wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 80: Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Chapter 80
He clicked his tongue in disdain, looking at the disappearing Rainbow Bridge, Hela's expression was a bit gloomy... But looking at Hela beside him, Brunhilde felt a little relaxed for some reason. A little...Although she lost her sense of taste and most of her senses, after all, she still didn't know how to deal with Asgard, a place that carried her own memories.

But just when Hela thought that he might return in vain, suddenly, a burst of tyrannical energy came from the side.

Looking in the direction from which the energy came, Hela's eyes fell on Thor who flew into the air again, wrapped around his body like an electric arc like a thunder snake.Relying on the surging divine power to condense his brand new armor, coupled with that flowing golden long hair, Thor looks heroic and extraordinary.

And seeing the scene in front of him, a smile that wasn't really a smile rose on the corner of Hela's mouth... Although the corner of her mouth raised an obvious arc, no matter who it was, no one could feel the slightest smile from Hela's body. meaning.On the contrary, accompanied by the smile that appeared on Hela's body, there was also a surging chill... In an instant, it seemed that even the air dropped a few degrees out of thin air.

It's a pity that Brunhilde's senses have been lost too much, otherwise, he would definitely notice the almost condensed strangeness in the surrounding air.

Attention fell on Thor, and seeing this very familiar scene, Brunhilde frowned solemnly... She didn't, and she wouldn't be moved by Thor's aura. She felt the slightest fear, and didn't have the slightest worry for Hela... There is no other reason, this scene is really familiar to her... When Thor's Hammer was still in Hela's hands, it seemed like Brunhilde's invincible figure was too impressive.

With the thundering hammer blowing by the storm, every swing will cause a large number of comrades to lose all the ability to fight.If it weren't for the fact that the Thor's Hammer in her hand was snatched away by two other high-ranking Valkyries in the final battle, then it is still unknown whether Hela can be sealed...with the blessing of a divine weapon , even if Hela loses to Odin, she can easily escape—it's a pity that Hela was already dazzled by hatred and anger.

Compared with the original Hela, the current Thor is really too weak...

But Thor has no weak self-knowledge.

When he was born, the Nine Realms had already returned to peace.The Asgardian gods have also signed a peace treaty with their final enemies, the frost giants of Jotunheim.As a martial man, Thor grew up in the army camp since he was a child, worshiping his father who is called the God of War in the Nine Realms.In order to hone his martial arts skills, after he became an adult, he spent more than three days a week in the arena to hone his skills... But this was in a peaceful era, and the previous generation was commanded by Hela, The Asgardian Legion that fought in the Nine Realms has been completely replaced, and the current ones lack too much murderous aura...

As he grew older, he felt that it was necessary for him to let the people of Asgard know that he was not an incompetent person who relied on his parents...even if others didn't think so.

But now, in front of him, there is such an opportunity.One of the chief culprits who terrified my mother and put my father into a deep sleep is right in front of me... It's time to prove myself!

Thinking, holding the magic hammer, Thor glanced at Brunhilde, although he looked familiar, but he didn't take it to heart.He is not afraid of this one-on-two unequal battle.Because in the arena, because of the title of champion warrior, every time he starts a battle, he has to face more than two enemies.But relying on Thor's Hammer in his hand, no matter how many enemies there are, he can easily win!

He wanted to prove to his mother that he was also chosen by Thor's Hammer, that he could defeat Hela, and he wanted his parents to be proud of having a child like him!
With this thought in mind, Thor left a series of blue and white arcs in the space while driving the thunder and lightning—this skill and pride honed in the arena, accompanied by people's compliments, seems to have been intoxicated Thor.

And looking at Thor who came through the air, Hela's face was full of obvious disdain and indifference.

"I didn't expect that the son of that guy Odin is such a useless guy..." It seemed to be a little pointed, standing beside Brunhilde, Hela stared coldly from the corner of her eyes Follow Thor who is coming at a gallop.

"One faced a strong enemy and abandoned his comrades in arms in order to preserve his own interests, brother. The other, knowing or not knowing the strength of the enemy, rushed forward rashly... It seems that it is The "strongest" throne softened their muscles, and it was the long-standing peace that paralyzed their nerves—making them forget that all the glory of Asgard was won through war and blades..."

"This is Asgard that you risked your life to protect?——Don't make people laugh at you here!!!!"

As he said that, like a monsoon erupting, a tsunami-like magical tidal wave radiated out around him.It seems that the real magic power is filling this space, and through the blessing of the goddess, Odin has released the magic power containment inscription on himself, and now Hela has recovered all her power after a period of recovery!

Before even reacting, all of Hela was lost in Thor's sight.All that was left was the blue woman who looked somewhat familiar.

But before he could react, Hela appeared in front of him again—it was no longer the original dark green dress, but now Hela had put on the black and green dress again. He was wearing a tight battle suit, and on his head was wearing that ferocious black crown that looked like a spider.

Under Thor's unbelievable gaze, Hela dropped her hand on Thor's Hammer.At that moment, Thor felt that Thor's Hammer in his hand seemed to be fixed, unable to move at all.That feeling, as if being cut off from the connection between himself and the hammer by something in an instant... Or, it was like Thor's hammer had abandoned him...

Thinking, eyes widened in disbelief.But just when he raised his head, there was a gust of wind, and without even seeing Hela's movement clearly, Hela kicked him in the face—followed by that almost irresistible giant force! !


Involuntarily let go of the hand that was holding the hammer handle tightly, and was kicked from the air to the ground like a shooting star.It was like a meteorite passing through, leaving a sandy gully on the solid ground.But just when Thor was about to get up and continue fighting, Hela stepped on his chest like a shooting star.The sound of the broken bones was extremely crisp, spit out a mouthful of blood, felt the shattering of the sternum, and looked at the hammer that was lifted by Hela easily holding the hammer head, Thor's eyes were full of incomprehension...

"Who do you think you are facing?"

Hela raised her head and looked down at Thor who was struggling to get up, but had lost all resistance.

He didn't care about Hela's words, Thor's gaze was fixed on Thor's Hammer... Thor's Hammer abandoned him!Without Thor's Hammer, he couldn't activate the power of lightning in his body.And without that power, with my current body, I am only a little stronger than ordinary people!
Looking at Thor whose eyes were filled with darkness and panic.Hela's eyes narrowed slightly, and then with an indifferent face, she threw the Thor's Hammer in her hand to the ground aside... Without this kind of thing, she was still the strongest.

"Poor bastard."

As he spoke, it seemed that he was afraid of getting his hands dirty, or he simply thought that the existence of such cowards was the best answer to Odin's choice of peace.Therefore, Hela did not choose to pierce his chest with the sword of the night sky, but chose to turn around and leave...

Standing in the air, Brunhilde, who was still wondering whether he should save Thor, was relieved after seeing Hela's departure...Glanced at Thor, then at Rainbow Where the bridge disappeared, her gaze was slightly complicated... For some reason, after seeing this scene, she somewhat agreed with Hela's slightly radical point of view...

Although war is cruel, it is indeed the best place to sharpen your will...

On the other side, halfway through the walk, Hila paused slightly as if thinking of something.Immediately, he lightly gathered the spider-like black horned helmet with the palm of his hand and restored it to a head of smooth black long hair scattered behind him, then he breathed a sigh of relief and continued to walk.

It's just because it's ugly, Hela thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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