wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 99: The time has come! !

Chapter 99: The time has come! !
Standing in a deserted wilderness somewhere in Ohio with a calm face—although he said calm, Brunhilde's eyes were full of unprecedented anxiety.

Somewhat unspeakably, he looked towards the direction of the undead monastery behind him - it was obvious that Ashes had resurrected his long-dead self, but now he was carrying out the most despicable "betrayal" he had ever done... This kind of strange The sense of gap made Brunhild's heart depressed, and this depression did not come from other places, but from the self-blame deep in Brunhild's heart...

But a choice has been made, and Brunhilde will not change it.

Looking at the sky, if Brunhild remembers correctly, today is the time for him to return to his homeland... Asgard, that is Brunhild's hometown.Likewise, the place Brunhilde fought for, for which he gave his life...

While Brunhild was still reminiscing about the past, the clouds in the sky suddenly twisted strangely—and Brunhild knew that it was not the twisted clouds, but that Brunhild The vault above De's head was distorted!The distorted space produces a strange texture like a prism. When Asgard's sunlight shines on the world through this distorted space, it is broken down into colorful beams of light like a rainbow.

Looking at this dazzling rainbow beam of light, there was no trace of fear in Brunhilde's eyes.On the contrary, there was a little confusion in the blue eyes.Mixed in the confusion, Brunhilde's eyes are also full of nostalgia... How long has it been since I saw this bright Rainbow Bridge? ...Actually, it didn't take long at all, did it?

Brunhilde's memory stayed in the moment before he died in the Abyss of the Nine Realms, that is, the moment before he was divided into flesh and blood by Hela.When she saw the world again, she had already appeared in the fireless sacrificial field.Hela has been imprisoned for 5000 years, and these 5000 years have made Hela's hatred for Odin grow to the point where it cannot be added.And it is also 5000 years, these 5000 years are more like sleeping for Brunhilde...

But why does it feel like it's been so long?There was a little doubt in Brunhilde's eyes.Brunhilde couldn't help clenching his fists for the spot of light on his body like molten iron... It was the torment from the heart.

Finally, under Brunhilde's complicated eyes, her body was completely shrouded by the Rainbow Bridge.Although it seems to be very slow, it is actually only a few seconds.When Brunhilde was swallowed by the rainbow, on the other side, looking at the colorful beam of light penetrating the sky, Thor also opened his eyes suddenly - he was too familiar with this color.

That's Rainbow Bridge, that must be Rainbow Bridge!But why did the Rainbow Bridge appear here again?Loki should know that Hela and the monster called Ashes are on this planet!Thinking about it, Thor's face was full of dignity.Throwing the bricks in his hand aside, under the suspicious eyes of the workers, Thor rushed to the place where Thor's hammer fell regardless.

Same on the other side, but that's farther away.Feeling the dark ring on Brunhilde's body, it is now more distant, the other end of the star sea.Sitting quietly on the stone steps of the sacrificial ground and watching the ashes, the fire prevention woman also had a smile on her face.Seeing the smile on the fireproof woman's face, Hela's face was full of disgust... Although the fireproof woman had never provoked herself, but for some reason, Hela had a natural repulsion towards the fireproof woman.

It is not necessarily yourself who knows you best, but your enemy.I don’t know who said this, but there is some truth to it—Although Hela dare not say that she must know her better than the fireproof girl, but Hela is sure of one thing, that is, whenever the fireproof girl laughs , that was definitely when her heart was filled with dirty water again...

Just when Hela was still leaning on the wall beside her with cold eyes, thinking about whose child was so unlucky to be targeted by the fireproof girl, the fireproof girl on the side also stood up slowly and walked off. The steps lead to the center of the sacrificial field.

And in the center of the sacrificial field, Ashes was sitting there silently, his eyes full of lonely peace.He has been sitting here for a while, calculated by the time of the earth, it has been almost three days... Or, since McCree and others chose to leave, Ashes has been sitting here—seems to be waiting wearing something.

Hearing the footsteps of the fire prevention woman, Ashes looked at her with tired eyes.This kind of exhaustion is not physical, but spiritual... The Age of Fire is over, and I finally got a few friends, and even a clansman who can empathize with me... But in the end, they But they all left here...even betrayal!

This feeling of regaining what is lost, and losing after gaining makes Ashes somewhat understand what the so-called "tiredness" really means.

Facing Ashes' eyes, the Fireproof Girl nodded calmly.

"Master Ashes...the time has come."

Hearing the fire-proof woman's words, Ashes' eyes were slightly startled, and then subconsciously looked at the dusty Gungnir who had fallen in the corner... Sighed, and then put it into the backpack.With the disappearance of Gungnir, Ashes' gaze changed from tiredness to coldness, and became stiff... Accompanied by the clanging of the armor, Ashes stood up.

And as Ashes got up, the darkness of the sacrificial field also fell into a sickly silence as if suspended by time—the drop of a needle could be heard.The voices of those devouring each other's flesh and blood in order to restore the remnant souls disappeared in an instant.After a while, one after another, hungry and bloodshot eyes lit up.

Through the gaps in the visor, Hui Hui's body also revealed a icy coldness.

In the Age of Fire, the fate of the traitor is also tragic.They would have their eyes smashed out, their teeth pulled out, their jaws smashed, their noses cut off, their limbs cut off, soaked in honey pots—and finally sealed with silver wax over all holes in their bodies and hung on the city walls for birds to eat.

Ashes couldn't understand this pain, because Ashes didn't feel pain.Even if the heart was pierced and the head was cut off.At most, it would be a short rest, and then be reborn next to the fire... But this does not mean that Ashes can tolerate betrayal...

"The time has come!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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