Chapter 132
Back at the Governor's Mansion, Ye Xiaoyao sent someone to call Xia Houyuan, and asked him, "Miao Cai, how are those members of the Taiping Sect recruited?"

"Reporting to my lord, some of them have been included, but there are still many that haven't been included. The main reason is that I don't dare to add them rashly because I'm afraid of making mistakes!" Xia Houyuan replied.

"Well, it's not your fault!"

Ye Xiaoyao smiled, and continued: "I have a hunch that troubled times are coming, maybe in the next few days. Don't worry about it now, just go and recruit them. If some of them don't want to submit, then Just suppress them directly!"

"Then what should we do with them? Should we kill them or imprison them?"

Xia Houyuan knew that there would always be people in the Taiping Sect who were unwilling to submit, but he was still a little undecided about how to deal with them.

"Don't we have many projects that require labor? Let them do the hard work!"

Nowadays, Xiapi and even Xuzhou are under construction. Medical clinics, colleges, and roads are all under construction. Therefore, labor is what he needs now.As for those who were suppressed by the Taiping Religion, conscripting them as laborers is the best option. This way, you don’t have to kill them, but you can also help them build Xuzhou. It’s the best of both worlds, so why not do it!

Xia Houyuan nodded after hearing this, and he still agreed with Ye Xiaoyao's handling method.

"Miaocai, later you send someone to notify Dianwei Huangzhong and the others to start cleaning up the Taiping sect members in their respective areas. Those who can be included will be included, and those who cannot be included will be suppressed. I don't want problems in Xuzhou! "

Now Ye Xiaoyao has a total of five armies in his hands, namely the first to fifth legions, each with 5 troops, and these [-] troops were transferred by him to five places in Xuzhou, which happened to be one in one county.

Dian Wei's first army was in Guangling, Huang Zhong's second was in Donghai, Guan Yu's third was in Pengcheng, Xu Chu's fourth was in Langye, and Xiahouyuan's fifth was in Xiapi.

"Yes, my lord, don't send someone to notify them later." Xia Houyuan ordered.

"Okay, you can go to work first in that second."

"Don't quit!"

After Xia Houyuan left, Ye Xiaoyao got up and went to the backyard to accompany his women.

In the next two days, there was a bloody storm in Xuzhou. Although Ye Xiaoyao didn't want to kill those "Yellow Turban Army", when they encountered resistance, Dian Wei and Huang Zhong would suppress them no matter what. Come on, casualties are inevitable.

Three days later in the morning, Ye Xiaoyao received letters from various parties saying that the Taiping Sect had been suppressed, but this time the suppression also killed many people, the total number of the five counties was two thousand, and the casualties were not small.

On the same day, Zhang Jiao shouted the slogan: "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should be established. At this age, the world will be prosperous", which opened the prelude to the Yellow Turban Uprising.

Originally, the Yellow Turban Uprising should have been reported by Zhang Jiao's disciple Tang Zhou, which caused many problems, but because of Ye Xiaoyao's appearance, the Yellow Turban Uprising suddenly broke out, and Tang Zhou's report was too late. More violent and sudden.

Without Tang Zhou's Gaomi, this uprising would be a sudden disaster for the entire Han Dynasty.The Han Dynasty may be able to counterattack as in history, but it will definitely not have such a fast process and results.Of course, Ye Xiaoyao also believed that the big man would not be overthrown by the Yellow Turban Army.However, the vitality will be greatly injured, and the country will not become a country even more, and the local princes will control more powerful forces, which will also appear.

And this is exactly what Ye Xiaoyao wants to see, because after the Yellow Turban Uprising, he will become the strongest prince!
On this day, almost at the same moment, 34 peasant soldiers from seven states across the country (originally eight states, but the Yellow Turban Army in Xuzhou had been wiped out because of Ye Xiaoyao), wearing yellow scarves on their heads, rose up!

Zhang Jiao called himself General Tiangong, Zhang Bao called himself General Digong, and Zhang Liang called himself General Rengong. The three generals led a peasant army of 34 to launch a mighty peasant uprising.

The sudden riot made all the officials in the whole Han Dynasty unresponsive. Countless cities were breached immediately, burning, killing, looting, everywhere!
Chaos is coming!

Under the long-planned and meticulous planning of the three brothers Zhang Jiao, coupled with the fact that the time and place are favorable and the people have accumulated grievances for a long time, now that the peasants see someone starting to rebel, the grievances of the people who have long been grievances seem to have been found. The catharsis burst out instantly, and without any thought, he directly joined the ranks of the rebel army.

As a result, the Yellow Turban Uprising army expanded rapidly, and the oppressed people were like crazy monsters. They burned government buildings everywhere, culled officials, attacked powerful Wubi, and confiscated fields and property.

One city after another was breached, and there were very few regular defenders in each county and county. In addition to being raided, there was no way to resist the wolf-like Yellow Turban Army.

Although the equipment of the guard army is quite good, but because there has been no war all year round, they are just some recruits who have not seen blood.Now facing the aggressive Yellow Turban rebel army, coupled with the huge disparity in numbers, and the countless resentments they held against the big man, they collapsed in an instant, and some soldiers even rebelled and temporarily rebelled, joining the rebel army. team.

After the defeat of the army, all states and counties, local officials and wealthy families fled one after another, leaving behind the barbarians all over the place.

(End of this chapter)

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