38 Both are required
It's another Monday.

During class in the morning, Qin Feiyang took out his mobile phone, logged into the fund account, and looked at the red numbers, feeling happy in his heart.

In just one week, Qin Feiyang bought stocks and futures with a total return of more than 20%.

The principal is 49 and the income is 11.

The total assets are 60.

Qin Feiyang wanted to convey his joy to Qiu Ziyue.

"I'll treat you to something delicious for lunch."

Qin Feiyang sent Qiu Ziyue a WeChat message.


Qiu Ziyue quickly replied to the message.

After the first class, Hua Yeyu ran to the corner and made a phone call.

After she came back and sat down, she looked at Qin Feiyang several times.

Qin Feiyang didn't respond to her.

She could only say, "Hello."

Only then did Qin Feiyang turn his face towards her.

Hua Yeyu whispered, "I'll treat you to dinner at noon!"

? ? ? ? ? ?
Qin Feiyang had question marks all over his face.

What are you doing?
Why did you suddenly remember to invite me to dinner?
What else can I ask of you?

Qin Feiyang knew that it was not a good thing as soon as he guessed, so he shook his head and did not agree to her.

"And Qiu Ziyue."

Hua Yeyu added.


Qin Feiyang understood, it must be Hua Yeyu who wanted to invite Qiu Ziyue to dinner, and Qiu Ziyue insisted on calling him.

Or, Qiu Ziyue agreed to have dinner with Hua Yeyu only if Qin Feiyang agreed.

"That's it."

Hua Yeyu didn't give Qin Feiyang much time to react and directly made an opinion for him.

Qin Feiyang thought for a while, but couldn't figure out what Qiu Ziyue meant.

What if Qiu Ziyue wants to eat this meal?

Forget it.

Qin Feiyang did not refuse Hua Yeyu again.

The opportunity to have dinner with two superb beauties is really rare!
This kind of temptation is still quite big.

after class.

Hua Yeyu didn't leave first, but was waiting for Qin Feiyang on purpose.

This surprised Qin Feiyang.

However, the two walked out of the classroom together, and out of the teaching building together, still without saying a word.

A lot of people gathered at the entrance of the teaching building, and their eyes were all focused on one person.

Autumn Ziyue!
She was standing at the door of the teaching building.

"Why is Qiu Ziyue here?"

"Is there a showdown?"

"What's the deal?"

"Among Qiu Ziyue and Hua Yeyu, how do you choose?"

"Of course I want both! Why choose?"

The surrounding discussions did not reduce the smile on Qiu Ziyue's face.

As soon as Qin Feiyang came out, Qiu Ziyue never looked away from him.

Qin Feiyang also saw Qiu Ziyue for the first time. Although she had a smile on her face, there was a questioning expression in her eyes.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Qiu Ziyue understood.

Naturally, Hua Yeyu couldn't hide the small actions of these two people.

Hua Yeyu secretly rejoiced that her strategy was correct, but at the same time she was very unhappy with Qiu Ziyue's obedience to Qin Feiyang.

"Let's go."

Hua Yeyu took the initiative to hold Qiu Ziyue's hand.

Qin Feiyang is on the left, Qiu Ziyue is on the right, and Hua Yeyu is in the middle.

The three walked forward side by side.

"what's going on?"

"You really want both?"


"Qin Feiyang is better!"


"This charm is simple!"

The onlookers looked dumbfounded.

Originally, I wanted to watch something lively, so as to keep my eyes peeled.

I didn't expect the excitement to be missed, but my jaw almost dropped in shock.

Hua Yeyu's blue sports car parked on the side of the road.

The three came to the side of the car, Hua Yeyu glanced at Qin Feiyang, "Will you come with me?"

"No, I'll take Qiu Ziyue's car."

"Okay, see you at Tianlong Hotel."

"Well, see you later."



Tianlong Hotel is a five-star hotel.

It just opened not long ago.

The three got out of the car, entered the hotel, and took the elevator.

"The business of this hotel is very hot. It is full every day. It can be regarded as the best hotel in Binhai."

Hua Yeyu pressed the number 100 while talking.

"The western restaurant on the top floor has a very authentic taste. I'll show you guys to try it."

Hua Yeyu talked a lot today.

Qiu Ziyue asked, "Have you made a reservation?"

Hua Yeyu shook his head, "I didn't have time."

Qin Feiyang asked curiously: "Aren't you afraid that our trip will be in vain?"

Hua Yeyu was full of confidence, "Don't worry, how could I let you go for nothing?"


Thinking of her family background, Qin Feiyang believed it.

Soon the 100th floor arrived, and the three of them walked out of the elevator when they heard a loud noise.

There is a waiting room opposite the reception desk, full of people.

"Are these all the guests in line?"

Qin Feiyang roughly counted, and there were more than 20 people.

He had never seen a restaurant with such a good business.


Hua Yeyu has been here several times and is used to seeing such scenes.

The arrival of the three immediately caused a burst of discussion in the waiting area.

"What a beautiful lady!"

"So handsome!"

"These three are so handsome!"

"Birds of a feather really flock together!"

Hua Yeyu came to the front desk and said politely: "Hello, room Tianzihao."

"Tianzihao room?"

The young lady at the front desk was stunned, looked at Hua Yeyu back and forth, and asked, "Do you have a reservation?"


Hua Yeyu shook his head, with a smile on his face, "My surname is Hua, and my name is Hua Yeyu."

All the guests in the waiting area were watching.

Many people have heard the conversation between Hua Yeyu and the lady at the front desk.

"Can you actually book a Tianzihao room?"

"What are the identities of these three people?"

"It's too good!"

"This is not something that money can do!"

"You have to be honorable!"

"Her last name is Hua?"

"Is she from the Hua family?"

"My own hotel, no wonder!"

Many people guessed Hua Yeyu's identity. Although the young lady at the front desk didn't know Hua Yeyu, she seemed to have heard the name and guessed who she was.

"I'm sorry, the Tianzihao room must be booked in advance, and our manager must agree to it."

The young lady at the front desk hesitated for a moment, but chose to shake her head.

"How can there be so many necessary things?"

Hua Yeyu smiled, "It doesn't matter if you don't know me, just call your manager."

"Okay, wait a minute."

The lady at the front desk also had this intention, so she quickly called the manager.

"Sure enough, it's a Tianzihao room, it's not that easy to get in."

"Tsk tsk, this hotel has good rules, you can't even come from your own family."

"Just wait and see, the manager will definitely let him go when he comes."

"That's right, the manager is only beating workers, how dare he offend the Hua family?"

While the guests were discussing, the manager came.

She is less than 30 years old, tall, beautiful, and smiling.

"Hello Hello!"

She stood in front of Hua Yeyu with a smile and said, "My name is Tao Xinyao, I am the manager of this restaurant. How can I help you?"

"Hello, Manager Tao."

Hua Yeyu nodded at her, "You know me, right?"

"of course."

Tao Xinyao responded with a smile.

"That's easy."

Hua Yeyu breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be a shame for her to invite a second guest with great difficulty, and if she was turned away in her own hotel.

"I want to go to the Tianzihao room for dinner, you can arrange it quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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