wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 92 92 Parker's Discovery

Chapter 92 92 Parker's Discovery

His attention was attracted by the compound bow, and Hawkeye kicked him head-on.Even with Thor's physical fitness, he quickly fell behind because of his unstable center of gravity.And Hawkeye didn't choose to pursue recklessly. In the final analysis, Thor's center of gravity was only unstable. In terms of injuries alone, Hawkeye's injuries are still relatively serious.

Before Thor could react, Hawkeye had no time to worry about the compound bow falling to the ground and retreated quickly behind him.Because the movement was too violent, the piece of skin attached to the right arm was already swinging around due to centrifugal force and gravity.

Gritting his teeth, he held back the pain.Hawkeye quickly cut off the piece of skin and rotten flesh with a sharp dagger, then took out the analgesic and hemostatic ointment prepared at all times, sprinkled it on the surface of the wound and hid in the dark——Hawkeye could only be like Treat the wound like this and apply a simple bandage.Feeling the rapid weakening of the severe pain, Hawkeye also looked at Thor who had recovered...

He didn't forget the purpose of his operation this time, which was to investigate Thor's identity and why he wanted to fight Hela... "Find a way to get out of here." Frowning, Hawkeye knew, The current state is definitely not good for him.Although relying on simple first aid measures, his arm has already stopped the bleeding quickly, but this level of hemostasis only ensures that it will not continue to flow out.

In the fierce battle, the blood flow rate in the whole body increases, and the muscle mass bulges.Any movement could tear the wound that had just stopped bleeding.And once that happens, these bandages of his will be completely useless.If he was facing a few ordinary people, then Hawkeye still had the confidence to defeat them all.But if he was facing an existence of Thor's level... Hawkeye didn't think he could be much harder than the wooden door.

After calming down quickly, Hawkeye knew that if he wanted to win now, the only person he could rely on was Natasha... Thinking, Hawkeye quickly pressed the switch of the transmitter.

The moment Hawkeye pressed the transmitter.On the other side, Natasha, who was still on guard outside the research institute, immediately reacted after feeling the vibration from the transmitter in her hand—the two had already prepared some face-to-face information before entering. Contact information and plans for emergencies.As it is now, once the sender is used, it means that there is an unsolvable situation.Thinking about it, Natasha picked up the pistol and was about to rush up - she didn't doubt whether the enemy got it, because the user of that thing was bound, and it couldn't be used if the fingerprints were different.

But just as she was about to rush in, a voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Hey, lady, breaking into someone's house in the middle of the night is not something worth advocating~"

Hearing this voice, Natasha picked up the gun and quickly turned around to look back.But there was no figure behind her, but a sound of wind.A figure in a black coat and a black hood jumped over her head.Seeing this, Natasha quickly turned around again without hesitation, but just as she turned around, before Natasha could see the man clearly, the pistol in her hand was snatched away by a huge force .

"Hmm... do you have a license to carry a gun? If not, I can't return this thing to you~... wait, it's you?!"

"...Who are you?" Hearing Parker's words, Natasha didn't relax at all, but put her hands on the handles of the two electric shock batons attached to her waist vigilantly.There is no other reason for not recognizing Parker, because the uniforms on Parker's body are all black, and this is Ohio, so Natasha didn't see Parker's true identity for a while.

Although the spider silk was obvious, it was night after all, so what Natasha saw was just a fleeting black shadow.The only thing that bothered Natasha was that she seemed to have heard the voice of the man in black before...

On the other side, Parker was also slightly startled.Although it was dark night, Parker could still easily see Natasha's appearance—although it was not as exaggerated as the overwhelming beauty, but that exquisite appearance combined with all the beautiful imaginations of men for women.Parker has a good memory, especially if the object is a beautiful woman.After seeing Natasha's appearance at close range, Parker soon realized that the woman in front of him was the one he had met in the Battle of New York...

In that case, wouldn't it mean that the man with the bow and arrow who walked with him was the one who saved Mr. Stark? ...

"Maybe I should think about whether to apologize to you..."

Hearing Parker's very frustrated words, Natasha frowned solemnly, and then pulled out two electric shock batons from behind.After turning on the switch, there was a burst of crackling electric arcs, and Natasha asked with a stern face: "Who are you?!"

On the other side, it took a long time to see Natasha's response, coupled with the faint crackling of electric batons coming from outside.Hawkeye knew that the current Natasha might have encountered some difficult situation.Turning his head to look at Thor who was approaching, Hawkeye also sighed helplessly.

"I really mean nothing...do you believe it?"

Looking helplessly at Thor in front of him, Thor didn't seem to want to talk to him after experiencing the previous events.Although it was dark night, Hawkeye could clearly feel the coldness in Thor's eyes.

"Well, it looks like you're not going to believe me."

While speaking, Hawkeye held the tactical dagger behind his left hand and looked at Thor vigilantly with his left hand.Although it is called Hawkeye, it is usually a compound bow and arrow.But as a top agent, Hawkeye can skillfully control all kinds of weapons.Coupled with the rigorous training of agents, Hawkeye is also proficient in almost all fighting methods and techniques.One-shot combat methods, including but not limited to various firearms and cold weapons.

However, in the face of all this, Thor didn't care much.A head of blond hair is very dazzling even in the dark night, glanced at the dagger in Hawkeye's hand, Thor picked up a dagger from the ground beside him expressionlessly, and the members of this research institute would play with it when they were bored wooden baseball bat.Considering his own strength and the current state of this guy who is obviously not an ordinary thief, Thor does not intend to use those fighting skills that are only used by evenly matched enemies, which seem to be some fancy fighting skills.

(End of this chapter)

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