wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 126 126 Dwarves and Thor

Chapter 126 126 Dwarves and Thor

After sailing for an unknown amount of time, Thor and his party finally arrived at their destination - the kingdom of dwarves, Nidavi.

As a kingdom of dwarves, Nidavi looks like a cast iron star completely made of steel.The resplendent white dwarf melting pot is their national treasure and their pride.Running day and night, under the huge demand, this white dwarf is not only a furnace for casting weapons, but also a source of energy for the dwarf kingdom,

Although dwarves are called dwarves, in fact, their height is often two meters away.Although they are huge, their body proportions are like a dwarf.And more importantly, in the universe, huge races abound.But no matter the civilized race, they would not use words like "short" on themselves.

Therefore, the reason why dwarves consider themselves dwarves may have something to do with their ancestors.And in the universe, there has always been news about the last civilization.If Ashes knew, she might be willing to communicate with the dwarves.Because in this era, people who are over two meters tall still think they are dwarves, so it is foreseeable that there may be a certain relationship with the previous generation.

And more importantly, the population of the dwarves has always been a big problem, occupying a star, but since the beginning of history, the population has not exceeded [-], and in this era, the population is only a sad [-]. Among them, there are only three hundred craftsmen.If it is not because of the protection of Asgard that they do not appear in the world, then it is foreseeable that the dwarves will be known to be difficult to reproduce... Although the soul power is a little more than other races, but in that sad amount In front of him... there is basically no harvest value.

"King! Asgard's battleship is coming!"

Hearing what the soldier said, the dwarf called the king looked sideways.

"A battleship from Asgard? Why are they here now!"

While speaking, the dwarf king stood up, stepped off the iron throne that looked a little funny, and then quickly walked to the interstellar port not far from the palace under the leadership of the soldiers.As a small race, it is a race that masters powerful forging technology.For the safety of the people, the dwarf king signed a contract with Odin hundreds of thousands of years ago to help Odin forge weapons and help Asgard provide technical support.But in return, Odin must always protect the dwarf kingdom from foreign enemies.

But this time, when Thanos struck, the dwarf king's first thought was to ask Odin for help.But it is a pity that the news of his request for help is like a mud cow falling into the sea... No, if the mud cow falls into the sea, at least it will cause a circle of ripples.And the dwarf king didn't even get any perfunctory response to Odin's request for help...

And what's more terrible is that if the dwarf king guessed correctly, the reason why the current Thanos still keeps himself is because of the metal prosthesis that is still being cast.As a king, he has a deep understanding of the meaning of rabbit dead dog cooking.Therefore, the manufacture of metal prosthetics has been delayed again and again.After all, once this thing is cast, it may be time to cook it to death...

Just as the dwarf king was thinking, Thor also stepped off the starship.Seeing this, the dwarf king immediately asked: "Why did you come here now!? When we cast Gungnir, Rainbow Sword, and Thor's Hammer for you, Odin said that he would protect us!"

Hearing the words of the dwarf king, Thor's eyes dimmed slightly.If it was him in the past, he would definitely go back to the past without hesitation.Young and energetic, he doesn't care who you are, at most you are just a vassal of Asgard.But now, he is obviously not as naive as before.At the same time, he is also aware of the current situation.

"Odin is dead."


Hearing Thor's indifferent and straightforward answer, the dwarf king's voice was slightly choked, and then he walked over in disbelief.

"Impossible! When I saw him 300 years ago, his body was not in any condition. And with his strength, it is impossible to be defeated. Even if he is defeated, if he wants to save his life, this universe Not many people can kill him!"

Hearing this, he nodded silently.Before Thor could say anything, Heimdall on the side had already stepped out.As Odin's confidant, it was not the first time that the Dwarf King had seen Heimdall.It is even said that, tens of thousands of years ago, when the treaty was signed, Heimdall stood aside as one of the only witnesses to watch, protect, and maintain the order of the scene.

And the rainbow sword in his hand was also proposed to be cast at that time.But from the perspective of trust, the Dwarf King trusts Heimdall, a person he is familiar with, more than the arrogant Thor in his impression.

"Asgard has suffered unprecedented destruction and invasion. Not only the great father of the gods, but even the great queen of the gods also lost their voice in the battle. Except for those who escaped with us on the starship, the other A The people of Sgard are still being hunted, slaughtered, and harvested by the enemy... The great father of the gods was also beheaded by the enemy on the way to cut off the tail for us. Although I don’t know what you have experienced, Asgard Germany is definitely not refusing to send troops because of fear... but, we are all facing the same disaster now."

After a moment of silence, looking at the solemn crowd before him, the dwarf king finally sighed helplessly.

"Then what are you doing here with us..."


Thor on the side looked at the dwarf king in front of him, his eyes full of seriousness and firmness.

"My father should have left behind the casting blueprints and casting materials for the new weapon. But besides eating the new weapon, I also need a strong enough arm."

Hearing Thor's words, the dwarf king fell silent.Then he narrowed his eyes and said, "Weapon... let's talk about it for now. But there is a ready-made semi-finished arm. But... this arm has already been reserved."


Nodding his head, the dwarf king continued: "The person who ordered this arm is also the one who attacked Nidawi. They took a hundred of our tribe hostage. This is one-fifth of our total tribe... If you want If you want this arm, I can cast it for you now, the white dwarf furnace is also running, and the weapon can be cast within three days. However, after five days, it will be the delivery time of the arm..."

"Then leave it to me." Thor said indifferently: "I will rescue your people."

(End of this chapter)

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