Chapter 51·50

Magneto King Eric and Professor X Charles used to be close friends, but in the end they had a disagreement over how mutants should go in the future. Because of this disagreement in ideas, they eventually parted ways.Even the Brotherhood of Mutants and the Xavier Academy for Geniuses established by each other are incompatible enemies.But at the very beginning, their purpose was the same... They wanted mutants to get rid of this discrimination.

Seeing his best friend being swallowed by the big black snake, Charles' gaze shrank suddenly.They are enemies, but there is no doubt that they are also best friends.If it weren't for the reasons of philosophy and identity, they might still stay together now, teasing and joking with each other.Even Charles has already thought about it, and after this incident is completed, he will have a drink with Eric... But now, Eric is forever...

"Do not……!"

Looking at the scene on the screen, Charles groaned in pain.However, after being silent for a while, he finally sighed faintly, but he still didn't do anything... It is his bottom line not to use his ability to hurt others, and it is also the bottom line of S.H.I.E.L.D.... Otherwise, , Relying on the brain wave strengthening device, with his ability, he can directly brainwash most of the U.S. Congress.

On the other side, with a face full of calm ashes, he once again looked at the people in front of him.Seeing the death of Magneto, the members of the original mutant brotherhood began to be leaderless. You look at me, I look at you, and for a while they don't even know what to do.Seeing Ember's emotionless eyes, some timid beings even took a step back timidly... After all, in the radical organization of the Brotherhood of Mutants, not everyone really follows, believe me. With Magneto.There are many guys who join this organization simply because they are wanted by the government, or because they have gained power and do not want to be bound by the law.

In the past, Magneto could rely on that powerful superpower to suppress all dissatisfaction arbitrarily.And now?Magneto is no longer here, and some people who were originally unhappy with Magneto, or who are simply timid, already have thoughts of quitting.After all, not all mutants are willing to dedicate everything to fight for the future of mutants like Eric and Charles.

Xavier Gifted Academy is okay, at least it is well educated.The X-Men are composed of elites handpicked by Charles.As for the Mutant Brotherhood, although there are a large number of people, the quality is really uneven. Even the mastery of superpowers, most of them don't think about how to develop them, but think about relying on this ability to help themselves. for something.

And Ashes didn't care about those cowardly people who wanted to leave... Those people were worthless scum, and those who could make souls materialize and be absorbed, at least had a strong will.No matter what kind of will it is, be it kind, ugly, noble, dirty... as long as it is strong, it can form a corresponding soul, at most it is different in the method of use and the strength of the soul.

Magneto's soul was formed in this way... There were indeed pessimists on the road of spreading fire back then, but even so, those people would not show mercy in the slightest during the battle.Although those people always said: "It's useless, spreading fire is what those great heroes should do." But once they fight, they still won't hold back at all.They will not stop swinging their blades until the enemy is completely killed.

And a guy like this who is timid before a battle is real, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to be burned.

Looking at the already distracted crowd, Tony frowned slightly... Just now, he was unable to win with the morale booming and the staff was full, but now the hearts are scattered, and high-end combat forces frequently leave the field due to loss of combat effectiveness, or even die In such a state, how could it be possible to win? !
Just then, a gunshot broke the silence.Looking up, with tactical goggles on his face, Soldier 76 aimed at Ashes without the slightest fear, but the difference was that the eyes under 76's tactical goggles were completely covered in bloodshot eyes... one after another The pulse bullets were fired one by one, hitting Ashes' head.But it's a pity, before the pulse bullets hit Ashes, the bullets were easily swallowed by the monster snake again... Looking at the monster snake that was swelling up again, Tony turned his head and said solemnly: " Don't attack that ball of black mud! Holding something can absorb kinetic energy!!!"

But his words seemed to be a bit late, and the monster snake opened its mouth again. Although the kinetic energy provided by the pulse bullet is far less than that provided by Magneto, it is obviously already enough for ordinary people. enough.

Instead of shooting all at once like just now, Ashes this time divided the kinetic energy into multiple parts and shot them out one by one.The huge kinetic energy generated by a large number of pulse bullets can produce huge power even if they are separated.Basically, a group of people will lose their fighting power and even their lives if they are hit by an impact... Tony frowned looking at the merciless Ashes.He glanced left and right, then shouted loudly:

"Don't hesitate any longer! Divided will only be broken one by one, together...huh?"

Before Tony could finish speaking, he suddenly felt some signs of loss of control in his armor.Although he was flying in the air relying on the energy boost, his body had already started to shake and even fell to the ground!Looking down, the monster big snake's body has split out some black hairs and wrapped around his legs.Realizing the problem, Tony quickly said, "Javi—"

Before he could finish speaking, the freak snake slammed Tony onto the side of the car with a flick of its tail, making an overwhelmed sound, and the car roared for a while.Even relying on the shock-absorbing device of the Mark II, Tony was thrown to pieces.It didn't end. After beating back and forth for a while, the monster snake even threw Tony far away.

After smashing through two buildings, Tony stopped... being embedded in the wall, his whole body felt a sharp pain.Suppressing the pain, Tony quickly said, "Jarvis! Report the situation!"

"The armor has been damaged by 80.00% six, please take it off as soon as possible—Zizizi" It didn't last long, and the sound system in the armor lost all power directly.


Frowning tightly, Tony could clearly feel that at least two ribs had been broken in his chest... The broken bone stubble might have pierced his lungs.The lower body has completely lost consciousness. According to Tony's guess, this may have injured his spinal cord!As for the hands, although they are still intact, judging from the severe pain, there may be cracks in the bones... In addition, without Jarvis' assistance, how difficult is it to get out of here?
"This really has become an iron coffin!"

Gritting his teeth, it caused another burst of sharp pain because it affected the wound.Because of the space, Tony couldn't even shake his head.I can only stay there and pray that the battle will end quickly, and then let the post-war handlers rescue me... and in my current state, I may not be able to last long!

On the other side, looking at the people around, Ashes said impatiently: "Get out!!"

Hearing Ashes' words, the people surrounding Ashes looked at each other. Although they didn't refute, that was all.Although it didn't move forward, it didn't leave either.Obviously, they are still hesitating about these things.And in the distance, there was another sound of footsteps of soldiers coming and the roar of chariots... He pursed his lips that were full of black cracks, and didn't have the heart to continue consuming.The dark red halo in Hui Ember's eyes began to thicken. ——If there is still some hesitation and hope in them now, then let yourself smash it cleanly...

Thinking about it, Ashes leaped high.He moved his body at will, and the monster big snake coiled around his body felt an unusual joy, and even roared frantically.A strangely dull and muddy scarlet flashed in the ferocious snake's pupils.Even if it is thousands of meters away, it can still be seen clearly!
As a member of the Falan Undead Team, Ashes shouldn't have done this.But if it's for the fire prevention girl, then it doesn't matter...

Human pus is a disease, a contagious plague.But at the same time, the pus of human nature is also fair.No matter men, women, old or young, high or low, it treats them equally, harvesting everything like a god of death!
Human nature explodes! ! !



Three more today!This chapter is 2.7K!Hand over the ticket quickly! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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