Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 97 Changes and plans (5 more! Beg for the first order!)

Chapter 97 Changes and Plans (Fifth Watch! First Order!)
Because the ability obtained by a B-level contract is not as powerful as that of an A-level contract.

Generally, according to the physical attributes of different people, different abilities are bestowed on different contractors.

It may be: power of thought, super power, flame control, power of ice, sound waves, light, body enlargement, body metallization, simple activation, etc., and some elementary magic transformations.

Most people can't tell whether this is a mutant riot or a Chinese Indonesian counterattack. One way: repression!

It is impossible for the ability produced by the primary magic transformation to allow the guy who was originally an ordinary person to fight against large-scale military forces in an instant.So soon, the conflicts on the surface were put out in a short period of time under the large-scale firepower of the government forces.

After all, before the magical transformation, these members were just ordinary people, or those who were oppressed. They had no formal training and no military knowledge, but under the leadership of the grassroots organizers, they blindly used the abilities obtained from signing contracts to do things indiscriminately. The attack was simply a mob.

Fortunately, Liu Xu discovered this later and knew that this could not go on like this. He found some Chinese who had experience as military officers and signed a contract to become managers, allowing them to carry out targeted organizational actions against the battle, and to Members undergo military training.

In this way, it will be very effective in the future. Under the leadership of capable people, members will no longer be a mob, but will attack in a targeted manner, and they will no longer rely solely on their own abilities as weapons, but will fight against each other. The government seized as much weapons as possible in the military, sneaked into their logistical supplies, obtained guns and artillery, and carried out modern military arming.

They also have great foresight to turn battles and conflicts from light to dark, from confrontation and conflict with government forces from large-scale frontal confrontation to urban warfare, special warfare, guerrilla warfare, etc., using their strengths to attack government forces' weaknesses Tactics, which often create a favorable situation in local battles.

This also led to the Indonesian branch's troops repeatedly being able to break through the encirclement and suppression of the government army, severely hitting their arrogance, and sometimes even carrying out anti-encirclement and anti-annihilation. The situation intensified and gradually brought the situation of the entire Indonesia into into the abyss,

Indonesian officials have declared that the country has entered a state of war, vowed to the people that they are determined to wipe out this group of bloodthirsty and crazy terrorists, or they can be called rebels, and seek support and assistance from the international community.

This matter has been reported by the world's major media, but Wang Yu didn't pay attention to it during this time. He has been making altar materials and researching his own magic to improve his strength, so he only learned about it when Kevin found him.

"So, has Shinhwa's Indonesian branch grown to this level? Sure enough, there is pressure to make progress. Look at you now, other branches are rushing ahead of you. The branches are strong and the weak are weak. Be careful. God is underestimated by others, so I have the nerve to tell me."

"Master Wizard, don't say that, you know the situation in the United States, can this fight?

Now that we have wiped out these gangsters, people have noticed. I can feel that it is not the policemen, but more difficult guys.
Now some peripheral members have been killed, and it is impossible to find out who did it.

So taking this opportunity, I want to implement the matter of the altar bestowed by the gods, which can be regarded as adding a mythological foundation to enhance strength, and to soothe people's hearts. "

Kevin accompanied the 'wizard' carefully, and began to pour bitter water.

"It seems that for the sake of so many souls, I agree to the altar given by the gods. After you find a place, call me, and I will go and install the altar.

And I know what you said, but I don't care about it, you are my agent, you have full authority to handle these matters..."

Wang Yu is not at all surprised that this kind of thing happened, because this is one of the purposes of his creation of the myth.The light of the sun will hide the light of the stars, so that your own troubles will be greatly reduced.

The life and death of Shinhwa's personnel is not important to Wang Yu, even if they are all wiped out, it is no big deal, because he can pull up another Shinhwa at any time, and he is going to do so.

After sending Kevin away, Wang Yu tested the souls sent by Kevin. There were a total of 55 soul collectors, each containing [-] souls. Now the altar and sacrificial vessels can be completed, but the sacrifices are still somewhat few.

But this is only the first batch. With the outbreak of the Indonesian civil war, more souls will be sent to Wang Yu.

As for the Indonesian monkeys who initiated the massacre, Wang Yu would not care no matter how many of them died.

The changes in the situation in Indonesia have diverted the world's attention from the Chechen meat grinder that is erupting at this time.

Although it is a small country with weak power and weak will of the people, the tragedy of the Indonesian civil war is no less than that of Chechnya. The most direct reason is the targeted anti-genocide by the Chinese.

The 55 souls handed over to Wang Yu were basically 'collected' from Indonesia. How many souls are there in total in Indonesia?Therefore, the government army attacked desperately like crazy, and the government began to be dominated by hawks.And the place of the battle is basically a terrible urban street battle. The two sides are fighting like hell, and people are dying every day.

What Wang Yu didn't know was that for some reason, various forces began to participate in the Indonesian civil war to varying degrees. After all, Indonesia's location is very unique, it can be said that it is an important sea traffic route, and the impact of this chaos caused Not too small.

The United States quickly issued a statement announcing its support for the Indonesian government's war behavior, and declared the United Nations' application for assistance and the deployment of peacekeeping troops.

After seeing this unusual war, many dark forces also became restless.

"It seems that our compatriots in Indonesia are very courageous and have resisted their government. This is something I have never done. It is good to see more and more compatriots awakening."

On the island, Magneto was quite amazed when he heard the news.

"But do you really think they are also mutants? I feel puzzled, why so many mutants are Chinese, it's very strange!"

Hearing the words of his right-hand assistant, Magneto was also puzzled, but besides mutants, who else can have these magical powers?Moreover, so many people can appear at the same time. Magneto was also shocked when he heard that there were tens of thousands of mutants in Indonesia.

"It doesn't matter, they should have been led by people like me, maybe gathered from all over the world, or even passed by the giant in the north of them.

But that's great news, isn't it?I am very optimistic about their future. Their leaders have great potential. Why didn't I think of using the weapons of Homo sapiens to arm our compatriots?It is not difficult to do this with my ability.

It seems that my thinking is somewhat limited, and it is not enough to use my own ability. Although the body of Homo sapiens is very weak, their ideas are sometimes worthy of our study. "

Magneto said this, as if he was telling Mystique, and he seemed to be talking to himself.


 The fifth watch has exploded!

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(End of this chapter)

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