wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 97: Hell's Kitchen

Chapter 97: Hell's Kitchen
It was already night, and after getting rid of the identity of the undead monastery, McCree and Banner were walking on a street with few pedestrians...

"I have a friend who lives in the front area, and I have a little friendship with him. If we are lucky enough, then we may be able to get out of here with his help..." After saying that, McCree paused and knocked helplessly. He tapped his head and said, "If I had known this before, it would be better to ask that magician named Gu Yi to help me out, so that we can reach that place directly..."

"It's not because you are patronizing to be handsome!" Hearing McCree's words, Banner looked at McCree beside him speechlessly and said, "That's what I was going to say at the time. Pulled me and pulled me out of the fog door. When I came back to my senses, I was already outside, and I couldn't go back even if I wanted to."

Hearing Banner's words, McCree scratched his head with a smirk.

But in fact... this is what McCree did on purpose...

If you want to survive as a cowboy and a ranger in a society ruled by law, you can't just rely on the revolver in your hand.Because no matter how powerful a person is, when facing the army's heavy machine guns, tanks, and rockets, he is always a mortal body that can be broken at the touch of a touch—Hala, the abnormality of Ashes is an exception.It is precisely because of this that I grew up in the wilderness and on motorcycles.In order to survive, McCree became a careful man, a cautious man.

McCree knew that he already knew too much... Mutants, Ashes, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the military's secret experiments... McCree just wanted to be free, and this kind of thing would only get worse. sink deeper and deeper.It's better to cut it quickly while it's not too messy... McRae firmly believes that fools will always live happier than normal people.

Although he is not a fool, but he is trying to become a fool.

Chatting with each other, regarding McCree's haha, Banner also prayed that the master named Zenyatta in his mouth would be more reliable-not to tame the Hulk, but to suppress the Hulk It’s good to let yourself continue to research…

After walking along the street for a while, Banner finally followed McCree to the "front piece" he called...Looking at the neon lights hanging on the apartment building, Banner pursed his lips and looked at the side. McCree, who was smiling shamelessly there, said, "Don't tell me your friend lives here..."

"Yes, he lives here. How is it? Surprised or not?"

"There was an accident, but it's not a surprise at all!!" Banner twitched his lips helplessly, and said with a expressionless expression: "Can people really live in this kind of place?! And if your friend really lives If we're here, let's think about how to get out... This is West Midtown..."

West Midtown, the official administrative area is called the Clinton District, and West Midtown is what New Yorkers commonly call him... West Midtown is a rectangular area on the west coast of Manhattan Island, New York.At the same time, West Midtown is also the most famous slum on the island of Manhattan, New York, and the entire United States. It is mainly populated by Irish immigrant laborers and people from the poor class. Famous for its high crime rate... But compared to West Midtown and the two official names of Clinton District, he is more famous for another name - Hell's Kitchen.

Before he even walked in, just approaching the block, Banner could already hear the words starting with F and ending with K from time to time but gunshots... As a highly educated scholar, In such a slum, Banner only lived temporarily for a while when he fled.And those slums are nothing compared to Hell's Kitchen.

Right now, standing across the street from Hell's Kitchen.Banner had already seen a grey-haired man dragging an unconscious gang member whose hands, feet, and mouth were trapped by tape into a trash can marked as non-recyclable. ...

"Look, it's very free, isn't it?" He didn't feel any discomfort or embarrassment because of Banner's words, and McCree still laughed shamelessly there, as if he had gotten used to all this.

While laughing, he also took out the revolver pinned to his waist and loaded it.That skillful movement, obviously, this is not the first time he has been here.It's not the first time this has happened...

"Yo! McCree? Here you come!"

Just as he was thinking about it, an old man passing by saw McCree out of the corner of his eye and called out his name in surprise.

And when he heard someone calling him, McCree also turned his head away, and after seeing who it was, he smiled and walked over to give the old man who lowered his head a big hug.

"Hey old Stan you guys are still as strong as ever."

Hearing this, he nodded.The guy known as Old Stan clenched his fists and hammered his pounding chest with a haughty face, and then said brazenly:
"Must, I think back then I was a great guy, I don't know how many beauties lined up to chase me!"

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Old Stan patted McCree on the shoulder, looked at it for a moment and nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right, it looks like you didn't get hurt... You haven't shown up since you took part in the battle of New York, and I bet with my old buddies on whether you're dead or not. It looks like I won this bet ~" While talking, the old Stan couldn't help laughing and said: "I can't wait to see how ugly that old Reinhardt's face will be!"

"There is such a good thing!" Hearing Old Stan's words, McCree gave him a high-five in surprise, and then quickly said: "Then what are you waiting for? Go! Go! I have to take a picture and hang it on the bed Keep your head in mind! By the way, it can also cure my insomnia and relieve stress!"

"Hahaha! Maybe it can also work as a contraceptive!"

Seeing the two leaving happily hahaha, Banner, who was forgotten in the middle of the road, was not angry, and even almost turned green.

(End of this chapter)

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