wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 90 90 · Together?Robber?

Chapter 90 90 · Together?Robber?
At night, looking at the clock hanging on the wall, it is now nine o'clock in the evening.Because this is a foreign place, the school has become much stricter in management... Don't think that extracurricular practice is travel, you can hang out.Parents like bears exist no matter where they are. If something happens to a student, those parents will definitely hold a banner and stand in front of the school to demand compensation... They don't care who is right or who is wrong, they only know I am a victim myself.

From the bag, he took out the spider suit that was always ready, the reporter card that marked his identity, a miniature camera, a miniature video recorder, pens and paper.Seeing that there is no problem, after the preparation is completed.Parker made eye contact with Ned, who was browsing news on the Internet.Seeing this, Ned also nodded quickly, and after a while of simple operations on the computer, he gave Parker a thumbs up.

Putting on the hood, Parker quickly climbed out along the window.

In order to ensure safety, this time Parker specially wore a black windbreaker over the spider suit, and even changed his own hood to black.Relying on biological static electricity to attach himself to the wall, Parker quickly crossed the high wall of the hotel and ran out while the cameras were still gray.

Walking on the roof of a convenience store, as a superhero, Parker has the self-consciousness of not taking the usual path.In other words, this is not New York. If Spider-Man appears here, it doesn't mean it's a good thing... And fundamentally speaking, the law and order in Ohio seems to be much better than New York.

While thinking, Parker took out the map that had already been marked and looked at it.It wasn't the first time he came to such an unfamiliar place. In order to prevent himself from getting lost, Parker specially drew the place in his memory on a small notebook.Originally, Parker's plan this week was to interview the superhero called "The Punisher", or the super criminal.But because of this extracurricular practice, it was temporarily put down.I thought that I might stop working this week, but now it seems that I have encountered a new job.

While Parker was still thinking about it, he was already approaching the Institute of Astrophysics.Looking at the research institute slowly appearing in his sight, Parker was somewhat surprised that he also saw two sneaky people watching in the corner... This made Parker alert.

"Is it a colleague?" Thinking, Parker shook his head: "No, it's impossible, this is not New York, that guy is absolutely impossible to come here." Thinking, Parker put the notebook in his pocket and carefully lurked stand up.

Relying on the spider sense and his own ability to drive without physical reasons such as traffic jams, Parker can often arrive at the scene of the crime in the first time.Especially after Tony Stark fully upgraded Parker's interview equipment, Parker has expanded the scope of business that could not be touched or recorded effectively due to factors such as fighting.

You know, even the journalist industry is competitive.First-hand news materials are often the most popular.No matter how detailed the following information is, how much it is, at most it is just a mouthful of soup.Especially the exclusive news, which is what every reporter hopes to meet. For this, Tony meets different beautiful reporters every day.And to put it bluntly, didn't Parker become famous by exposing the scandal of the military's illegal human experiments?

Therefore, Parker also has a strong competitor - that is a reporter from Eastern Hong Kong, whose business ability is so strong that it is frightening.Before Peter Parker announced the big news of the military scandal, this Hong Kong reporter was once considered the most valuable reporter. Even the top Western reporters of the Associated Press faced this Hong Kong reporter who never revealed his name. Will feel sincerely helpless... until the appearance of Peter Parker.

A netizen once asked Tony Peter Parker what kind of person he was on a social network.Because Parker was always wearing a red spider suit, Tony replied casually, "It's a boy in red."Therefore, the two most valuable journalists recognized by the New York journalists are the "boy in red" and the "Hong Kong reporter".

While Parker was still thinking about it, Natasha, who was standing at the corner next to the Institute of Astrophysics, nodded after receiving the order.

She has already come here, and the reason why she came here is also very simple, it is because of the previous battle between Thor and Hela... Although it may not be considered a battle at all, it can only be regarded as one-sided sadism.

But this doesn't mean that because of Hela's strength, the threat posed by Thor cannot be ignored... In the final analysis, it is because Hela is too perverted.Judging from the previous monitoring alone, Thor has the power to easily destroy a city.And what Natasha has to do now is to investigate and understand why Thor came here, and then formulate the next part of the strategy...and the countermeasures.

Originally, this was a step-by-step task, and everything was based on safety.But I don't know if it's because of something happened, maybe something unexpected happened, so the current boss has started to let her speed up the progress of the task...

Thinking of this, Natasha gestured to Hawkeye at the side.Seeing this, he nodded.Hawkeye took out the access control card he had prepared from his pocket and opened the closed door of the institute.

Relying on the night vision function attached to the tactical eyepiece, the night is not much different from the day in the eyes of the eagle eye.Pressing down on his footsteps, Hawkeye's hand had an extra valuable compound bow at some point.And in his other hand, there is already an extra arrow with a unique shape - and it is ready to go.His muscles were tense, and he was obviously ready to fight at any time.

On the other side, looking left and right, Natasha didn't know why, but always felt as if she was being watched by someone.Out of vigilance, she also took out the pistol, loaded it, and opened the safety of the gun.In the face of this subconscious crisis, she prefers to actively seek a sense of security... Women prefer to trust their intuition.Of course, this may also have something to do with her career.

But for the behavior of Natasha and Hawkeye, Parker completely thinks it is another situation...

"This is... a robber?!"

(End of this chapter)

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