Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 91 Going to solve it (please recommend!)

Chapter 91 Going to solve it (please recommend!)
Everyone has thought about their own situation after death. Staunch materialists believe that a person is dead when he dies. Consciousness ends with the death of the body and can no longer have any impact on the world.

And some extreme idealists will think that the world exists because of their own existence. If they die, then without their own observation, everything loses the meaning of existence, so it will no longer exist.

But in almost all ancient myths, one thing is told to people, that is, after a person dies, his soul will leave his body and enter another world, or be tortured for being punished for his actions during his lifetime, or Because of his good deeds during his lifetime, he was rewarded with eternal happiness.

Now that Manson is dying of regret (if he can die again), what could be worse than messing with a demon?have!That is to offend a devil.

Now in his eyes, Wang Yu is a complete demon king who came from hell in human skin, and came here to torture and inflict pain on him.

"Please, I am willing to serve you as a devil. Please forgive me. If you are really angry with me, please show mercy, kill me, and end all this."

Manson in Soul State is in bad shape.

At this moment, he, who is the soul, is filled with the power of the soul that is constantly pouring in, and appears, so that even the ordinary Albert can clearly see his current appearance, but Albert's eyes are a little erratic , doesn't seem to want to focus on him.Because the way he looks now is too tragic.

His exposed head is covered with many gaps, each piece is like a round Rubik's cube, as if the whole head has been cut into neat pieces, and then put back together again, even Albert just now A few circular sawtooths can be seen protruding from several gaps, as if there are several chainsaws hidden in Manson's head.

For a guy like Manson, Wang Yu had no intention of talking to him, and after releasing it, he began to recite a magical spell written in the Spell Encyclopedia.

The green light unique to air magic began to appear in Wang Yu's hands.

Immediately, Wang Yu drew a circle in mid-air, a green light flashed, and a circular 'screen' formed by the frame formed by the green light appeared in mid-air.

Wang Yu stretched out his other hand, pointing at Manson's soul. Suddenly Manson's eyes flashed green, he stopped begging for mercy, and began to show an unconscious expression, standing there blankly.

The 'screen' in mid-air began to display images and sounds.

"In order to keep you alive, we have transformed you. If you want revenge, then I can give you a chance..."

Manson's memories are displayed, like watching a movie, fast-forwarded and paused.Both Wang Yu and Albert were watching these seriously.

a long time.

"William Stryker? We haven't messed with him, right? Why would he be against us?" Albert couldn't figure it out.

"He thought I was a mutant, so he regarded me as an enemy."

Knowing this, Wang Yu immediately knew Stryker's motives, but knowing that he knew, Wang Yu still felt very angry.

Want to move your family?That is declaring war on yourself.

Wang Yu didn't plan to let Stryker go this time. The original Wang Yu didn't pay attention to him at all. In the last battle, he just counterattacked and wiped out all his troops. It went back to Tony Stark. Now it seems that it would have been nice if he had worked hard to kill him directly.

But it's not too late.

"Father, this is the guard puppet I made recently, including you and your sister, there are twenty of them in total. You take good care of your sister at home, and I will go out and solve this trouble completely, otherwise Stryker will always be a hidden danger." .”

"This..." Albert was very reluctant to see his son going to kill again, but after all, his family was very different from ordinary people. Albert, who had accepted the special reality, did not stop Wang Yu anymore, because Wang Yu Yu's current state is not as extreme as before, and there is no need to do that again.

Albert looked into Wang Yu's eyes and said, "No matter what, don't kill innocent people randomly. We only deal with troublemakers. Promise me Daniel."

"I understand, do you think I will kill innocent people indiscriminately? If so, it would make me very sad," Wang Yu replied to Albert humorously.

Raising his eyebrows, Albert didn't say anything else, turned around and walked into the room with heavy steps.

For Stryker who wanted to take his daughter away, Albert didn't have the slightest affection. No matter what the reason was, he couldn't let him forgive the guy who wanted to attack his lovely daughter, no!

If Wang Yu can't go, maybe Albert will put on his upgraded steel battle suit and go to his lair to kill him. Now that a son stronger than himself takes over, then naturally there is nothing wrong with him .

Saying goodbye to his family, Wang Yu entered the invisible state and began to follow the path in the memory of Manson's soul to a secret base of Stryker.

Along the way, he flew in mid-air with lightning speed.As for why not open a magic door directly, it is because the magic door needs to be marked, and almost as long as there is Wang Yu's magic and soul power, Wang Yu can open the magic door at any time and rush there in one step. mark to use.

But Wang Yu has never been to the place he went to this time, so he can only use flying. Fortunately, as the soul-seed matures slowly and Wang Yu's strength increases, Wang Yu's power of spells is also increasing. Big, the speed of the Rabbit Charm increased again, almost to the effect of three times the speed of sound. It was very convenient to use on the road, and arrived at the destination in about half an hour.

Da... da da... After hearing the sound of his own footsteps, he tried to keep his footsteps as light as possible.

Walking in a passage leading to nowhere, with yellow-green lights shining in his eyes, Wang Yu was looking at the entire base through the eyes of true knowledge.

It seems that Stryker likes to hide the base very much. Wang Yu remembers that he has a base under the dam of a certain reservoir, which is used to transform Wolverine.The current base is actually built in the mountains, and its concealment is very high. If it wasn't for Manson's memory, even Wang Yu would not have noticed such a huge base here even if he flew over from high altitude.

There were many cameras and guards, but Wang Yu went all the way in stealth, without being noticed by anyone, and entered the central area all the way.

It may be because of the night, most people have gone back to their rooms to sleep, only a few people don't know what to do in some laboratories, Wang Yu was walking in the corridor full of laboratories, and suddenly saw an experiment There was only one person in the room, who was pouring the liquid in the test tube into the sewer, as if the experiment had failed.

Wang Yu pushed the door of the laboratory and entered the laboratory silently.


 Thank you for the rewards of 'I'm crying when I say so much', 'The Black Holy Grail asks if I want to make a wish', 'The First Feather', 'Tyrant X Dawn'!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!Friends who encourage the author to bacterium!
(End of this chapter)

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