Krypton's life begins with Naruto demigod

Chapter 37 Konoha's Response (Please recommend)

Chapter 37 Konoha's Response (Please recommend)
"Although it's unbelievable, judging from the current information, Hanzo's wooden escape may very likely come from his own development."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that it comes from the study of the first generation of adult cells."

It's been a while since he became Hokage, and Minato Namakaze has naturally learned a lot of top-secret information. He still knows about the large-scale experiment of Hashirama cells back then in order to create the second Senju Hashirama.

However, none of Konoha was finished.He felt that with the conditions of Yuyin Village, the probability of researching it was very low.

"Judging from the current actions of Hanzo, although he has great ambitions, he has no intention of launching a war."

"However, if left unchecked, it will become a huge threat to the village!"

Danzo spoke suddenly.

Namikaze Minato's gaze sank: "That being said..."

Before I finished speaking, another Anbu ninja appeared, a new piece of information.

Namikaze Minato opened it, and his expression was unprecedentedly dignified: "Information from the Land of Earth, Hanzo and the third generation Tsuchikage Onoki of Iwagakure Village are duel at the border of the Land of Earth!"


"How is the result?"

"Who's winning?"

This time, even Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't calm down.

Handing over the information to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Namikaze Mizumon said: "There is no winner, but the information says that Hanzo used the same technique as the first master to summon a wooden figure comparable to a mountain."

Mitomonyan was shocked when he heard the words, and then said: "It seems that the village's wooden escape technique has indeed been leaked, even if Hanzo developed the wooden escape himself, in terms of moves, it will not be exactly the same as the first generation. .”

"We'll investigate after the leak of the wood escape technique. At present, Hanzo has reached some kind of cooperation with Yanyin Village. We need to express our position!"

Hiru Sarutobi cut his mouth open.

Turning to bed Xiaochun immediately said: "Hanzo is a huge threat, the second ninja world war has already shown it. Judging from his reform of Yuyin Village, it is also obvious. Although he has no idea of ​​​​initiating a war now, in the future... "

Although she didn't continue, everyone present understood what she meant.

The third ninja world war has come to an end. There is no winner in this war. Hatred is accumulating, and conflicts of interest are also accumulating. Sooner or later, like this time, war will break out again.

At this point, the history of the past is still there, and anyone with a discerning eye knows it.

And Hanzo's various actions now may not be preparing for that day!
"A strong man like Hanzo, coupled with his cautious character, it is almost impossible to kill him."

Namikaze Minato hit the nail on the head.

Hanzo is a huge threat, but it is difficult to kill. Ohnoki has already tried, but failed, so we talked about cooperation.

Unless the five major ninja villages besiege Yuyin Village together, is this possible?

"We need to have the power to restrain Hanzo!"

Danzo spoke at the right time.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi knew him best, took a puff of smoke and said: "That plan has failed!"

"It has failed, but it is not without results!"

Danzo took out his hole card, a piece of information about Genbu Ninja Armor.

Then he said: "Oshemaru discovered something while conducting other research..."


Two days later, at the northern border of the Kingdom of Rain, inside the wooden house.

Han Zang personally received the envoys of Yanyin Village headed by Huang Tu.

One hundred million has already been obtained, and Huangtu said that Yanyin Village is willing to send ninjas to participate in the north-to-south water diversion plan of Yuyin Village and Shayin Village.

Of course, this is to give money!
Hanzo said that there is no problem, anyway, it is the money from Sand Hidden Village.

Moreover, as long as the project is completed, he believes that the daimyo of the country of wind will pay for it.

None of the above is the focus of Huangtu's visit this time. The focus is to invite Hanzo to do greening and ask about climate change.

Ohnoki, or even the Land of Land daimyo, was moved.

Walking out of the wooden house with Huang Tu and others, Hanzo pointed to the high mountains in front of him and said, "Did you see these mountains?"

"These mountains block the humid air from the ocean to the south, and the air is lifted up against these mountains."

Saying that, Hanzo turned his head to look at Huangtu and said, "You should have a feeling that the higher you go, the lower the temperature will be. When it reaches a certain level, water vapor will condense and form rain."

"So, the water was blocked by these mountains and fell into the land of rain, and a small amount entered the land of earth."

Huangtu and other Yanren couldn't help being dumbfounded when they heard this, looking at the thousands of meters high mountains, cold sweat involuntarily dripped down.

Yuqi was also shocked by his leader's words, and then secretly sighed: "As expected of Master Yuying, the first generation, to come up with such an astonishing method!"


Youyan swallowed hard, looking at those continuous mountains, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Master Yuying, you don't know... are you kidding?"

"Such a thing is simply not something a human can do, right?"

Huangtu wiped off his sweat, and said hastily, "Master Yuying, although it may be offensive, it is indeed impossible to raze these mountains to the ground."

"Razed to the ground?"

Hanzo looked at these rock ninjas in amazement: "Did the old man say that they were going to be razed to the ground?"

"You only need to shorten these mountains to see the effect? ​​The old man has already explained clearly just now."

Huang Tu and the others suddenly looked embarrassed: "Ah, this... so it is!"

Hanzo shook his head, and continued: "Yanyin Village has a special blasting team, plus everyone is proficient in Tudun, and the third generation Tukage and the old man personally took action, it is not difficult to level these mountains. .”

Huangtu thought for a while, and felt that this matter was possible. Although it was very whimsical, he immediately said solemnly: "Master Yuying, I will report this situation and plan to Lord Tuying as soon as possible!"

"Well, the old man is waiting for your news in Yuyin Village."

Hanzo nodded: "As for the birth of plants, I can solve it by sending a wooden clone clone!"

Immediately, seals were formed, and a wooden clone was separated to follow Huang Tu and others to the Land of Earth to do greening.

After sending off Huangtu and other Yanren, Hanzo immediately set off for Yuyin Village.

Yesterday, Nagato sent information that Konoha’s people had arrived at Yuyin Village, saying that everything was a misunderstanding, and that it was caused by the wrong information of Rebellion, and then reiterated the friendship between the two villages, and that Rebellion has been resolved, Danzo who made a mistake has also been dismissed.

At the same time, Konoha also invited Yuyin Village to participate in this year's Zhongnin joint assessment.

Hanzo sneered at Danzo's punishment for being dismissed from his post. This method seemed to be Sarutobi Hiruza.

"Maybe Danzo will be in charge of the research on Mudun, and the dismissal is probably a warning."

Hanzo secretly guessed that this time he exposed Mutun is indeed a great opportunity for Danzo to study Mutun openly.Based on his understanding of Danzo, this shit-stirring stick will definitely not let go.

"Tsk tsk, the Uchiha clan is in trouble!"

Rainy Village.

Hanzo, who just came back, saw that Nagato and Xiaonan were going to report, and immediately waved his hands: "The information sent has already shown that you have done a good job, and Konoha Xu thought that snakes were something that had to be done right now, and other small things don't need to be done. Report in detail."

"Go, have a hot pot meal!"

The air in the Land of Rain is damp and cold, so eating hot pot is good for your health, and eating together is also a way for Hanzo to cultivate his relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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