Chapter 32 Zhang Jiao
"I didn't know that the emperor came, but Cao Cao couldn't go to greet him. I hope the emperor will forgive me!" At the banquet, Cao Cao raised his glass to apologize.

Mu Lin naturally knew that Cao Cao was just being polite, so he couldn't help but chuckled and said, "What's the matter with Meng De? You are a captain of cavalry, commanding the three armies to fight chaos. It's normal for you to be too busy!"

On the side, Dian Wei and Xu Chu, two reckless men, as the strong innate realm and the commander of Cao Cao's personal guard, are naturally qualified to attend the banquet.

At this time, listening to Mu Lin and Cao Cao's serious nonsense, they couldn't help but look at each other, and could only choose to pretend that they didn't hear it, and kept their heads buried in the meat.

Three rounds of wine.

"I don't know if the emperor came here because of that horn?" Cao Cao looked at Mu Lin, full of wine and meat, and asked intentionally or unintentionally.

Mu Lin didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "Zhang Jiao turned into a demon from a bat, which can help warriors in their cultivation, so I came to see it!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Sure enough, Mu Lin came here for Zhang Jiao, so he had the opportunity to let Mu Lin cooperate with him.

Zhang Jiao is a bat who has become a demon, and can improve the strength of warriors. He is naturally interested, but compared with the merits of being able to become an official and enter the ranks, he would rather choose the latter.

It's not that he doesn't want to be strong, but that everyone's pursuit is different!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao looked at Mu Lin with fiery eyes: "My lord, with all due respect, although you are powerful, Zhang Jiao's strength should not be underestimated. Moreover, he sits guarding the giant deer, and there are 2 soldiers in the city. How elite, if you want to kill him, I am afraid it will not be easy!"

Mu Lin turned his eyes slightly, and immediately understood the meaning of Cao Cao's words, squinted his eyes and said with a light smile, "I don't know, what good strategy does Meng De have?"

Cao Cao smiled at the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, and said quickly: "I don't dare to take a good plan, but since the emperor's goal is also the corner, why can't we cooperate?"

"Then I don't know how Meng De wants to cooperate?" Mu Lin put down his wine glass and looked at Cao Cao with a chuckle. No one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Thinking for a moment, Cao Cao said in a low voice: "I just need the Lord Emperor to help me break the city, and then my [-] army will do my best to help Lord Emperor kill Zhang Jiao. I only need the credit, and everything else belongs to the Emperor." man, how?"

It has to be said that Cao Cao has been extremely sincere in such a condition.

"Hehe, Mengde really has a good plan!" Mu Lin took a deep look at Cao Cao, then chuckled and said, "However, I agree to this cooperation!"

Cao Cao obviously couldn't make decisions for the other armies. If Zhang Jiao were to be killed, it would be conceivable that Liu Bei and others would covet him.

Especially Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and other innate powerhouses, you must know that Zhang Jiao is a bat turned into a demon, even if there is no such thing as a demon crystal demon core, his whole body is still a treasure, which is of great benefit to the warriors, how can they be willing to give in.

However, Mu Lin is absolutely confident that he can suppress these innate powerhouses.

Even if Yuan Shao and others lead an army to fight against him, he can retreat calmly. This is his confidence from the bottom of his heart relying on his own strength.

Seeing Mu Lin's agreement, Cao Cao was overjoyed, raised his glass quickly, and said with a smile, "My lord, help us to cooperate happily!"

The two raised their glasses and drank the wine in the glass.


In Julu City.

In the magnificent hall, an old man dressed in fine clothes, with a thin face and a trace of gloom between his brows, held a cup of scarlet liquid exuding a strong smell of blood in his hand.

"The fragrance of virgin blood is really charming!"

He brought the cup closer to him, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. The old man showed an expression of enjoyment on his face. After a while, he opened his eyes, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the center of the hall not far from him, a beautiful girl fell to the ground, her pupils were dilated, her complexion was pale, and she was already out of breath. On her neck, there were two thin and deep holes, but no blood flowed out of them. .

This old man was the initiator of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Zhang Jiao who called himself 'General Tiangong'.


Suddenly, a messenger wearing a yellow scarf ran in from outside the hall. He glanced fearfully at the body of the beautiful girl in the center of the hall, then knelt down on one knee, and said in a deep voice, "Report to General Tiangong, the imperial army yesterday, A suspicious person is coming!"


Hearing this, Zhang Jiao showed interest on his face, and said softly, "Who is here?"

While speaking, Zhang Jiao sucked from the air, and the blood in the cup was sucked into his mouth by him.

After sucking the blood, Zhang Jiao's wrinkled skin seemed to be rejuvenated again, and the wrinkles were reduced a lot.

Hearing the sound of Zhang Jiao sucking blood, the messenger lowered his head deeply, not daring to look directly at him: "Reporting to General Tiangong, as far as our eyeliner knows, this suspicious person is a boy around 16 years old, but But his status is extremely noble, he is the master of the Great Han Emperor, and his strength is ominous..."

"Emperor Master of the Han Dynasty? Mu Lin?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jiao's eyes suddenly brightened.

The fact that the other party helped Dong Zhuo to control the Luoyang Imperial City has long been known to everyone, and everyone regards him as a big traitor.

Rumor has it that this Great Han Emperor Master Mu Lin is extremely powerful, he is like a thunderbolt, and he wanted to see it a long time ago, but unfortunately he never had the chance.

Unexpectedly, the Great Han Emperor Shimu Lin actually ran to Julu today!
"Go down!"

Zhang Jiao waved his hand and ordered the messengers to retreat, then thought of something, and added: "By the way, take her down!"

"As ordered!"

The messenger heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and when he came to the beautiful girl's corpse, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, he bent over to pick up the corpse, and slowly backed out.

"Emperor Mulin...hehe, since you're here, let's feed my baby with Guan Yu and the others!" After the orderer retreated, Zhang Jiao showed a wicked smile on his face.

He naturally knew that he was not an opponent of the imperial army, but likewise, he would not be caught without a fight.

During the days when he was besieged in Julu City, he had secretly laid out his ultimate move, preparing to find an opportunity to kill Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, the innate realm powerhouses, and then take the opportunity to escape.

Even, maybe he can take the opportunity to fight back against the imperial army.

As for Mu Lin, he didn't take it seriously at all, because he was extremely confident in the ultimate move he had prepared...


The night passed and the sun rose.

Mu Lin followed Cao Cao to Julu City.

The earth is scarlet, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood, making people sick, and even in some hidden places, you can still see stumps and broken arms.

This is the battlefield!

Cao Cao and the others looked at Mu Lin secretly, but found that the other party was not at all like a person who was on the battlefield for the first time, and his face was calm.

The gathering of the imperial army was naturally unable to hide from Zhang Jiao in Julu City. Soon, the Yellow Turban army gathered on the city wall.

"Cao Cao, are you going to send someone to die again?"

Looking at Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others, Zhang Jiao on the city wall laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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