wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 36 36· The ecstasy of the military, soldier No. 76!

Chapter 36 36· The ecstasy of the military, soldier No. 76!
"Just like the story in Hela's mouth, in the Age of Fire, all the laws and rules were formulated by God King Gwen. Even in the kingdom of dwarves outside the God Realm of Rhodeland, they can only It can be extended under the rules stipulated by God King Ge Wen, and cannot be modified or misinterpreted in the slightest."

As he spoke, Ashes glanced at the bright sun hanging in the sky.When the first fire was about to go out, the sun was not shining brightly, but hung in the sky like a flat black hole.The light and heat that emanate will only make people feel heavier.

"Later, the undead appeared. As the first undead, the Fireproof Girl also began to learn about inheritance and serving the first fire from that time. I don't know how many ages have passed, when all the undead who can inherit the fire Burned out. At that time, only I remained unburned..."

"The undead have a mission, but they can escape from the courtyard of the undead, come to the ancient land of kings, and ring the bell of awakening to know the fate of the undead... This is the original prophecy and origin of the fire tour. When I finally After defeating the incarnations of the Salary Kings, the primordial fire representing this world also appeared in front of me... It is not grand, the primordial fire is just a palm-sized fire pile. Inheritance and extinction, facing this choice, In the end, I chose the latter. I didn’t choose to touch. I just sat by the fire and watched the spell that summoned the fire girl, but I didn’t dare to touch anything. So, in the closed furnace, I kept When the flames were extinguished, the Fireproof Girl did not appear in front of me..."

After a pause, Ashes sighed.Silently said: "Just like the kings in ancient times, nothing is eternal except the king's soul and me. I can't understand your human feelings, because since I was born with consciousness, I have not had any words from your mouth for fear of avoiding them. The pain, the touch that maintains life, the taste that yearns for. It is accompanied by most of the emotions. When I first grasped the blade, Ge Wen told me to hold it firmly. I don’t I know what force is, so I tried to imitate his movements. So my hand bones crushed my flesh and blood."

"The white bones pierced through the scarlet flesh, and the crumbled flesh and shards stuck to the cold blade. I didn't feel much about it, and even said that the flesh and blood would grow back soon... to me For me, this is just a little bit of fun, I can't understand the horror, fear, panic and disbelief in the eyes of Gwen and his knights... After that, I became the master of the undead monastery. It's just that at that time It’s not called the Monastery of Immortality, but simply my palace. Afterwards, the Fireproof Lady came to me as a maid.”

"She taught me a lot, and even disobeyed Gwen's order, letting me know about the world outside of Godland Rhodeland..."

While talking, Ashes turned his eyes away from the sun, and turned to look straight ahead... That was the direction of New York, and it was also the direction where the Fireproof Woman was.

"In the past period of time, counting the "days" of the age of fire for tens of thousands of years, the Fireproof Girl has never let me down, nor has she ever lied to me...but At the last moment, I was betrayed by her. Despicable, cowardly, and shameless. Like a rat in the sewer.... I don’t even have the courage to face it again.”

"And for now...enough is enough."

Silently staring into the distance, Hui Hui's eyes were slightly dark.

"I can hear her voice!"

……………Dividing line……………

Because Hella shielded SHIELD and even the entire United States from monitoring through magic power, the current US military has no news about Ashes.Because of the loss of Banner, or Hulk's news, and the pressure from Congress, the current General Ross has gradually become more and more irritable.

"Why? Why is there still no news about them?! What about S.H.I.E.L.D.? Couldn't S.H.I.E.L.D. find their news?!"

Feeling the pressure from Ross, the soldiers on the side also seemed a little nervous and said: "Sorry, sir, according to the news from S.H.I.E.L.D., they don't have the slightest grasp of the whereabouts of Banner and the others... That black-haired woman seems to have the ability to block signals and escape their surveillance."

Hearing this, Rose didn't appreciate it, and even said that he didn't believe it.

"Excuse! It's all an excuse!" Gritting his teeth unwillingly, Ross frowned, and his mental state seemed very excited and irritable. "That guy Nick Fury has always had a problem with the military and the orders of Congress, he must use this opportunity to blow the military's prestige among congressmen! That damn one-eyed, nigger! Has he forgotten that he is also From the military?!"

Losing control of his emotions, Ross, who was talking nonsense, even directly said "nigger", a term that is extremely insulting and even suspected of racial discrimination in the United States.And after hearing this kind of words, the soldiers on the side just sat there silently.The character of General Ross has been widely circulated in the army, and fundamentally speaking, there are not many blacks who can serve in the command post... Even if there are, they are only peripheral members and basically will not appear here .And this may also be because of Nick Fury. In short, S.H.I.E.L.D. was incompatible with the military at the beginning of its establishment.

Of course, that's also the idea of ​​the military's top brass. As a soldier, they prefer to leave this mess to S.H.I.E.L.D.After all, it doesn't matter who is stronger, the military or S.H.I.E.L.D., it's the low-level personnel like me who suffer in the end.

Just as Rose was still thinking about how to remedy the next thing and how to explain it to the members of the Congress and the investors of the consortium, the door on the side suddenly opened.

"General! The experiment was successful!" A researcher in a white isolation suit walked in excitedly with a document in his hand.

Hearing the words of the researcher in the isolation suit, Rose's expression was slightly taken aback, and he quickly reacted.

"Have you researched it?"

"Yes, General!" The researcher's face was also full of excitement: "We have successfully extracted a small amount of super soldier serum from Hulk's blood! And it has been successfully put into use!"

"Take me to the lab!" After hearing what the researcher said, Ross quickly turned his attention to the experiment—the Hulk's blood that the researcher said was left when Hela beat Hulk. down.The collection is just for protection and isolation, or to leave an explanation, but I didn't expect it to become a life-saving straw for the military in Congress!
"How many successful ferrites are there?"

"There is only one." The researcher quickly brought General Ross to the laboratory.Among the huge cultivation tanks that slowly lined up, only one cultivation tank had something in it.It was a man with white hair, but judging from his firm facial features, he was about 20 years old, and his body was well-proportioned and full of explosive muscles.

"I'm very sorry, General, we have recruited a total of one hundred soldiers to participate in the experiment, but in the end only soldier No. 76 survived successfully..."

"Soldier... No. 76." Narrowing his eyes, although only one person survived, it still made Rose feel ecstatic.With the successful body of No. 76, the military will also successfully stop the mouths of all doubters!And the influence of the military in Congress will also rise sharply!Those consortiums will also invest more money to fund military research!He will be the military's next Captain America!A Captain America that cannot be taken away, a new symbol!
Thinking about it, Ross couldn't help but think excitedly: "Nick Fury, without Captain America, how should you fight me!"





Ask for a reward, ask for a ticket, ask for a collection!Only with these can the codeword understand the teeth! !
(End of this chapter)

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