feed 30 people.

Within a few minutes, it was one hour before they entered the spiritual realm. Several classmates suddenly appeared at the entrance of the spiritual realm, as if they appeared out of thin air. The head teacher talked to them one by one and counted them.

"Quiet." With the teacher's words, the whole class fell silent.

"Congratulations, 30 people, 10 people have completed the spiritual realm, a completion rate of 33%, and no one died. You are the best class I have ever led." You could tell he was excited.The year-end bonus should be in place.

"Wow~" There was an uproar in the class. Everyone knew that the grades of this class were very good, but they didn't expect that the grades could be so good.

"Class 2 is awesome!"

“Class 2 is awesome!!”

“Class 2 is awesome!!!”

One after another, not only the usually active boys were booing, but even the girls joined in.

It's enough to see everyone's excitement.

"Class 2 is awesome!" Even the head teacher shouted.

However, his shout made the students stunned, but after a period of silence, there was laughter and even louder "Class 2 is awesome!"

"Old Ban, are you going to our party tonight? We invite you!" Gong Sitian shouted.

"Go, you must go! I'll treat you to a drink then! Hahahaha."

"The old class is grand." Good boys like Shu Sheng started to boo.

"It's necessary! Let's go, students, line up and go back to school! Pack up and let's go have a dinner together." The head teacher shouted.

"Okay!!!" Class 2 students made a loud voice, lined up in two teams and walked quickly to the school.

Discipline is a necessity for survival in this world. Everyone is a gear. Only by obeying discipline can it turn smoothly, otherwise it will only be crushed.

Only now are we truly integrated into this world. An hour ago, when we hadn’t entered the spiritual realm, no one knew whether we were a defective product or whether we would die there the first time, but now we can be proud Said, we are not defective products, we are a pack of wolves, a pack of wolves rushing towards the sheep.

 If you find it pleasing to the eye, please add it to your collection. This is really important to me.

(End of this chapter)

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