wandering in the ashes of meman

131 Chapter 131 God King Thor

131 Chapter 131 God King Thor
"This is the new weapon your father left for you... You can also call it the Stormbreaker."

Hearing the words of the dwarf king, Thor walked slowly to the side of the furnace.

After being forged in the white dwarf furnace, the golden and red molten iron was poured into the mold that had been prepared.It takes three days to cast a weapon. Although this is not urgent for the dwarves, it is definitely not easy.Three hundred dwarves continued to forge day and night, and the sound of beating like thunder rang through the ears without any pause.After swinging the hammer for a long time, the exposed muscles on the Dwarf King's body turned into a deep crimson, and the fine sweat made him look like he was coated with a layer of wax...

Open the mold and it's a steel-colored tomahawk.On the side of the battle ax is an arm made of a large amount of Uru, the metal of the gods, and other extremely rare energy ores in the universe.

Looking at the two weapons in front of him, the dwarf king also had a strong sense of pride on his face.If this was in the past, it would have required at least all the craftsmen of the dwarves to continuously build it for several months if they wanted to forge such a weapon. Even now, relying on the white dwarf melting furnace, the dwarves can shorten it to less than three days... …You know, the forging process of Gungnir and the Rainbow Sword back then took much longer than this.

"Whether it is the Stormbreaker or the Arm of the God-King, they are weapons of the Heavenly Father's level. It is even said that because of the material, the power of these two weapons alone is comparable to that of Gungnir. And if the two are combined, It is also able to activate all the runes engraved on it, not only can easily summon the Rainbow Bridge, but also has a [-]% increase in magic power... These two weapons are definitely the most powerful weapons in the history of the dwarves. A perfect masterpiece!"

As he said that, the dwarf king threw the forging hammer aside with some emotion, wiped his hands on his body casually, and looked at Thor aside with a clean face.

"There is only so much we can do. The next battle will be left to you. Thor... the dwarves, the Asgardians, all expectations and hopes have already fallen on you You don't want your father's name to be ashamed."

Hearing this, Thor nodded calmly.

Because of the long journey, Thor hasn't taken care of his appearance for a long time.A short grayish-yellow beard about half an inch long was covered with a handsome face.The face that was originally sharp and full of vigor has become a little more dimpled, dusty, a little messy, and the eye sockets are slightly sunken.Under the illumination of the light, it gives people an inexplicable heavy feeling.

The slightly longer hair also looked messy, and the hanging shadows couldn't hide the bright eyes.But for some reason, there was a look on his body that was completely different from the previous arrogance.If the previous Thor was a flying eagle, then the current Thor is more like a thick rock.The dust fell on the ground, like a wordless epic.Yue Zhiyuan Ting was like a taciturn, but vigorous and resolute king who could not help but worship him.

Silently, he calmly picked up the golden arm, and aimed at the broken part of his own arm.Thanks to the advanced medical technology, Tuo Er's severed arm has completely healed, and there is no scar on the outside.Delicate as if it was born like this.

"There will be some pain in the process of accepting the weapon, you'd better make some preparations..."

Hearing this, Thor glanced at the dwarf king beside him, and Thor nodded calmly.But it was just a nod.After nodding, Thor inserted his hand into Nauru's arm.In an instant, all kinds of needles in the arm quickly pierced into Thor's severed arm.The countless needle pricks are not meaningless inflicting pain, but are constantly chasing the nerves in Thor's arm.The arm is different from other weapons, the weapon is held in the hand and can be swung at any time.And the arm...even the slightest delay may have unpredictable consequences.

Therefore, the prosthetics used for this kind of combat must be connected to the original arm nerves, as well as major places such as the spine, so that there is no delay.Otherwise, it is not a weapon, but a scourge.

The immediacy stems from the pain of the nerves without causing Thor to let out a single growl or grunt.Now, all her muscles are bulging sickly, and her angular arms and face are full of firmness.His lips were tightly pressed together, and sweat fell from Thor's body like raindrops.Clenching his teeth, the huge pressure ordered his gums to protrude a little bit of blood.The slight saltiness did not show any cowardice in Lingtor. These pains were hundreds of times lighter than the pain of being robbed of his hometown by ashes.

After a while, everything fell into calm again.In the surrounding space, there was only the sound of Thor's slightly heavy breathing, and the strands of hair that were knotted with sweat stuck to his scalp, as if he had just been fished out of the water.In the deep-set eye sockets, those eyes are like rocks on the top of a mountain.

Standing up, Thor looked at his brand new arm.In terms of feeling, there is basically no difference from the original.But Thor could feel the surging power hidden in his arm.He set his sights on the Storm Breaker beside him.There is no decoration on the broad ax blade, which can be seen.At a cursory glance, compared with ordinary axes, this ax is at best a little bit thicker.But that surging momentum is full of ancient clumsiness, full of ingenuity and inefficiency.

Eyes closed, Thor picked up the axe.When Thor opened his eyes again, dazzling lightning and thunder shot out from them.The surging power is like a volcano about to erupt, constantly rushing out from Thor's pores, and in an instant, under the gushing magic power.A surging storm formed around Thor.

"High-energy response detected ahead."

Hearing what the soldier said, Ebony Throat paused slightly.Silently, he turned his gaze to the picture transmitted on the main main screen.Immediately, he turned his gaze to Thanos behind him.

"Master Thanos, it seems that those dwarves do not intend to obey your orders."

(End of this chapter)

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