102 Chapter 102
"When you see the enemy, you must kill it!!"

Hearing Huihui's order, the knights who had lowered their heads and stood on both sides raised their eyes fiercely.A dark red halo flashed through the gaps in the helmets, and then, holding large shields, they turned their gazes to Asgard.

It's not just these knights standing on both sides.The moment Ashes issued the order, countless wandering souls also surged away from the fire on the side.Scattered and chaotic, of various shapes and colors.Some looked like miscellaneous soldiers, some wore ancient armor, some were naked corpses, and some even looked like hounds covered in pustules and other strange species that couldn't see human form.

Hearing Ashes' words, these wandering corpses let out a strange howl, and then without hesitation rushed towards Asgard, which had already deployed a light blue translucent defensive force field.

And after those living corpses appeared, Hela also slowly walked out of the bonfire...but compared to Ashes and the others, her complexion was much worse.In the final analysis, she is not undead. The reason why she can use the bonfire is because of the unnamed strange bone fragments that Ashes gave her... Although relying on the mysterious bone fragments, Hela can temporarily use the bonfire to teleport.But the process during this period was not pleasant...

But it doesn't matter, because it won't take long for these feelings to disappear... There is no other reason, Hela is favored by the land of Asgard.As long as you stand on the land of Asgard, magic power will flow into Hela's body continuously.

In other words... as long as you stand on the land of Asgard, Hela's magic power will continue to recover.It is even said that if Hela's upper limit of magic power is sufficient, even Odin may not necessarily be Hela's opponent.And in terms of talent alone, Hela is even higher than Odin!
After all, even Odin back then only dared to seal Hela in the Abyss of the Nine Realms, not the homeland of Asgard...

On the other side, Frigga's complexion also turned pale.When she saw that Brunhilde's body was pierced by ashes, her eyes suddenly shrank.However, just when she was about to rush over, fortunately Heimdall, who had anticipated it, pulled her back in time.Although temporarily dazzled by emotion, Frigga quickly recovered the wisdom and calmness that a god queen should have, ordered the soldiers to open the protective shield in time, and prepared for battle...

Dressed in thick and solid armor, the Legion of Asgard once again showed their endless valor after a thousand years.This heroism is not simply relying on the armor on the body, the weapons in hand, but also the pride that comes from the depths of the soul... Thousands of years ago, Asgard had already established the highest position in the Nine Realms!Even the most tyrannical Frost Giants in the Nine Realms, after being robbed of the ancient winter coffin, they can only do some small tricks in the dark.

In the current Nine Realms, no one dares to confront Asgard head-on.The prowess of the Asgard Legion also comes from their pride and love for the land under their feet.

They firmly believe that Asgard's legion is the most powerful existence in this universe—at least it was before.

There is no life that is not afraid of death, as the saying goes, ants still steal their lives.And when a person doesn't even care about his life, then that's when he's the scariest... That's the scariest evil ghost.

And the wandering souls of the age of fire... never know what life is!

The roar sounded like the throat of a broken bellows, and the target was out of formation, or even a wandering corpse with no clothes on.They looked equally pitiful, and the weapons in their hands were all broken and decayed, like ancient swords that could break at the touch of a finger.What's more, even because of the incompleteness of the soul, he can't stand upright at all, and can only crawl on the ground at high speed like a wild beast.

Use all your strength to destroy the defensive force field covering the entire Asgard in front of you.Blades, bows, spears... even teeth.

The protective shield of the Asgard Legion is not far away. Relying on Superman's eyesight, they can clearly see that the claws of those living corpses are like dead branches, leaving bloodstains one after another on the defensive force field. .There is no pain, and if the nail is cut, the bone is used, and if the bone is cut, the head is smashed to death.

Then, resurrected from the flames, repeated over and over again, the darkness was removed from the numb and dry eye sockets, leaving only the desire of the fresh soul.

"Unreasonable madness..." Looking at the scene in front of him, even Heimdall, who was ready for a bloody battle, couldn't help but clenched the sword in his hand.

This is not like a duel between intelligent creatures and intelligent creatures. On the contrary, rather than intelligent creatures, those undead people are more like zombies in movies.No pain, no reason.All you have is the hunger for your soul.

Stand aside quietly.Looking at the wandering corpses that kept colliding to death on the defensive force field, Ashes didn't have the slightest pity in his eyes... Maybe this is because Ashes is used to this scene.

Looking at the person who was nailed to the ground in front of him, but was constantly struggling because of the living corpse, and lost consciousness, only the instinctive body of Brunhilde remained... Ashes may be sad, but on the way to spread the fire back then.Ashes had seen too much death.And now, Brunhilde is dead... Perhaps, he is qualified as a wandering spirit, but he has experienced so many departures and betrayals.Ashes already had an unprecedented desire for flames...

Thus, Ashes took a piece of the hero's soul of the Age of Fire into her body.

Then, Ashes turned his attention to Asgard... It is true that the people in Asgard are innocent.Even if you are guilty, you are not guilty of death. ...But unfortunately, there is no mercy in the Age of Fire.Just like what McRae said back then, now Ashes is practicing real evil.

"Bearing all the infamy, giving up everything to fight! Every plant, every tree! Every flower, every leaf! All creatures within sight!!!"

His eyes were full of icy coldness, Ashes tightly grasped the knight's sword in his hand:
"Let every grain of sand here be soaked in blood! Let every grass and tree here be soaked in scarlet! All creatures within sight are obstacles! Defeat! Step over! Smash! Knead!"

"For the age of fire! Every enemy must be killed! Every enemy must be killed!!!—— Every enemy must be killed!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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