Chapter 217 Competent Mentor

August [-]th, Saturday.

"Youth Flying" started a new recording.

The ranking of the students in the first stage is announced today.

This was their first major exam, and they had no idea what their results would be.

Especially those students in class F, their faces were full of tension.

"I started reading from the name, and the students who heard the name came out and stood in front of me."

Qin Feiyang glanced at the students in the audience and began to read their names.

"Name, Zhao Sumei."

"No. 40 Nine, Han Na."

"No. 40 eight,..."



The students whose names were read by Qin Feiyang came out one by one, and soon stood in several rows.

When Qin Feiyang read No.11, he stopped.

"Next, I will start from the 51st."

Qin Feiyang changed the order again, reading backwards from the top position.

As the names of the students were read one by one by Qin Feiyang.

Seeing that Qin Feiyang was about to enter the elimination position.

Some of the students whose names were not called could not stand up.

It's a tough moment.

Finally, Qin Feiyang read the names of No. 60 students, and those students in Class F were relieved.


No more suffering.

They already knew their fate.


"I won't read the rankings from 61 to [-]. For the students of class F whose names I didn't read, please come out of the queue and come here."

Qin Feiyang guided these students to the other side.

A total of 22 students were eliminated.

Most of the students with low popularity are from Class F.

One is that they have few shots, and the other is that they are really weak.

"I know you are sad, but there is no way, this is a competition, you must show your best self, either to impress our mentors, or to conquer the audience."

Qin Feiyang sighed: "If you can't do both, it will be difficult to continue here."

"Of course, this failure is just an experience in your life. There is no need to pay too much attention to it. After all, you still have a long way to go."

Qin Feiyang continued: "So, don't be discouraged, just keep working hard."

"Thank you teacher."

After Qin Feiyang's persuasion, these students quickly calmed down and left the stage with a smile.

"I will announce the top ten below."

Qin Feiyang continued to announce the ranking.

"No.10, Gu Xiran."

"No.9 Xu Sifan."

"No.8, Liu Chumeng."



"No.3, Li Jingwen."

Qin Feiyang kept reading until No.3.

There were two others whose names were not pronounced.

Su Yanjia and Lu Xiaobei.

The last suspense is about to be revealed.

Everyone knows what No.1 means.

So both Lu Xiaobei and Su Yanjia were very nervous at the moment.

They both care about this ranking.

"Su Yanjia."

Qin Feiyang suddenly called Su Yanjia's name.


Su Yanjia was taken aback for a moment, her heart raised her throat.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "Guess who is No. 1?"


Su Yanjia stomped her feet angrily, wishing she could beat Qin Feiyang on stage, and even forgot Qin Feiyang's identity as a mentor.

"so bad!"


The other students felt the same way, and they also criticized Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang smiled for a while and said: "Okay, I won't deliberately create suspense. Now I will announce No. 1."

"Su Yanjia."

Qin Feiyang looked at Su Yanjia and said with a smile, "Congratulations."


Su Yanjia was afraid that Qin Feiyang would lie to her, and didn't know the truth, so she didn't dare to be happy, and stood there in a daze.

"You are No.1, why are you not happy at all?"

Qin Feiyang reminded her.

"Ah, is it true?"

Only then did Su Yanjia believe it.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "I never lie to others."

"Thank you teacher."

Su Yanjia didn't have time to worry about the truth or falsehood of Qin Feiyang's words, she just cared about being happy at this moment.


Although Lu Xiaobei was a little disappointed, he still generously congratulated Su Yanjia.

"Thank you."

The students gathered around and congratulated Su Yanjia.



In mid-August, all the designs of Hailai Guxin Film and Television City have been completed.

The preliminary work is also progressing smoothly.

Since the film and television city occupies all land, there is no need to involve demolition, and only the land transfer fee needs to be paid.

This saves a lot of time.

Coupled with Qin Haichuan and Li Shuqing sitting in charge, the start of construction of the film and television city is imminent.

With the release of all the design plans, the construction bidding announcement of the film and television city has been released.

Dozens of companies signed up to participate in the first time.

There are those in Binhai City, some in the province, and many well-known domestic construction companies.

The competition is fierce.

At the same time, "Youth Flying" is still being recorded.

Before the second performance.

The remaining 76 students were assessed again.

According to the scores given by the instructors, from five stars to one star, the students are still divided into five classes.

There are five people in Class A.

Ten people in class B.

Class C has 15 people.

Class D has 20 people.

There are 26 people in Class F.

Undoubtedly, Su Yanjia and Lu Xiaobei once again occupied two places in Class A.

Both of them are the top among all the students in terms of strength and popularity.

"The competition system for this performance is the same as last time, and the [-] spectators at the scene will rate you."

Qin Feiyang, as the host, introduced the competition system.

"A week later, based on the votes of netizens, the second ranking will be generated."

"The bottom [-] students are to be determined. If any of these [-] students are in Class F, they will be eliminated."

"So, if you want to win the support of the audience and netizens, you have to work hard to show yourself in this performance and present the most exciting stage to everyone."

Qin Feiyang suddenly raised his voice, "Do you have confidence?"


The students answered in unison.

"Okay, let's invite the first group of students to come on stage."

As soon as Qin Feiyang finished speaking, the stage began to spin.

The students in the first group of performances are ready.

A group dance of six people.

Their classical and elegant dance steps and graceful postures immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Wow, it looks good!"

"Great figure!"

"This waist and legs are too soft!"

"so envious!"

There were exclamations and applause.

This first performance is another good start.

Then the second group, the third group.

A total of 25 groups of performances, all wonderful.

This is of course the result of the hard work of the students, but it is also inseparable from the guidance of the instructors.

In order to help the students, the five instructors have worked hard, especially Qin Feiyang, who devoted himself wholeheartedly to this work.

This kind of concentration can help him forget some things and relieve some pain.

Under his careful guidance, the strength of the students in class A has improved by leaps and bounds, and they, who already have better potential, have distanced themselves from the others.

Especially Su Yanjia and Lu Xiaobei, every appearance of the two of them is amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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