wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 25: On Route 25

Chapter 25: On Route 25

"My family lives in Texas, the worst place in the west, and it's also the happiest place in America!"

With a thick cigar in his mouth, McCree's words were full of pride for his hometown.And the fact is true, as the toughest place in the United States, you can see people with guns on the streets of Texas at any time.It’s even possible that the flag you see most there isn’t even the Stars and Stripes of the United States, but the state flag of Texas.Why do you say he is aggressive? To give a simple example, the speed limit in other parts of the United States is generally about 100 kilometers per hour.And Texas is about 125km per hour, and 10% of the floating pain is added to it... Therefore, you can often see cars that soar to 140 and run wildly on the roads of Texas.

"My father used to be a cowboy during the westward movement, and then he met my mother, so he changed his career and became a sheriff. But now is the era of the rule of law, so the sheriff is gradually being dismissed. The police station was replaced." Breathing out a smoke ring, McCree grinned and said, "My mother died of postpartum hemorrhage after giving birth to me, so I have lived with my father since I was a child——No. 66 The road was crossed twice when I was three!"

"Then you are really pitiful." Ashes on the side said with a nonchalant expression, "Because this journey seems extremely boring."

"That's right, it's extremely boring." He didn't look angry at all, or McCree knew better than Ashes how boring Route 66 was, where he had to walk back and forth on a locomotive every year since he was a child. "Sometimes you can go out on a motorcycle for half an hour and you won't notice any changes in the environment. It's a bare area. If the car breaks down, you can only pray to God to bless you and meet a kind person. But there is no way, compared to Staying in the city, I still prefer this endless desert. It’s all my fault that my police chief father raised me as a cowboy since I was a child, so I don’t even have any skills other than fighting. It’s the era of the rule of law, who cares about this. "

Although McCree said so, there was no dissatisfaction with his old sheriff in the words, and the words were full of cheerfulness.It can be seen that he likes road riders from the bottom of his heart...or the identity and profession of "cowboy", which has long been abandoned by the times.From the bottom of my heart, I like this section of Route 66 that I have been tired of running countless times.

"Do you have anything you like? Ashes... I have to say, your name sounds really strange."

Hearing McRae's words, not only Ashes, but also Hela on the side secretly pricked up his ears.But after thinking carefully for a moment, Ashes shook his head indifferently. "The only one I like is onion wine."

Hearing this, McCree, who was not familiar with onion wine, didn't react at all, while Hela on the side gave a somewhat uncomfortable "stain".Glancing at her white hands, Hela knew that she might not be able to get rid of the reputation of "destroying flowers with hot hands" for a long time to come... But then again, what is the guy called the fireproof woman using? The thing is made of onion wine, I have tried it for so long, no matter how I make it, the taste is much lighter than hers...

Perhaps also because of McCree's joining, Ashes' journey is much more interesting.After all, Hela herself is not a cheerful and talkative person.Most of the time, Hela stood aside calmly and aloofly, like a god looking down on the world... In fact, it's not her fault.Because in her time, Asgard was a symbol of power.In addition to Hela's identity at the time, even though she was imprisoned by Odin later, this transcendent pride has not been erased from the hearts of the people of Asgard.Even Odin, who realized that war could not bring real prosperity, believed that mortals should not easily set foot in the realm of the gods, so he specially sent Heimdall to guard the gate of the Rainbow Bridge.

Just like Gwen back then.

In the following time, everyone did not meet the fourth road rider.But it's also understandable, after all, Route 66 has been abandoned for too long anyway.It has even been erased from the map of the road...

"Actually, this place should be beautiful." McRae said in the English dialect unique to Texas: "At that time, the roads on both sides were not as barren as they are now. See a road town. But because of the change of time, those road towns have disappeared from the road map along with Route 66... ​​Those pubs that sell sparkling water often add water to the wine, but they dare not Texans like that. Because no one knows alcohol better than Texans, and they know guns better. And those old old gas stations, sometimes the wind can blow his roof off. Most of all belong to the drive-thru with its cheesy neon lights."

While talking, McCree seemed to be recalled, and said with a high spirit: "Basically, there is only a small broken bed and a small table in a room, and the condoms on the small table are stacked in piles. Sometimes the used ones will stick to the doorknob. The partitions in the room are broken wooden boards, even with holes gnawed out by insects,..."

Before McCree finished speaking, Hela frowned, glanced at the bewildered ashes beside her, and couldn't help but stop McCree from saying, "How do you know all this?"

"That bastard daddy of mine taught me!" McCree dumped the blame on his daddy with a stern face, and then said with a nonchalant smile: "At that time, my bastard daddy and I were having an annual I can still remember the scene at that time. It was one night, we found a motel at random and checked in. There was a big hole in the partition of the room where my dad and I lived, In the next room was a prostitute and a road cyclist who was with us. I was urinating when I woke up to go to the toilet, and then I saw my dad. I didn’t chase me away after I found out.”

Ashes was a little curious.He was born undead, and he never knew anything except the onion wine and the element bottle... The Onion Knight was a good friend of Ashes, and the Onion Knight told Ashes when he first spread the fire...

But Ashes felt that he was lying to herself.However, considering that Onion Knight died completely in the battle against King Wuxin, Ashes chose to forgive him...

Unexpectedly, McCree said with some disgust: "He still laughs at me..."

Just as he was talking, for some reason, McCree suddenly felt a coldness rise from behind.But looking around, there seems to be nothing strange.

Just as he was thinking about it, McRae stared blankly, and then completed a [-]-degree drift and then braked.Seeing this, Ashes and the others also stopped in a hurry, and looked at McCree behind him with some doubts.McCree, on the other hand, pointed to the road not far ahead with puzzled eyes.Following McRae's fingers, a large number of heavily armed soldiers, tanks and helicopter gunships slowly emerged not far from the road.Just when McCree was still wondering what kind of secret military exercise this was, the tank roared with a salvo.

And their target is a huge green figure.

(End of this chapter)

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