Chapter 43 Chapter 42
"Haha, tin can, your energy cannon doesn't look very good. Do you want to replace it with a water gun? At least it will be more fun!"

Hiding behind the magic shield made by Hella, McCree looked at Tony, who was flying in the sky and attacking, with a smile on his face.The energy cannon in Tony's palm has almost no effect on Hela's magic shield. With the same energy, Hela only needs to mobilize the magic energy to slightly refract the energy cannon's trajectory to easily resist this kind of attack—— It can even refract energy cannons to other soldiers.And those micro-missiles are often cut into two pieces by Hella's sword of the night sky on the way of anti-flight.Although the magic power consumption will increase slightly, it doesn't matter.The current Hela has already taken out the gray elemental bottle.It only takes one or two drops to restore a large amount of magical energy!In this case, McRae also revealed his true character-treating the enemy, using all means to ridicule and ridicule.

"Heh, does hiding behind a woman make you so proud?" Although the fight may not be successful, Tony never intends to admit defeat when it comes to talk.She would be offended by the sarcasm for being a guy who rushes to the hearing to rant.

"Aren't you also hiding in the tin can? Some kind come out to fight me!"

While talking, looking at the large number of enemies, McCree narrowed his eyes slightly.According to his observations, the fighting power of these soldiers seems a bit too amazing.Most of them are at least twice the physical fitness of ordinary soldiers, and some even reach three times.Especially the guy with the tactical goggle on his face. From his quick and fierce attack, McCree sounded like a well-known person in the United States-Captain America.

Thinking about Banner's matter again, McCree clicked his tongue with some disdain.The food of the guys in the military is still as ugly as ever...

On the other side, flying in the air, just when Tony was still thinking about how to deal with it, suddenly, he found that there was a guy missing from his sight.Slightly startled, then quickly reacted.Just when Tony opened his mouth to say something, suddenly, there was a burst of 0 force from under his feet.Looking down, I don't know when, Hulk has come under him, jumped up, and the finger like a steel rod firmly grasped one of his legs.That feeling is like putting your legs on a running hydraulic machine.

"fxxk! Jarvis! Full power out!"

"Okay, sir."

Seeing the scene of the Hulk tearing up the tank, although Tony has enough confidence in the armor on his body, it doesn't mean that Tony thinks he can defeat this green pervert with muscles in his testicles.Even after his own strengthening, the armor on his body is very strong, and even RPGs can easily take it head-on.However, with Hulk's previous performance of tearing tanks with the same strength as tearing chickens, it is not difficult to deform this armor hammer-Tony's purpose of making armor is not to make an iron coffin!

With the opening and closing of the cage, the expert on Tony's caught right leg began to break away rapidly.Even Hulk's body was lifted a few centimeters due to this huge rise.But Hulk's body can no longer be calculated by conventional methods.The muscle density that can be easily immune to shells, Hulk's body can no longer be calculated in simple catties or kilograms, but in "tons" as a unit!

Before Tony could get away completely, Hulk began to use all his strength to pull Tony down and hit the ground.If this blow is carried out, with Tony's physical fitness, even relying on the shock absorption of the armor, it would be the greatest luck to fall into a high paraplegia.And at this extremely critical moment, a jet-black metal arrow suddenly shot from the side.The tip is not sharp, which may be because the user knows that simply relying on bows and arrows cannot cut through Hulk's tough skin.Therefore, the moment before the bow was about to hit, the blunt arrow began to change rapidly, and in an instant it turned into a high-energy explosive with strong stickiness like a claw.Then—boom! ! ! !
The concentrated explosive exploded quickly, and under the impact of kinetic energy, Hulk's movement produced a slight deviation. Although it was slightly small, the delay was enough to allow Tony's leg to separate from the armor on his leg.

Without Hulk's grip, Tony quickly flew to the side house because of the centrifugal force generated when he swung.In a puff of smoke, Tony couldn't help letting out a painful moan... The stiffness and pain caused by the shock on his body was second to none. The real main thing was that he lost the protection of his armor. Now Tony's right The gastrocnemius muscle (calf) on the leg has been pierced by two finger-thick steel bars, and thick blood flows down.The severe lighthouse pain caused by the injury was a new but undesired experience for Tony, a fun-loving playboy.

"Jarvis! Send me my spare armor!"

However, when Tony was still talking in a chaotic state, the Hulk who reacted angrily rushed towards Tony who was still a little bit overwhelmed.However, just when Hulk was about to rush in front of Tony, and even Tony's eyes showed a little despair, several white traces suddenly flashed in the sky beside him.The next moment, one spider web after another, which was far tougher than steel wire, quickly stuck to Hulk's body and the solid red deer under his feet.The unexpected attack and entanglement caused Hulk to enter a short-term state of unstable center of gravity, and then he fell to the ground with a dog gnawing on the mud.

And taking advantage of this period of time, Tony, who had reacted, quickly recovered his calm thinking, glanced at the good neighbors of New York citizens who were swinging in the air busy saving people or transporting the wounded, and then manipulated the place in the palm of his hand. The energy flames quickly melted the steel bar, and then flew out of the Hulk's attack range without hesitation and flew into the sky - he didn't pull out the steel bar that penetrated the gastrocnemius muscle on his calf, and the pain was second. But if it seriously affects your own thinking, then it will be troublesome.When the spare armor arrives, these injuries are still within the acceptable range given the above hemostatic function——

The only thing that gave Tony some headaches was the bursts of tingling pain from his legs. Although he could barely suppress it, Tony himself had not received professional soldier training after all.The pain that comes back and forth is really troublesome.Although it has not yet reached a serious level, it has already weakly affected my own thinking.

"When this incident is over, we must make a special armor to deal with you!" Thinking bitterly, Tony did not choose to continue to rush up, but retreated to a tall building aside to wait for the arrival of the spare armor.On the way to rest, Tony also looked down at the people who were caught in an anxious battle.

This made Tony frowned solemnly... Now his side has completely fallen into a disadvantage.Not to mention anything else, just one Hulk is enough for everyone on his side to drink a pot, not to mention the other three...or two.Somewhat puzzled Tony. The guy in black armor and holding a huge sword and gun that shone with golden lightning had cut through several tanks from the beginning to the end like a hot knife cutting butter.And after that...

While Tony was still thinking about how to plan the next battle, Jarvis's voice suddenly came out from the headset beside him: "Sir, there is an unfamiliar signal requesting access, is it connected?"

"Unfamiliar signal? Connect!"

"Okay, sir."

After finishing speaking, about half a second later, Jarvis' electronically synthesized voice with a strong sense of mechanics was replaced by a calm and thick male voice.

"Hold on! Reinforcements are coming soon!"

And hearing this voice, Tony frowned slightly.In this world, there are only a handful of people who know Jarvis' signal.Even including his own friends, at least there is absolutely no such strange male voice!Thinking of this, Tony quickly asked:
"Who are you?!"

And the owner who made this voice didn't choose to answer Tony's question, or didn't care about Tony's question.Located on the Helicarrier, standing in front of a huge display screen.Nick Fury, who was always paying attention to the situation on the battlefield through the screen in the video broadcast, was lost in thought.

A moment later, while watching, Nick Fury muttered to himself, "Don't let me down..."

"Xavier Academy for Geniuses."




2.7K!Let's throw all the tickets over here!Two more watches tonight—or three!

(End of this chapter)

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