Chapter 20 Rooted and sprouted


The owner of the painting and calligraphy shop shouted from behind.

Qin Feiyang didn't want to talk to him.


The owner of the painting and calligraphy shop raised the price to 1 yuan.

Qin Feiyang walked out the door.

"2000, no more."

The owner of the painting and calligraphy shop chased him out.

"Keep the flowers for yourself."

Qin Feiyang is not interested at all.

The owner of the painting and calligraphy shop gave up.

Qiu Ziyue chased after her and walked side by side with Qin Feiyang, "According to the boss, this painting is quite valuable, or I'll buy it from you."

"Are you talking to a friend?"

Qin Feiyang also took out the word friend at this time, "Is it because I have to pay you back for the meals you invited me to eat?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that."

Qiu Ziyue panicked and waved her hands hastily.

Qin Feiyang didn't expect Qiu Ziyue to panic like this, and tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, "This is my heart, if you think this heart can be measured by money, then you can give me money."

Qiu Ziyue understood and nodded, "I accept your wish."

"It's almost there."

Qin Feiyang and Qiu Ziyue looked at each other and smiled, and it was easy to feel that their hearts were much closer.

Hua Yeyu listened to the two of them talking and fell into deep thought.

"What is the origin of this Qin Feiyang? No, I have to go back and ask my brother."

Thinking of this, Hua Yeyu raised her head and called out to Qiu Ziyue, "I'm leaving first, let's make an appointment another day."


Qiu Ziyue didn't keep her.

After Hua Yeyu left, Qiu Ziyue smiled and said, "Shall we go eat?"


"What do you want to eat?"

"Eat hot pot."




on Tuesday.

When that blue Ferrari sports car appeared again on the campus of Binhai University, people were no strangers to it.

However, their talk about Hua Yeyu still didn't stop.

"Have you heard? This girl's name is Hua Yeyu, and she is Hua Yuntian's sister."

"Ok, I know."

"I also heard that Hua Yeyu and Qin Feiyang went shopping together on weekends."

"It seems that Qiu Ziyue is still there."

"It's strange, how did the three of them get together?"

"I'm also wondering, isn't there a rumor that Hua Yeyu doesn't talk to Qin Feiyang at all?"

"It feels like the relationship between the three of them is very messy."


Qin Feiyang came early for today's class, and he sat in his old seat ahead of schedule.

He wants to see if Hua Yeyu will sit down.

The others tactfully did not sit down.

Everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding and left this place to Qin Feiyang and Hua Yeyu.

Before Qin Feiyang had to wait too long, Hua Yeyu came.

As soon as she came, she habitually walked in the direction of this corner.

After only taking a few steps, she saw Qin Feiyang.

Zou frowned, Hua Yeyu didn't stop, and continued to walk forward.

Many people in the front row were turning their heads. Out of curiosity, they also wanted to know if Hua Yeyu would change seats?

Under the gaze of everyone, Hua Yeyu still sat where she had been sitting before.

There was still an empty seat between her and Qin Feiyang.

"These two are still pretending not to know each other?"

"However, they can sit together every time?"

"Who are you playing for?"

Many people did not understand the behavior of Hua Yeyu and Qin Feiyang.

After Hua Yeyu sat down, she didn't intend to talk to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang didn't bother to talk to her.

Both of them sat in silence, not only didn't speak, they didn't even look at each other.

This state continued until class.

After class, Hua Yeyu suddenly turned his head and asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?"


Qin Feiyang was stunned, not knowing how to answer.

Hua Yeyu caught the desired information from his expression.

Hua Yeyu turned her head back and ignored Qin Feiyang.

Although she had no expression on her face at this time, there were already waves in her heart.

It seems that what my brother said is true, this Qin Feiyang really doesn't have a girlfriend.

He actually used this as an excuse to reject Qiu Ziyue's confession. Why?
No money?No color?
What is he drawing?
If he doesn't like Qiu Ziyue, then why does he stay with Qiu Ziyue all day?
If he likes it, why should he refuse?

He doesn't want to have a girlfriend?
Then why did he confess to me?
Is it really because I am better than Qiu Ziyue?

Or because he really likes me?

Then why did he only confess his love to me that time, and didn't even talk to me?
Did I hurt his self-esteem?
He just gave up?

The more Hua Yeyu thought about it, the more she couldn't understand Qin Feiyang.

The more confused she was, the more curious she became about Qin Feiyang.



Another weekend.

It happened to coincide with the birthday of the old man of the Qiu family.

In the morning, Qiu Ziyue and Qin Feiyang went to the calligraphy and painting shop to pick up paintings.

"Boss, is the painting ready?"

"Yeah, I've waited for you."

The owner of the calligraphy and painting shop took out the framed painting from the back room and handed it to Qiu Ziyue with a smile.

Qiu Ziyue opened the painting and looked at it, she was very satisfied.

After paying the money, the two turned to leave.

The owner of the calligraphy and painting shop followed behind, and said with a smile: "Your name is Qin Feiyang, right? You really don't consider my proposal?"

Qin Feiyang nodded, "Well, there's nothing to consider."

The owner of the calligraphy and painting shop was ruthless, "What if I increase it to 5000 for you?"

"As I said before, keep the flowers for yourself."


The owner of the calligraphy and painting shop looked at Qin Feiyang very incomprehensibly, "For you, this is just a small effort, and you don't make such a good money?"

"Price drop."

Qin Feiyang smiled back at him.

"Price drop?"

The owner of the calligraphy and painting shop pondered the meaning of Qin Feiyang's words and somewhat understood.

Dare to feel that Qin Feiyang regards himself as a great painter.

Do you think your paintings are worth a thousand dollars?
Think too much?

Even if you have that level, it’s useless if you’re not famous, right?
Qin Feiyang and Qiu Ziyue got into the car.

Only then did Qiu Ziyue tell the truth, "Today is my grandfather's birthday, and the house will be very lively, so you can come too."

"Ah? Is it not appropriate for me to go?"

"What's inappropriate about this? We are friends."

"Are you here again?"

"Haha, my grandpa likes you very much. He specially asked me to invite you. It's fine if you don't give me face. You have to take care of my grandpa's face, right?"

Qin Feiyang was persuaded by Qiu Ziyue again, but he still had concerns, "It's fine to go, but I didn't prepare a gift, it would be too ugly to go empty-handed, right?"

Qiu Ziyue smiled and said, "Didn't you draw a picture?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback, "That's a gift from you to your grandfather."


Qiu Ziyue laughed again.

Qin Feiyang understood after a little thought that Qiu Ziyue wanted to give this birthday gift in the name of the two from the very beginning.

Coincidentally, this gift was painted by Qin Feiyang himself.

In this way, the meaning is even more different.

No wonder, when Qiu Ziyue saw the pictures I drew and the words I mentioned, the excited look was not because of my good paintings, but because of my heart.

So, she gave me money to test me?

Qin Feiyang felt warm in his heart at this time. The seeds sown in his heart a few days ago took advantage of this warmth to take root and sprout.

(End of this chapter)

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