Chapter 104 Help You Become Immortal
Although Sima Wei has the cultivation base of the middle stage of fetal breath, in the world of the Three Kingdoms, he only needs to make suggestions. What Ye Xiaoyao needs more is actually his talent, the talent to teach his disciples, rather than his combat power.


Sima Wei was speechless for a moment, he really wanted to reject Ye Xiaoyao, this kind of thing would not do him any good, after all he didn't need glory, wealth and official position, it was obviously a thankless thing to do.But he is still a little enthusiastic about teaching students, otherwise, in 198 AD on Earth, he would not have gone to Jingzhou Liu Biao's site to teach.

Seeing Sima's slight intention to move, Ye Xiaoyao's eyes flashed, and he said, "I have a magic weapon called the Temple of Ten Thousand Books, which contains millions of books, including ancient extinct scrolls. , I don’t know if you are interested in it?”

The Spiritual Hall of Thousand Books that Ye Xiaoyao mentioned is one of the spiritual artifacts he got in the academy plane. This spiritual artifact has no ability to attack. It is just a simple book hall. In addition to automatically sorting books, changing books Apart from the size of the hall, there are only some forbidden deposits inside.

The Hall of Ten Thousand Books is divided into nine levels, one level and one level of books, and the level of books is divided according to the content of the books, which is very convenient.But if you want to go to a higher level to check the books, you need a pass. The way to get the pass is also very simple. Just do some test papers issued by the Wanshulingdian. The Wanshulingdian will automatically judge the answers and let them go if they are satisfied. If you are not satisfied, you will fail again until you succeed.

Of course, if the person who enters has cultivated beyond the innate realm, he will not be restricted and can freely enter and leave the book hall, but he cannot take out books.

As for the million scrolls that Ye Xiaoyao mentioned, they were the rewards he got when he used the chance to draw a lottery for the Xuan Rank that he got when he conquered Cao E a few days ago.

That's right, the rewards are those millions of books. From ancient times to the present, these millions of books contain countless miscellaneous and incomparably chaotic books. Like the books burned by Qin Shihuang back then, there are many in them, and some modern books also exist in them. Ye Xiaoyao got After that, they were all thrown into the Wan Shu Ling Palace without even looking at them.When he got the books, he was depressed for a while, but then he thought that this was the ancient Eastern Han Dynasty, and these books were still very useful, at least they could help him cultivate some talents, which was enough.

"Fellow Daoist, take this seriously!"

Sima Wei couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he heard that, what is the concept of a million scrolls?
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were no scrolls, not even a single copy. This was the result of the suppression of the common people by the Eastern Han clan and did not allow the common people to master knowledge.Normally, some families of officials and eunuchs have some books in their homes, but not many, a hundred volumes is considered too many.Unless it is a powerful family, or a family with a long history, or the family of the Sangong Jiuqing, their family will have more than a hundred volumes of books, but it is difficult to have a family with more than ten thousand volumes. Not much either.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is unknown whether there can be 50 volumes of not-so-heavy books in the Han Dynasty, let alone millions of volumes.


Ye Xiaoyao nodded with a smile, and said with a relaxed face, "It's just a million volumes of books in the mortal world. If you are willing to follow me, you will be able to read even a million volumes of spiritual books in the future!"

"I'm willing to follow fellow daoist for a while. As for the million spiritual books that fellow daoist said, hehe, let's forget about it!" Sima Wei thought for a while, and finally agreed to go along with Ye Xiaoyao and help him cultivate some talents. .As for the million spiritual books he said, Sima Wei didn't believe it. The million spiritual books are one million kinds of cultivation methods. Is it possible to see this?
Ye Xiaoyao smiled noncommittal when he heard the words, and did not explain.Opening the Divine Eye of the Emperor of Heaven to check Sima Wei's state at this time, he found that his favorability value for him was already full, but his loyalty value was only 50.

Seeing Sima Wei's attitude towards him clearly, Ye Xiaoyao couldn't help frowning, 50 loyalty points, this is the rhythm of leaving at any time!

"Don't be in a hurry, fellow daoist, we are chatting."

Ye Xiaoyao smiled, and then asked him as if unintentionally: "Fellow Taoist Kecheng, has he ever heard of someone ascending to immortality in the past thousand years?"


Hearing this, Sima Wei couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile and said with a very complicated expression. Although they are monks, how many of them can truly become immortals?
"I do know something about this." Ye Xiaoyao said quietly.

"Oh! What does Fellow Daoist know? Can you tell me!" Sima Wei asked curiously.

Ye Xiaoyao grabbed the wine glass and took a sip of the wine, then said with a smile, "This world has no Gate to Heaven, so no matter how the monks practice, they will eventually become immortals without hope!"

Sima Wei was shocked, and said in shock: "What fellow Taoist said is true? Is it true that there is no Gate to Heaven in this world?"

Ye Xiaoyao nodded and smiled noncommittally.


After Sima Wei saw it, he sighed with a disappointed expression, and said in a low voice: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether the Tongtian Gate exists or not, how many of us ordinary monks can reach that level! What are you thinking about so much, just take a step." Let's take a step!"

Ye Xiaoyao glanced at him, smiled mysteriously, and said seductively, "What if I can help you become a fairy?"

Hearing this, Sima Wei jumped up from the sofa, looked at him with the expression of you fooling me, and said with a hum: "Don't talk big, fellow daoist, if you can really help me become a fairy, I will sell my life I'll do it all for you!"

It's nothing more than he made such a fuss, becoming a fairy, this is the ultimate pursuit of a monk, which monk doesn't want to become a fairy?But just now Ye Xiaoyao also said that there is no gate to the sky in this world, so how can he become a fairy? Isn't he just kidding him!
"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I'm not talking about Taoist Immortal, but Martial Immortal!" Ye Xiaoyao laughed and explained.

Sima was slightly stunned, and asked in confusion: "What is a Taoist, what is a Martial Immortal?"

Ye Xiaoyao actually didn't understand much, but would he be fooled? He said with a leisurely smile, "The so-called Dao Xian is the name of the immortal level of the cultivator. Martial Immortal is the title of the Wu Dao Xian level. Although the names of the two Different, but the level of power is the same."

After a pause, he explained with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, in fact, immortals are not immortal. They also have a lifespan and a limit. Only by constantly practicing hard can they avoid death. As far as I know, immortals have a lifespan of about 100 million years." Yuan, if the cultivation base is not diligent, it will perish after 100 million years. That is to say, whether it is a martial immortal or a Taoist immortal, they all have millions of years of life. As for who is stronger and who is weaker, it depends on the two sides. Qualifications, magic weapons, and cultivation techniques!"

(End of this chapter)

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