wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 47 46 Ashes Under Armor

Chapter 47 46 Ashes Under Armor
Undoubtedly, since the beginning of the war, Ashes has made only a handful of shots, but on this battlefield, no one has ever dared to ignore the existence of Ashes for this reason.

There is no other reason. From the beginning to the present, although the number of times Ashes has made shots can be counted on the fingers, no matter what the situation is, no matter what kind of existence it is facing, every attack Ashes has never failed.On the huge and quaint sword and spear, there is even an aura that makes people feel trembling.Lei Mang, who mixed life and destruction, was as bright as the sun.

Passing over Gu Yi with a calm face, Hui Hui's words made one feel an inexplicable chill all over for some unknown reason...

Frowning slightly, Gu Yi did not forget why he came here... Although he is the supreme mage, it does not mean that Gu Yi is the emperor of the dimension mages.Even the status of the dimension mages themselves is equal, because the purpose of the existence of the dimension mages is to protect the material world from the invasion of the dark dimension.Appearing in front of the world on a large scale like this, besides what Gu Yi said that she and the Fireproof Girl are friends, more importantly...she wants to save people.

And not just Dormammu, besides the lords of the many evil dimensions that threaten the planet.In the boundless universe of the main universe, there are also many aliens with strong malice towards other civilizations.Even the careerists hidden in the earth and society, they also threaten the prosperous material world.And this is often linked to politics, to complicated things like the country and the law.Dimensional spells require sufficient accumulation of knowledge to practice.The difficulties among them make most of the dimension mages not have the leisure to delve into the ugliness of human nature.

There is a specialization in the art industry, so thousands of years ago, after discussions with the supreme sages, it was decided that the dimension mage would withdraw from the material world and concentrate on meditation.Although dimensional mages need to know better when facing magical creatures or malice from other dimensions.But for aliens, technology and stuff like that.Obviously, the group of people in front of Ashes should know better.

Therefore, one of the most fundamental purposes of coming here in ancient times was to minimize casualties as much as possible.Obtaining immortal power by relying on the dark dimension, Ancient One can gloomyly predict how fragile this troubled world is...

"I know what you mean... The Fireproof Girl has already relayed it to me."

Before Gu Yi could say anything, Ashes had already answered Gu Yi's question one step at a time.

While speaking, Ashes had already put his hands on his helmet.The armor on his body was inlaid into the flesh and blood of ashes when it was cast, plus the long past and the inscriptions on the armor.Although this is called armor, in fact it has become a part of Ashes' body...Forcibly torn off the ashes can only return to the campfire, and then be reborn with the armor.But helmets are different.In order to prevent accidents on the way of spreading the fire, Gwen specially made the servant of God. When the blacksmith Andre built this helmet, he only made a complicated mechanism for fixing it.This can be taken down if necessary...

But in the old days, the Fire Lady never let Ashes take it down.And now...it doesn't matter anymore, now she just wants to see her own face.

The cold and blunt helmet is not a whole, but the visor and the helmet are fixed by precise mechanisms.Unlocking the case, there was a crackling sound from the gap of the visor on Huihui's face.Then, holding the visor and the helmet, Ashes slowly took them off.It is unacceptable, there are two thick sharp spikes on the visor.And the location of the spikes is exactly where the eyes are!

Throwing away the helmet and visor that had haunted him for hundreds of thousands of years based on the number of days in the Age of Fire, Ashes stood there with his head raised and without saying a word.

He's not handsome, and he doesn't have the legendary knives and axes.Whoever it is.Criminals, rich people, officials, or civilians.When looking at Ashes' face again, the first thing that comes to mind is only two words: "immature".

That face is about the size of a 17-year-old boy.This immature feeling even made McCree and the others shake their heads in disbelief... They wouldn't be surprised even if Ashes was an old man, but who would believe that someone who looked only 17 years old was so handsome and cute that he couldn't tell the difference? Men and women, the same look at the past, a tender young man is definitely an old monster that has survived for millions of years?

Afterwards, Ashes slowly opened his eyes.At that moment, at the moment of opening his eyes, all the beauty seemed to be broken suddenly.Under everyone's gaze, there are no so-called eyes in Ashes' eye sockets, but this is also understandable, after all, when Ashes took off his lower armor, people have already seen the two inlaid on the mask. Hand-thick spikes.But what is really incomprehensible is not that Ashes' eye sockets are empty... On the contrary, Ashes' eye sockets exist and are full of things!

It was boiling, tumbling, rushing magma!
And the moment Ashes opened his eyes, Ashes' face changed dramatically.Fine black cracks continuously spread out from the eye sockets on that immature face. Under the influence of these black cracks, Ashes' originally immature face looked like a piece of broken porcelain, even if you just looked at it from somewhere, It inexplicably gives people a feeling of ashes and haggard wood.But for some unknown reason, the surging magma in the eye sockets revealed an endlessly churning breath of life.The gushing and throbbing energy and the ashen and haggard silence are weird and at the same time achieve a strange and subtle harmony.

Holding the dragon-hunting sword and gun in his hand, with his back to Gu Yi, Ashes said calmly: "Take them away..."

"I will leave enough firewood for this world."




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(End of this chapter)

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