Chapter 76 Chapter 76
"The common soul is before the beginning of the age of fire, and it was still in the era of chaos ruled by the immortal ancient dragon. It is an ancient tradition and promise between every warrior who dares to wave his blade at the immortal ancient dragon."

"When a comrade-in-arms is knocked down, or dying, then take his soul as your own. Then carry his part to continue fighting and living..."

While the fire-proof girl was talking, she completed the soul sharing ceremony, and the wandering soul whose limbs were only slightly trembling on the ground began to twitch violently.However, at the moment when this convulsion was about to reach its peak, he suddenly fell into a calm state.Immediately afterwards, a palm completely covered behind the armor suddenly stretched out.Accompanied by the sound of leather tearing, the sound of blood flowing and the clanging of armor.A knight with a height of about [-] meters walked out of the corpse.

Looking at the man on the ground who was only 1.6 meters tall at most, his body proportions were completely out of balance, his limbs were slender like a matchstick, and his body was thick and short like unopened plasticine, and he was only wearing some holey clothes. A corpse covered in tattered sackcloth.Looking at the heroic knight in front of him, standing more than two meters away, his whole body is covered under a very delicate armor of unknown material, holding a large shield in one hand, and a knight's long sword pinned to his waist... Tony An incomprehensible smile appeared on his face.

"You have violated the conservation of mass..."

Hearing Tony's words, the Fireproof Girl also stood there with a smile and looked at Tony and asked calmly:

"Why should we obey the conservation of mass?"

The fire prevention girl who was watching, listened to her answer which was not a reason or a reason at all.Tony on the side fell silent instead.Seeing the silent Tony, the Fireproof Girl beside him shook her head calmly.

"The difference of the times blinds your eyes..."

"A difference in age?"

Facing Tony's puzzled gaze, she nodded, and the Fireproof Girl said calmly, "We existed in the last era before the birth of this universe—the age of fire. You can also understand it as the last universe before the Big Bang. .From the composition of matter to the cognition of the world. We all belong to two ages... and the place where you are now is a sacrificial field without fire, the afterglow of the age of fire. It is like a dimension outside the theory , from the density of space to the composition of the body, they are completely different."

While speaking, the fire-proof woman's eyes fell on the wandering souls around:

"I, Lord Ashes, are the remnants of the previous generation. They are different...they only have their souls preserved through the body of Lord Ashes as a container. They who have lost their bodies can only come back by corroding the souls of other creatures. Get their physical bodies. But the spirit and flesh of each creature are different, and they have always been equipped with a lock with only one key. Therefore, those fragmented ghosts will find their missing parts, and then through the joint soul Ritual, come here to reshape your original body."

"Actually, the shared souls you see now are not real shared souls. It's just broken souls who have lost their other half and are looking for their lost parts... But don't be disappointed, the ceremony of shared souls, It won't stop."

As if under some order, the moment the fire-proof woman spoke, under Tony's gaze, those things hidden in the darkness seemed to start to stir.Accompanied by flying blood, the sound of leather tearing.One brand new body after another climbed out of the decaying flesh.Lost their souls, in the fireless sacrificial field, their corpses also quickly turned into a handful of fly ash as their souls dissipated.If this was outside, there would be at least one body left...even if it was mutilated.

Thinking about it, he turned his eyes to those wandering souls who turned a deaf ear and did not take any action.The Adam's apple moved up and down, and Tony looked at the fireproof woman beside him.

"If that's the case, why didn't they act?"

"Because they haven't found the part of their soul that they lost." With a slight smile on her face, the fireproof woman lowered her eyes. "So, in order to make up for the incompleteness of their souls, they can only supplement by eating the souls of others..."

"..." Hearing this, he remained silent. Tony, who has already studied soul energy, knows better than anyone else what this so-called other's soul is... Or, even if he doesn't know it, just in the literal sense It should be understandable by looking at it—it is nothing more than devouring other people's will, thinking, and humanity...

"This is crazy..."

Looking at the ghosts who were devouring each other, Tony on the side shook his head incomprehensibly.As for Tony's thoughts, Fireproof Girl was not surprised.

"Because you have never felt the pain caused by the loss of your soul. You can vaguely remember what happiness feels like, but you will never be able to produce it. You can clearly remember the figure of the person you once loved deeply, but you will never be able to recall her name. She appearance."

"Fortunately, there is at least Lord Ashes commanding them here. Otherwise, what you have to face is a group of eternal immortals who only know how to devour the souls, humanity, and bodies of others."

Hearing this, Tony on the side was lost in thought... There is no doubt that this sacrificial ground, this monastery of the undead, is really too dangerous.It's like a mental hospital, full of murderers who want to eat people, and they are managed by a lunatic... A lunatic asylum managed by a lunatic. The future is full of worries, or...

"You are afraid."

Hearing the words of the fire prevention woman, Tony shook his head quickly.

"No, it's impossible. I've never been afraid of anything."

"That's because everything in the past is under your control." For some reason, the fireproof woman's voice was a little cold. "You can't fool me...I am a Fireproof Woman, a chosen one of the Age of Darkness and Deep Sea. But also, I am a remnant who inherited the Age of Fire... No matter what you say, your soul is not in front of me No cover up."

"You can't fool me, and you can't fool anyone here."

As the fire-proof woman's words fell, the Locris knights on the side, and those ghosts who were still sharing souls, or even did not share souls, and chose to sit in the corner also looked at Tony who was aside.In that empty gaze, Tony felt an unprecedented, bone-chilling chill.

The pupils shrank slightly, and Tony opened his mouth, but he didn't have the energy to choose an answer.It fell into a short silence, and in this silence, the fire prevention woman at the side suddenly relaxed, and even said with a light smile: "But you don't need to worry, you are the guest of Lord Ashes. There is no Lord Ashes order, we will not harm you."

Hearing this, just when Tony was still thinking about how to answer this, Ashes on the side finally successfully integrated Magneto's soul into the Adamantium alloy that had been beaten and burned into a blazing red.Nodding, Ashes took out the gems in her inventory.Next, fuse these gems into the Adamantium alloy, and you're done!

What kind of weapons can be produced by the soul of another era after being tempered and fused.Ashes was very curious about this.

(End of this chapter)

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