wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 27 27 Asgardian Aesthetics

Chapter 27 27 Asgardian Aesthetics

"Who are they?" General Ross, who was sitting in the command car, looked at the Hulk who was pinned aside, his eyes were full of solemnity... and dark thoughts.

As the leader of the US military, General Ross has the same goal as most of the top US military officials, that is, he is sincerely dissatisfied with the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D.S.H.I.E.L.D., simply put, is a special department in the United States that deals with supernatural phenomena.It is precisely because of this that the current S.H.I.E.L.D. has almost directly surpassed other departments, even at the level of the official...directly managed by Congress.With enough funds, S.H.I.E.L.D. naturally possesses many high-level equipment that are not accessible to the outside world, among which the more famous ones are the Helicarrier and the like.But as a special department, S.H.I.E.L.D. often hides behind the scenes and does not directly participate in wars... Therefore, in the eyes of some military generals such as General Ross, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a moth of a country.He obviously has such a powerful technology, but he doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​using it in the international situation.In their eyes, if Congress can transfer the funding for S.H.I.E.L.D. to the military, there should be more than fifty stars on the current Stars and Stripes...

The appearance of Hulk was an accident. In the history of the United States, there was a special operation called "Super Soldier Project".The last time this plan was implemented was during World War II.After the end of World War II, considering the international situation, the United States stopped this plan. Even if the military made this request, Congress would probably choose to reject it directly... because the amount of money to be invested in it is too large. In addition, there is no report visible to the naked eye, and the group of big chaebols who regard wealth as their life will not choose to deliberately take risks.However, the emergence of Iron Man has attracted great attention from Congress, and after Tony Stark announced his identity as Iron Man, the rising market value of the Stark Group has made other chaebols envious of drool.Especially after hearing Tony Stark's remarks, Rose knew that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity had finally come!
In America, there is nothing money can't do.With the funding of Congress and the support of the chaebol, the second-generation super soldier project led by Ross re-emerged on the stage of history under the name of "Biotechnology Power Augmentation Project", and Bruce Banner participated in it. A researcher in this program.However, in an accident in an experiment, Bruce Banner was hit by gamma rays head-on with a replica of the super soldier serum... Since then, Bruce Banner has an extra body named "Hao" Gram's special soul.

The ability to easily tear apart armor, resist shells, have almost endless physical strength, and violent will to fight... There is no doubt that Hulk is more powerful than Captain America in other respects, except that his mind is not easy to control. successful existence.And after learning about the Hulk, Bruce Banner began to flee... As a scholar, it's okay for you to let him study others, but let others study himself.Sorry, everyone in Bannaby knows how crazy the military would be to get this serum.If it is said that their own death can make them get the serum, compared to the military, they will not hesitate to give their lives.

Fleeing in order to survive... And this time, also in order to survive, Banner once again handed over the control of his body to Hulk, only hoping to get rid of the military's siege as soon as possible.But something unexpected happened, Hulk, who would have no problem even being bombarded head-on by an RPG, was subdued by that seemingly thin woman all of a sudden...

Hunting Hulk along the way, General Ross naturally knows how powerful Hulk is than anyone else.It is precisely because of this that General Ross will send troops to encircle and ambush at all costs.If the Hulk can be successfully captured and the serum extracted, then Rose's future will be brighter.General?No.If Ross can really deliver an answer that satisfies Congress and the consortium in this operation, then even if Ross wants to become president, it is a certainty... In the world of capital, fifty dollars for white people will not Half a cent more respectable than a Negro's fifty dollars.

"Make America Great Again!!"

With this in mind, Ross set his sights on Hela and the others.

"Who are they! Why did they appear in the United States? Are those guys from S.H.I.E.L.D. all eating nothing?!" Hearing what Ross said, the correspondent on the side quickly said after a while: "According to God According to the information sent by the Shield Bureau, the man wearing the cowboy hat is called McCree, and he is a road rider. The remaining black armor and the woman have no information in the database. It should be illegal entry!"

"Illegal entry?" Hearing what the correspondent said, General Ross squinted his eyes, and then said indifferently: "Then prepare to shoot...wait a minute!" Looking at the man who was struggling to put the nail through his palm The spear was pulled out, and the hulk who looked at Ashes and the others angrily.General Ross also had a new idea in his heart... The battle between the crane and the clam, the fisherman wins.This sentence is something that people hope to see no matter where they are.And people are more willing to wishful thinking to think that they are the fisherman.

With this in mind, General Ross said calmly: "Stop shooting, stay put..."

On the other side where General Ross gave this order, he was attacked by Hella, and the Hulk roared angrily.There is no language logic in it, or in other words, the soul that controls that body now simply has the idea of ​​"he hit me, so I want to fight back"... like a brat, and Still not properly educated, born rough bear child.I don't know how terrifying my own power is to ordinary people, and I just shot with all my strength just for revenge.

"Do you need help?"

While speaking, Ashes looked at Hela beside him, but Hela didn't show much reaction on her face...it could even be said to be indifferent. "unnecessary."

Saying that, Hela moved her neck, gently hugged a head of black hair with both hands, and let go. When the hair fell down again, it was no longer the black hair, but had turned black. That spider-shaped helmet full of ferocious barbs... "Your helmet is so ugly." Seeing Hela's new look, Ashes shook his head in disgust.With so many flashy big horns and the unattractive shape, Ashes would never wear it on the head anyway.Because that thing is ugly.And it hardly has any practical value, it's just a shape... What's more, this shape is not good-looking, whether it's the one from Longshou Ornstein or the Falan Undead Team, this helmet can blow three streets.Even Locris' knight helmet looks better than this one, at least it's fully enclosed.

Hearing Ashes' words, Hela on the side fell into a brief silence. After a while, she tied her hair again, and then the sturdy helmet was replaced by black hair again.For Hela, this helmet is more like a special ceremonial guard for the commander of the Asgard Legion who once bloodbathed the Nine Realms, rather than a powerful magic weapon.As for why the shape is so strange... The helmets of the Odin family are basically like this.For example, Odin's big golden crown, Loki's horned helmet... It's not even just the Odin family.As the saying goes, what goes above works, what goes below works.The eyes radiate to the whole of Asgard, Heimdall's horned helmet, ordinary soldiers, and the standard helmets of the guards are all like this... deeply influenced by the Odin family's "I have horns on my head".

Flicking her black hair, Hela cast a gloomy glance at the ashes behind her, and pretended not to care and asked, "What about now?"

"It looks much better~"

Ashes on the side gave a bunch of thumbs up, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Hella's behavior.It was McCree who puffed on his cigar thoughtfully, then cast a strange glance at the friend he met on the way.

This guy, Ashes... is deeply hidden...

(The comics set that once Hela leaves the cloak or helmet, she will lose her divine power, and half of her body will turn into a skeleton. So here is the movie setting)

 There is another update tonight!So, hand over your tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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