Chapter 55 Ancient Evil Comes
"Sir, although I don't understand what your momentum is, I know that you are very powerful. I admire you very much. I will follow you from now on!"

Immediately after, Dian Wei showed embarrassment again, and said, "My lord, I still have a life in my body, following you won't..."

Ye Xiaoyao smiled when he heard the words, and said, "It's okay, I'm going out this time to buy an official position in Luoyang, and when I buy an official position, your trivial matter is not a matter of one word."

"Hey, that's a good relationship!"

Dian Wei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard his words, since the adults said it was a trivial matter, then it was all right, he looked at the sky and said: "My lord, it's getting dark, why don't you go to my house with me, Let me have a few drinks with you."

"Okay, it just so happens that I can spend the night at your house tonight." Ye Xiaoyao said with a smile.

Dian Wei immediately pulled him to the hut not far away, and said at the same time: "My lord, that hut is my home."

Ye Xiaoyao followed Dian Wei towards the hut and asked curiously: "Dian Wei, are you the only one in your house?"

When Dian Wei heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and said without any sadness: "Mom and Dad left early, and I'm the only one eating at home!"

Ye Xiaoyao was silent, he understood that it wasn't that Dian Wei wasn't sad, but that he had gotten used to it after a long time, just like him, he was also an orphan, and the nearly ten years of his life as an orphan had made him look away from some things.

Without dwelling on this issue, he followed Dian Wei into the yard of the thatched house. Looking at Dian Wei who was starting to catch chickens, he asked with a smile: "Dian Wei, don't you have any words? I always call you Dian Wei. Dian Wei , it feels a little raw.”

Dian Wei grabbed two chickens in his hand and walked to the kitchen. He replied on the way: "I think you are not as old as me. If you don't mind, you can call me Lao Dian."

"How about I give you a word!" Ye Xiaoyao seemed to think of something, and said with a smile.

"My lord is willing to pick the words for me. It's a great feeling. I don't know what to pick because I can't read!" Dian Wei came out of the kitchen, sat by the well and started to kill the chicken. While killing the chicken, he also accompanied Ye Xiaoyao spoke.

"Evil comes! How about this word? Ancient evil comes. I think you have the courage to come evil, Lao Dian. This name suits you very well." Ye Xiaoyao said seriously, but his trembling face seemed to indicate that he wanted to laugh.

Dian Wei was slashing the hen's neck with a knife at the moment. Hearing his words, he couldn't help shaking his hands, and a streak of chicken blood rushed to his face, but he didn't pay attention to the chicken blood on his face, but opened his eyes wide. Muttering: "Evil comes, the ancient evil comes, good good, this word is good, from now on my word will be evil, the ancient evil comes!"

"Thank you for the word, sir. From now on, I will call you evil. Sir, please call me evil from now on!" Dian Wei said to Ye Xiaoyao excitedly with blood on his face. However, his expression looked like it in Ye Xiaoyao's eyes. Revealing a hint of blood and spookiness.

"The ancient evil came to Dianwei, as expected!" Ye Xiaoyao smiled sarcasticly, this title was given to Dianwei in advance, so it can be regarded as returning to the original owner.

After a while, Dian Wei stewed the chicken in the pot, walked out of the kitchen into the house, brought out an empty wine jar, and said to Ye Xiaoyao: "Sir, please wait for me for a while, I will go get some wine."

"What kind of wine are you drinking? I have a lot of wine here, so don't go!"

Ye Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and directly took out a box of Moutai wine from the system space, and said with a smile: "This wine is called wine. You will taste it later, you will definitely like it."

Dian Wei was a little confused, where did this wine come from?He just felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then a box of Moutai appeared on the ground, this...

"My lord, is this wine a trick you conjured up?"

Ye Xiaoyao shook his head with a chuckle, and explained: "This is not a trick, this is a treasure that can be used to collect things, called a storage ring, now, this is the thing, take it."

As Ye Xiaoyao said, he took out a king-rank storage ring with an internal space of a thousand cubic meters, handed it to him, and said, "You can use it by putting a drop of blood on it, but you can Don't pack things indiscriminately, this ring will be of great use in the future!"

Why did Ye Xiaoyao give Dian Wei the King's storage ring? It was of course for future wars. Think about it, if the food and grass were put into the storage ring, the army could come and go easily, and the war would definitely be much faster. times.

According to Ye Xiaoyao's instructions, Dian Wei successfully recognized the owner of the storage ring, felt it for a while, and couldn't help sighing: "There is such a treasure in the world! It's really amazing..."

And what followed was that Dian Wei's awe of Ye Xiaoyao deepened. This lord really has the means of a ghost, and he can beat him to the ground without using his hands. The supreme treasure of food and grass, he could see the role of this precious treasure at a glance. This treasure is definitely the supreme treasure for marching and fighting. With it, the victory is already less than half. As long as you don't die, it is probably difficult to win the battle!
Not long after, the delicious chicken was served on the table.

Ye Xiaoyao opened a bottle of Maotai, and the rich aroma instantly overflowed from the bottle and filled the whole room. He poured a bowl for Dian Wei and said with a smile: "Come to Laodian, try my Maotai, this wine It’s definitely something you haven’t drunk before.”

"Well, the aroma of the wine is strong. I know it is definitely a good wine without drinking it. It seems that I am lucky today, so you're welcome..." Dian Wei smelled the aroma of the wine, and his eyes immediately lit up and he raised his head. Ye Xiaoyao poured the full bowl into his mouth.

"This wine is strong! This is the wine that men should drink. The ones I drank before are like cold water!" Dian Wei immediately praised him after drinking a large bowl of wine.

Ye Xiaoyao himself also drank a bowl, looking at Dian Wei who was full of aftertaste, he smiled and said: "Drink whatever you want, if one box is not enough, I'll take another box, but you can't get drunk and delay tomorrow's business! "

"Haha, don't worry, my lord, Lao Dian knows it well!" Dian Wei laughed, and immediately picked up a bottle of Moutai and blew on it, finishing the first bottle in one breath, followed by the second bottle...

Ye Xiaoyao looked at him speechlessly, in just a short while, seven bottles of Moutai were consumed by him in seconds, "Old Dian, it's alright, this wine has enough aftertaste, you will definitely get drunk if you drink it again!"

"Hi... My old Dian can still drink, it's fine..." Dian Wei's face flushed, and he wanted to continue drinking after he finished speaking.

Ye Xiaoyao hurriedly stopped him, and said dumbfoundingly: "You are already drunk, and you won't be able to get up tomorrow if you drink again! I will save this wine for you. When I finish my important work, you can open it up and drink it It's all right."

Dian Wei became a little more sober when he heard the words, and couldn't help but blushed, but he couldn't tell that his face was already covered with alcohol. He was so happy that he almost forgot about leaving for Luoyang tomorrow, "My lord, I understand, I don't drink anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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