wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 71: The People of Asgard

Chapter 71: The People of Asgard

God Realm Asgard.

Calculated according to the time of the earth, more than a month has passed since Asgard had just arrived from the ashes.

Odin was forced to enter Odin's Sleep, which put the whole of Asgard into a state of high alert. In this high-pressure environment, it feels as if the whole of Asgard has become a dynamite, and It has been completely mounted on high-voltage wires.Anytime there is a spark, it seems that it will completely detonate everything.

A light blue translucent protective cover enveloped the entire sky over Asgard, and the protective cover that could withstand the bombardment of the Star Destroyer didn't seem to bring any sense of security to everyone.Soldiers in full body armor appeared in every corner of the city and patrolled in rows.Any disturbance will attract their attention, and travel is prohibited at night, and the frequent census has been conducted three times in this month alone.

And for those outsiders who live in Asgard, they are strictly guarded.Although there are no freedom restrictions such as captivity, even when they go to the toilet, there will be people, or cameras, electronic eyes, etc., watching them all the time.

And in the Great Golden Palace, I don't know how many times there have been quarrels about what to do next in Asgard.

"We should take the initiative to attack!" Holding a hammer in his hand, Thor's eyes were full of fighting spirit and a little... anger towards his mother.He hated his mother's current behavior, which in his eyes was very cowardly and withdrawn.For him, offense is the best defense.Instead of being beaten passively, it is better to take the initiative to attack, so that he has to defend... or be directly hacked to death.

"If we continue to hide here, doesn't that mean that we are afraid of each other? Doesn't it mean that we hand over our initiative to the other party?!"

Looking at the eldest son in front of him who was trying to convince him through words, Frigga shook his head firmly.Not as soft as before. As the former first commander of the Valkyrie Legion, Frigg saw farther and clearer than Thor.

"This is not an arena." Frigga looked at Thor in front of him with some dissuasion.And the deeper thing hidden in the firm gaze is called disappointment, also called self-blame... Thor's pride is not born with it, but is closely related to the acquired influence.

His father, Odin, was also born in Asgard.Odin used to be just like Thor now, a proud existence, but the war completely changed Odin...

The first war Odin participated in was his father's campaign against the Dark Elves.On the battlefield, Odin saw the strength of the enemy, and also saw the strength and greatness of Asgard.It is accumulated based on what kind of existence it is.

So, at that time, Odin thought: "It is the war that made Asgard great."

Because of this idea, Odin personally cultivated Hela—the warrior who almost cleaned the Nine Realms with blood... or the butcher.In the endless battles, Odin's thoughts also constantly wavered, but because of his childhood experience and because of his father, this wavering was quickly forgotten by him.After that, another war changed Odin again.

It was Odin himself who fought against the Frost Giants.Because of pride, but also because of arrogance, Odin lost an eye.But it doesn't matter, because at least he and Asgard have won. According to Asgard's technology, there is no problem in making a fake eye.

But the venue for the decisive battle between Asgard and Jotunheim was chosen in the atrium, which is the earth.To be precise, it is in Tønsberg, Norway.And this war is the origin of Norse mythology.After the battle was over, Odin didn't leave there immediately, but turned his attention to the primitive people at that time.Maybe it's out of pity, or maybe it's simply because I think Norse mythology is very interesting.Odin gave them a little bit of better living conditions and very basic knowledge.

And after that... when Odin came to the courtyard again.He found that people began to offer him a small amount of blood food, grain, wine, and hymns... Finally, standing in front of a small tribe of primitive people, standing in front of the temple that enshrined his own god, Odin knew one thing... the existence that can make people praise from the bottom of their hearts, to sing praises, is not war.but civilization...

In the legend of the earth, Odin put one of his eyes into the fountain of wisdom, so he got the greatest wisdom in the world.But in fact, this eye was only blinded by the enemy's sneak attack during the battle because of blind arrogance.

But just like in the story, or at least in Odin’s eyes, he has obtained the greatest wisdom in this world for him... What war brings is only fear, built on fear His prosperity is false and not worth mentioning.The real greatness is to use civilization to make other people's praises convincing.

Just like the Tang Dynasty...

So, with guilt and awareness, Odin had to imprison Hela, who still stubbornly believed that war was what made Asgard's glory, in the Abyss of the Nine Realms.What makes her feel guilty is Hela's ruthlessness, which was cultivated by herself.What I realize is that I can't just sit back and watch Asgard go astray...

Looking at Thor in front of him, Frigga looked serious, and even said some persuasion: "Your so-called bravery is bravery in the arena, bravery in a duel... a reckless man."

"Where we are sitting now is the fate of all Asgard... This is not a gladiatorial arena. It is not victory that decides everything, nor is it the gold cup. One of our decisions determines the millions of Asgards. The life and death of a warrior is the future of all the people of Asgard, and the rise and fall of civilization.  …”

"But what we are doing now is just hiding here, waiting for the enemy to come!!!"

On the side, looking at the mother and son who were quarreling again, Loki shook his head helplessly.My brother is a little too immature.It's like a pampered child, because he can't understand, or doesn't want to understand the world of adults, so he stubbornly uses his own thinking to think about everything... and thinks that he is right.

Looking at the farce in front of him, Loki subconsciously clenched his fists.Feeling the chill coming from his palm, he silently smiled wryly.

But so what?No matter how much they quarreled, they were still mother and son.And I am just a picked-up alien...

Thinking about it, there was a faint chill in the palm of his hand, and a strange light slowly rose in the depths of Loki's eyes.

And beyond Asgard, Earth.

Hela was called to a corner alone by the fire prevention woman...

(End of this chapter)

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