Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 99 A Helper on Vacation (2 more, please subscribe!)

Chapter 99 Helper on vacation (second update, please subscribe!)
"So, you want to say that this superman named Kevin Zhou has caused thousands of deaths in New York? Now that you have found the culprit, do you have any plans?"

After reading the mission records, Nick Fury's face was only slightly ugly, but in fact, his brows were already frowned, and he felt very difficult.

Thousands of deaths!

This is not a small amount, and the place where the accident happened is not a remote place. It is not a battlefield where a war took place, but New York, the most prosperous city in the United States!
Even if he is just a gangster, the scum and scum of some society, but they are also citizens of the United States!Nick will never allow this kind of thing to happen again and again, and must destroy the source.

This is no longer an ordinary super power crime, this is massacre and inhumane!Ordinary police can no longer solve it, so it is reasonable for S.H.I.E.L.D. to take over now. Both the Security Council and the White House fully support S.H.I.E.L.D.'s actions, and everything is centered on catching the source of the incident.

The United States must not become the second Indonesia!

"This is exactly what I want to say, Chief, we have dispatched elite agents and dispatched satellites, and began to investigate several places where he may appear in the concealed situation as much as possible. Once we find any traces of the other party , Immediately go all out to arrest.

And I will personally go out and infiltrate this organization, looking for his henchmen to find out the forces behind him that support him.

His massacre could not have been a purposeless act. Through investigation, we found in his previous materials that Kevin Zhou’s experience was so normal whether he immigrated to the United States or before he came to the United States. Find out the slightest difference from ordinary people.

In this case, if it wasn't that he had hidden his ability deeply in the past, then there was another reason.

If it is said that because he was in prison, he did not hesitate to expose his ability to escape from prison, then why did he kill so many people?Everyone thinks this is unreasonable.

So in the end, I think it is another possibility, that is, Kevin Zhou was really just an ordinary person in the past, without any power beyond ordinary people, and all of this should have happened because of an accident in prison that changed him.

The prisoners who were in the prison at the beginning were judged to have a high probability that they were not killed by him, but by someone else. The purpose of the murder is completely unknown. Now we can only hope that after this Kevin Zhou is caught, we can start from the prison. Prying everything out of his mouth..."

Natasha, the black widow, sat in Nick Fury's office with a capable and elegant posture, reporting the plan to him this time.

As one of the generals of S.H.I.E.L.D., she once again formed a temporary team with Coulson and others after the second-hand matter appeared, and was authorized to investigate this incident. After Senna learned of the incident, she had a premonition that this task would be very difficult.

But she is not afraid. After many years of working as an agent, she is naturally good at manipulating her mind. Even if she is about to die in the next moment, she can still maintain the calmness that an agent should have to the maximum extent.

After hearing the explanation from his subordinates, Nick Fury closed his eyes and meditated for a while. Not long after, he opened his only one eye again. In his eyes, he was determined to solve all the difficulties, and looked at himself. subordinates.

"Then follow your plan. We must find out their source. We can't let this kind of thing happen in the United States again. We must solve this matter completely. You go, I will bring a helper to You guys, this can already greatly improve your efficiency."


Natasha was a little puzzled. Dozens of figures flashed in her mind, but they were eliminated one by one, leaving only the last one.

"Director, you don't want him to..."

"That's right! It's him. I will find a way. Don't worry, I have a way to deal with him. You have to believe that your director is not old yet."

After deciding on the main event, Nick Fury began to relax the atmosphere, and there seemed to be some kind of humor in his tone.

"Okay, Director, as you wish, I hope you won't be angry with him." Natasha raised her eyebrows, heard Nick Fury's tone, and agreed casually.

After a few conversations, Natasha left the director's office and went to Coulson to tell him about Nick Fury's decision.


After thinking for a while, Nick Fury let out a breath and dialed a phone number.

"If you don't have anything to do, don't bother me. I'm on vacation right now! Well, that's right. If you don't want to annoy me, you'd better hang up now..."

Hearing the noise and drunken tone from the other side of the phone, Nick Fury felt an unknown fire surge up in his chest.

How can he do this?
How can he do this?
Nick Foll has been consistently disappointed with his private life, is this a genetic disease or something, his dad is like this, so is he, or even worse.

"It's really hopeless!" Nick Fury cursed in his heart, he didn't know what kind of mood he was in, and maybe he also had some kind of jealous thoughts.

"My weapon expert consultant, I'm in big trouble now. I guess you must be crazy right now, that's right! You should be crazy, so I found you a job to restore you to recovery."

"Trouble? Hehe, for me, there is nothing more troublesome than her, so please tell Mr. Trouble that he needs to line up and I don't have time to take care of him now, oh, of course! This time... um... um... take time to visit her, to make up for her injured heart."

Tilting her head, she kissed a blond girl who stretched her mouth to her mouth, she looked like a certain cover model, she smelled the scent from the other party, sucked up the wine in her mouth, and finally After getting rid of the other party's enthusiastic demands, he emptied his mouth and responded to the phone.

When the rebellious voice reached his ears again, Nick Fury's expression changed, as if hearing the current state of the other side of the phone, he stopped teasing each other.

"Tony, it's really a big trouble! Thousands of people have died in New York now, do you hear me, I'm not talking about Mexico, nor Colombia, nor Chechnya, it's New York! Do you understand!"

"New York? Huh? Where am I now baby? Oh, California," a drunken Tony smiled after getting the answer from the beauty.

"Looks like we're so far away that it will take me hours to get there, well I know you guys can't do anything without me, I'll ask her to check my schedule and see if I have time To help you, you have to know that I am not what I used to be, there is always someone who wants to control me."

"It seems that I called at the wrong time. I'd better wait until you sober up before calling you."

Nick Fury said in a tone of inaudible emotion, and then the phone was hung up.

"Well, it seems that I don't have to go to her, so we have more time to discuss the knowledge of biology."

Looking at the beautiful girls laughing, Tony thought it was necessary for him to let them understand that he was actually a serious person...


 I was really moved to see so many people supporting the author. Before the release, the author was still a little uneasy, wondering if there would be any accidents.But now I won't worry anymore, it's you guys!All brothers and sisters who support me!You gave me courage and motivation!

  Now I can finally put my heart in my stomach and code words with peace of mind.Thank you for your support and encouragement, there is nothing to repay, only to write more wonderful stories for you, and wait for you to walk with me! ! ~\(≧▽≦)/~
  Finally, I still want to say: Please subscribe!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for various support tickets! QWQ
  Special thanks to the first protector of this book: Escort Harmony!
  Special thanks to Mo Ling Mo Yu, who has been encouraging the author all the time and is now the helmsman!

  Special thanks to those who saw the listing and directly rewarded a deacon of the author: Ximen Yuanting

  Special thanks to the local tyrant who has been helping the author: Bang Ran?move
(End of this chapter)

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