wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 7 7. Remembrance and Battle

Chapter 7 7. Remembrance and Battle

He is a child born with the blessings of countless people.He is humble and helpful, and everyone thinks that he will be the best heir to Gwen...and it is indeed so.Inheriting his father's physique, the eldest son of the sun wields a huge sword and spear that ordinary people can't even lift.Under his control, the scales that the ancient dragons were proud of were as fragile as a piece of sackcloth.The golden crown restrained the tall man's long gray hair that soared to the sky.With a tall physique and a powerful attack, hundreds of dragons fell in front of him with the rolling thunder released by the dragon hunting sword gun.Bathed in dragon blood, he established the Sun God Cult with the symbols of bravery, justice, and relief.

However, the final return of the dragon slayer is to be accompanied by the ancient dragon.

At that time, Ge Wen hadn't inherited the first fire, nor had he realized that he had passed on the benevolence of the first fire.The Age of Fire started. At that time, Ge Wen, known as the Sun King, was just an old man who could ruthlessly eradicate all those who disobeyed him in order to stabilize his power.Back then, Gefu, the archer who held the emblem of the eagle among the Four Horsemen of the King, was covered with resin over the eyes of his helmet that was inlaid with flesh and blood after the ancient dragon was cut off.The final outcome of Artorius, the emblem of the wolf, is to make a contract with a monster and walk in the abyss until he dies.The only female among the four knights, Chialan's double blades on Hu Feng's emblem are purely for dealing with human beings. Chialan, known as the king's blade, wears a white porcelain mask and eradicates the monsters day after day. The enemy of the "king" in the human world...and the chief knight of the four knights under the king is called the dragon hunter, and the dragon hunter Ornstein is himself a follower of the eldest son of the dragon hunter and war god.Being implicated, he, who was called Longshou, could only guard the hall in front of the gate between the prince and daughter together with the executioner, Simo...

"The Dragon Clan has endured enough hardships, and they themselves are part of the world. Endless battles can only breed deeper hatred...Father, why can't you understand?"

The eldest man looked at the tall father in front of him, his gaze under the golden crown was full of puzzlement.Under the sword and gun, it doesn't matter how old or young it is, as long as it has the blood of the dragon, it has been stained with blood.But it was also like this, the eldest man became more and more puzzled by the meaningless slaughter of the dragon clan... The dragon clan has lost the ancient tree and the immortal dragon scales that can resist the passage of time.Even lost the ability to threaten the human world...

"Stupid..." Looking at the child in front of him, Ge Wen's eyes shone with a strange light.He has carried too much glory, the Sun King, the Dragon Slayer King, the first cause, the holder of the king soul... Lost his eyes, Ge Wen began to be greedy for this right.And as the leader of the Sun God Sect, he is also the God of Dragon Hunting and War God.The current eldest male has a very high reputation among all races.Even the people in the highest mountain city, Arnoel Londe, were full of admiration and longing for him when they faced him...

"You have been exiled." Under the disbelieving gaze of the eldest man, Ge Wen said calmly: "Your name, your deeds, and your great achievements. From now on, all will disappear...you are not allowed to step into Asia Norrond!"

In this way, the eldest son was exiled.Charged with "stupidity", he was completely exiled.The statues were destroyed, the deeds were erased, and even the names were not left behind.

later.The fire was extinguished, without the blessing of the first fire and the sun, the eldest man's body was like a rotten firewood.In order not to lose consciousness due to the disappearance of the first fire.The eldest man hesitated for a long time, and finally, at the last moment, he reluctantly killed him under the relieved gaze of his best friend, Storm Dragon.Got his soul... When Ashes saw the elder man again, for some reason, the elder man's long-dried eye sockets were filled with tears.

The former crown has decayed, and the engraving of Gwen on the golden armor has only the outline left.But it was still the same as before, no matter who came to face him, the eldest man would use all his strength to fight with the highest etiquette of a warrior.But because of his deeds and his name has been erased by Ge Wen, people can only call him the "Unknown King".

And the Gulongding where he was located was the highest place except Zhigaoshan City.Looking at the direction where the eldest man once stared deeply, the goal was the prosperous Arnoel Londo...

"I don't know why, it seems that all the sorrows will befall your royal family."

Seeing Odin and Hela confronting each other in front of them, Ashes' eyes were full of helplessness.When Gwen exiled the eldest son, Ashes stood by as a knight.It can be said that the ashes are the witnesses of the age of fire... and also the mourners.

Hearing Ashes' voice, Odin on the side also noticed this strange figure.He glanced at Hela in front of him, and then at Ashes beside him.Odin asked with some doubts: "You are?"

"Me? I'm..." Just as Ashes was about to introduce herself, Hela on the side suddenly said:

"He is my executioner."

Not paying attention to the bewilderment on Ashes' face, Hela looked into the eyes of Odin in front of him and continued, "He is my executioner... just like I was your executioner back then."

"And you, betrayed me! You also betrayed Asgard!"

Hearing Hela's words, Odin's face showed a look of helplessness, and just when Odin was about to say something, Hela had already controlled the sharp blade floating behind him and charged forward.Filled with hatred mixed among the sharp weapons, they rushed towards Odin in front of him.Seeing this, Odin also knew that what he was saying was meaningless, so he raised the Gungnir in his hand and started a fight with Hela.

Your dad is your dad after all.

In addition, Hela has been imprisoned here for 5000 years, plus the inscriptions to curb the magic power, even now, the magic power has only recovered to about [-]% of the original.Compared with Odin who was in full condition, Hela was completely suppressed from the moment the battle started.Swinging the black swords around, Odin clenched Gungnir in his hand and raised it high.Odin injected magic power into it, and then threw it violently.

Gungnir is cast from Uru, a mysterious metal unique to Asgard. Uru is a highly unforgeable metal, not only because of its hardness, but also because Uru needs to be crafted through extreme methods. , like the core of a planet... or cast magic.Uru is not only easy to enchant, but also absorbs magic like a sponge, and can even greatly increase the owner's affinity for magic.As the most recognized power in the Nine Realms, Odin's magic power is far beyond ordinary in terms of quality alone, and is even specially called "Odin's Power".In order to perfectly fit this power, even Odin himself needs to enter a deep sleep every once in a while to adjust this power.And now, looking at Gungnir surging with endless mana, Hela did not hesitate to create layers of giant shields as thick as walls to block in front of her.

However, those seemingly solid shield walls were still easily pierced... like a bamboo stick piercing a bunch of inferior paper with ease.

In desperation, Hela could only inject the newly recovered magic power into the last shield like a rushing river without money. It may be because of this huge amount of magic power, or it may be because of the heart of Odin as his father. A touch of unbearableness rose.In the end, Hela was just sent flying from a distance, leaving a huge crater on the solid ground.

"Help me!" Hila struggled to get up from the ground. Because of the friction, the combat uniform on his body was completely damaged, and he didn't care about the exposed flesh. Hila looked at the ashes beside him.

"If you want to get out of here!"

Hearing Hela's words, Ashes, who had vowed not to participate in such royal family affairs, sighed helplessly.

"Then don't forget the onion wine..."

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(End of this chapter)

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