wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 30: Ash and the Cafe

Chapter 30: Ash and the Cafe
After running on the wilderness for about three hours, Ashes and the others had to take a long detour because of the terrain.During the period, I also met many soldiers. Although Ashes thought those soldiers were not very threatening, McCree didn't seem to want to have too much contact with those guys, so Ashes didn't want to be so stubborn... He didn't Not someone who likes to make trouble for friends.

About to arrive in a valley, McCree looked up a few more times before walking in with Ashes and Hila.Nothing, McCree snapped his fingers.

"It's me, McCree."

The moment McCree's words fell, the air in front of everyone began to squirm.Immediately afterwards, shops similar to coffee shops and bars appeared in the no-man's land around Route 66.But saying that this is a coffee shop is a bit arbitrary. Although it looks like a coffee shop, apart from the ashes, anyone can smell a strong smell of machine oil.

A moment later, the iron door of the coffee shop was kicked open, but what was exposed was not a human head, but a delicately shaped semi-automatic rifle... Fundamentally speaking, it looked a bit like a product of the last century.In a country like the United States, which has a large number of guns per capita, the mainstream is also automatic rifles. Semi-automatic rifles like this are basically collected by fans of unpopular firearms.As for the use... Forget it, weapons like this have poor accuracy, low safety, and need to be manually loaded. They are not as good as sniper rifles at long range, automatic rifles at medium range, and shotguns at close range.


A bullet crater that was still steaming appeared at McCree's feet, a woman with neck-length white short hair also wearing a cowboy hat.He is about 20 years old, with a white shirt on his upper body, leather pants, and leather boots on his feet.Except for the fact that there is no Mexican cape, the whole person's dressing style can be regarded as a more classic denim style.Especially her short neck-length white hair, combined with her capable facial features, made her look like a powerful huntress.

"McRae? Why do you have the intention to come here?" The woman walked up to McCrae and looked at McCrae with a look of disgust on her face, and said with some eccentricity: "Who said I made coffee Like hot mud?"

"How come~" McRae took off his hat and put it on his chest with a face of indifference, and said with a shameless smile: "I didn't miss you so I came to see you~ How about it, Ash , how is the business recently~”

Looking at McCree's shameless face, the white-haired sister named Ash shook her head helplessly: "It's not good, high-tech materials are getting harder and harder these days... Speaking of it..." While talking, Ash set his eyes on Ashes and Hela on both sides behind McCree. "who are they?"

Hearing this, McCree also looked at the two behind him.

It has to be said that Ashes and Hela's looks are really eye-catching.One is wearing gray and black medieval armor, and the other is wearing black and green tights.Sensing Ash's gaze, holding the idea that a friend's friend is still his friend, Ashes waved to the white-haired sister Yu with a cheerful face.Of course, it is not certain whether Ash can feel this cheerful face through the visor.As for Hela, she glanced at Ash indifferently, then looked away and stood there with her hands folded... This made Ash a little upset.

"How should I say it?" Hearing Ash's question, McCree scratched his messy brown hair with some distress, and then explained: "Something happened on the way. The friends I met...but they are trustworthy. , and powerful."

Hearing this, Aoshen glanced suspiciously at the two strong men McRae mentioned, then walked around McCree twice and shrugged his shoulders.Ash then turned around and walked towards the coffee shop and said, "Then come in and have a rest." After a pause, Ash thoughtfully looked back at McCree's figure, and looked at McCree's obedient, shameless Laughing, Ash turned and left with some disgust and said as he walked, "Forget it with McCree."

This made McCree's face suddenly bitter.

But in the end, under McCree's stinking and shameless entanglement, McCree followed Ashes and the others into Ash's coffee shop.

Just sitting on the chair, after a while, there was a heavy voice from the side. It was a huge robot about two meters tall, but from the head of the robot or the main camera, this big guy was a bit inexplicable cute.At the same time, he was holding a small tray in his hand, which contained two cups of steaming coffee just out of the oven and a cup of lemon sparkling water with ice.

"You still understand me, Bob. It would be nice if Ash was half as gentle as you."

After receiving the sparkling water, McCree regarded this place as his own and looked at Bob in front of him.After hearing McCree's words, the simple and intelligent robot named Bob tilted his head in confusion.

Seeing this, Ash, who had already changed into his normal clothes, came out from behind Bob, then slapped his hands on the table in front of McCree and said, "[-] dollars with ice and sparkling water, no credit for your patronage, thank you."

"Ash, you have to be careful that I will report you to the Market Supervision Bureau for price gouging!"

"Heh." Hearing McCree's threat, Ash on the side sneered, then shrugged his shoulders to Hela and Ashes on the side: "Don't worry, you're free."

After exchanging a few words, Ash kicked McCree inside, and then took his original position and looked at Ashes and Hela aside.

"Try it, I'm quite confident in blending coffee."

Hearing Ashes' words, Ashes and Hela looked at each other, and then Ashes picked up the coffee cup and poured it on his mask under Ashes' somewhat confused eyes.

"He seems to be unable to take off his helmet for some reason." After climbing back onto the bench with some difficulty, McCree pointed to Ashes and shrugged his shoulders and said, "He doesn't have most of the senses such as pain, touch, and taste. So don't try to hurt him."

On the other side, although I didn't feel the taste.But it is a gift from a friend after all.With the idea of ​​reciprocating courtesy, Ashes took out the golden and red elemental bottle that exudes scalding heat.

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(End of this chapter)

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